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Rick Copeland @rick446 Arborian Consulting, LLC

Now a consultant, but formerly

Software engineer at SourceForge, early adopter of

MongoDB (version 0.8)

Wrote the SQLAlchemy book (I love SQL when its

used well)
Mainly write Python now, but have done C++, C#,

Java, Javascript, VHDL, Verilog,

You can do it with an RDBMS as long as you

Dont use joins Dont use transactions

Use read-only slaves

Use memcached Denormalize your data Use custom sharding/partitioning Do a lot of vertical scaling (were going to need a bigger box)

+1 Year

Use documents to improve locality

Optimize your indexes Be aware of your working set Scaling your disks Replication for fault-tolerance and read scaling

Sharding for read and write scaling

Relational (SQL) Database Table Index

MongoDB Database Collection Index

Dynamic Typing B-tree (range-based)


Think JSON
Primitive types + arrays, documents

{ title: "Slides for Scaling with MongoDB", author: "Rick Copeland", date: ISODate("20012-02-29T19:30:00Z"), text: "My slides are available on", comments: [ { author: "anonymous", date: ISODate("20012-02-29T19:30:01Z"), text: "Frist psot!" }, { author: "mark, date: ISODate("20012-02-29T19:45:23Z"), text: "Nice slides" } ] }
Embed comment data in blog post document

Seek = 5+ ms

Read = really really fast

Post Author Comment

Post Author Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment

Find where x equals 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Looked at 7 objects

Find where x equals 7


Looked at 3 objects

Entire index must fit in RAM

Only small portion in RAM

Working set =
sizeof(frequently used data) + sizeof(frequently used indexes)

Right-aligned indexes reduce working set size Working set should fit in available RAM for best performance Page faults are the biggest cause of performance loss in MongoDB

> { "ns" : "", "count" : 1338330, "size" : 46915928, "avgObjSize" : 35.05557523181876, "storageSize" : 86092032, "numExtents" : 12, "nindexes" : 2, "lastExtentSize" : 20872960, "paddingFactor" : 1, "flags" : 0, "totalIndexSize" : 99860480, "indexSizes" : { "_id_" : 55877632, "x_1" : 43982848}, "ok" : 1 }

Data Size

Average doc size

Size on disk (or RAM!)

Size of all indexes

Size of each index

~200 seeks / second

~200 seeks / second

~200 seeks / second

~200 seeks / second

Faster, but less reliable

~400 seeks / second

~400 seeks / second

~400 seeks / second

Faster and more reliable ($$$ though)

Old and busted master/slave replication

The new hotness replica sets with automatic failover
Read / Write





Primary handles all writes Application optionally sends reads to slaves Heartbeat manages automatic failover

Special collection (the oplog) records operations idempotently Secondaries read from primary oplog and replay operations locally Space is preallocated and fixed for the oplog

{ "ts" : Timestamp(1317653790000, 2), Insert "h" : -6022751846629753359, "op" : "i", Collection name "ns" : "confoo.People", "o" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4e89cd1e0364241932324269"), "first" : "Rick", "last" : "Copeland } }

Object to insert

Use heartbeat signal to detect failure

When primary cant be reached, elect a new one Replica thats the most up-to-date is chosen If there is skew, changes not on new primary are saved to a .bson file for manual reconciliation Application can require data to be replicated to a majority to ensure this doesnt happen

Slower nodes with lower priority Backup or read-only nodes to never be primary

Fat-finger protection

Data center awareness and tagging

Application can ensure complex replication


Reads scale nicely

As long as the working set fits in RAM and you dont mind eventual consistency

Sharding to the rescue!

Automatically partitioned data sets Scale writes and reads Automatic load balancing between the shards

MongoS MongoS
Config 1 Config 2 Config 3

Shard 1 0..10

Shard 2 10..20

Shard 3 20..30

Shard 4 30..40









Sharding is per-collection and range-based

The highest-impact choice (and hardest to change decision) you make is the shard key
Random keys: good for writes, bad for reads Right-aligned index: bad for writes

Small # of discrete keys: very bad

Ideal: balance writes, make reads routable by mongos Optimal shard key selection is hard

Primary Data Center

Shard 1 Priority 1 Shard 1 Priority 1

Secondary Data Center

Shard 1 Priority 0

Shard 2 Priority 1

Shard 2 Priority 1

Shard 2 Priority 0

Shard 3 Priority 1

Shard 3 Priority 1


Shard 3 Priority 0

Config 1

Config 2

Config 3

Writes and reads both scale (with good choice of shard key) Reads scale while remaining strongly consistent
Partitioning ensures you get more usable RAM Pitfall: dont wait too long to add capacity

Rick Copeland @rick446 Arborian Consulting, LLC

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