HRM PPT - Manpower Planning and Recruitment & Selection

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Human resource management

Manpower Planning, Job Analysis, Job Description, Scientific Recruitment and Selection Methods. Motivating Employees Motivational Strategies, Incentive Scheme, Job-enrichment, Empowerment Job satisfaction, Morale, Personnel Turnover. Performance Appraisal Systems MBO Approach, Performance Counseling, Career Planning. Training and Development Identification or Training Needs, Training Methods, Management Development Programmes.

Organisational Change and Development

Reference Text
Human Resource Management P. Subba Rao
Personnel Management C. B. Mammoria Dessler : Human Resource Management (Prentice Hall India) Personnel / Human Resource Management : DeCenzo & Robbins (Prentice Hall India) D. K. Bhattacharya Human Resource Management (Excel)

VSP Rao Human Resource Management (Excel)

Gomez : Managing Human Resource (Prentice Hall India)

Manpower Planning & Employee Recruitment

Definition of Manpower Planning

Process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number & kind of people at the right place and at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that help the organization achieve its overall objectives.

Manpower Planning
Job Analysis

Environmental Scanning Company Strategy Performance Appraisal Company Databanks Training Employee Management and Development

What staff do we need to do the job?

What staff is available within our organization?

Is there a match?? What is the impact on Wage and Salary program

If not, what type of people do we need, and how should we recruit them?

Job Analysis
Job analysis is a formal and systematic process used for obtaining information about the job. It is an investigation of duties and responsibilities necessary to do a job Determination of tasks which comprise the job and of skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker for a successful performance and which differentiates one job from all others. Job Description

Job Analysis
Job Specification

Uses of Job Analysis

Planning Recruitment and Selection Training Performance Appraisal Job Evaluation

Methods of collecting Job analysis data

Personal Observation Interview of Employee and Supervisors Put the worker at ease Make the purpose of interview clear Phrase question in such a way that the answer will be in YES or NO Summarize the information obtained before closing the interview Panel of Experts Diary Method Questionnaire Method

Impact of behavioural factors on Job analysis

Exaggerate the Facts Employee Anxieties Resistance to change

Job description
It defines the purpose and scope of a job. Describes what job is all about, what are job content, environment and conditions of employment. Contents: A job description usually covers the following information:

Designation Corporate Grade Reporting To Position Reporting to this Position

Sample Job Description 1 Sample Job Description 2

Qualifications Experience Job Summary Main Responsibilities

Problems with job description

It is not easy to reduce all the essential components of the job in the form of a clear and precise document. Job description are sometimes not updated as the job duties change The can limit the scope of activities of the job holder, reducing organizational flexibility.

Job specification
Job specification summarizes the characteristics needed for completing a job. It spells out the important attributes of a person in terms of education, experience, skills, knowledge and abilities to perform a particular job. This helps the organization to determine what kind of persons are needed to take up specific jobs. Job specifications can be classified into three categories: Essential Attributes Desirable Attributes Contra-Indicators

Job evaluation
Job analysis also helps in finding the relative worth of a job based on criteria such as: Degree of difficulty in the work Type of work done by the employee Skills and knowledge needed This, in turn, assists in designing proper wage policies, with internal pay equity between jobs.

Importance of Manpower planning

Talent pool Prepare people for future

Smooth transition during expansion

Succession Planning Support to overall business strategy

Process of HRP
Forecasting the demand for Human Resources Organisational Decisions Workforce Factors Supply Forecasting Internal Labor Supply External Labour Supply

Determining Manpower Gaps and Formulating HR Plans

Factors of Manpower Planning

Factors in forecasting Personnel Requirements

Projected Turnovers (as a result of resignation and terminations)

Quality and Nature of your Employees (in relation to what you see as the changing needs of your organisation)

The financial resources available to your organisation

Techniques to determine no. of recruits

Bottom Up Approach: Line managers submit departmental proposals Managerial Judgement Top Down Approach: Top management prepares company and departmental approached

Work Study

Based on Volume of Operations and Work Efficiency of personnel

Techniques to determine no. of recruits

Trend Analysis

Study of a firms past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs.

Ratio Analysis

A forecasting technique for determining future needs by using ratios between sales volume and no. of Employee needed.

Techniques to determine no. of recruits

Delphi Human Resource requirements given by Techniques group of experts.

HR Supply forecast
Employee Promotions

Availability of required talent in external labour market

Availability of desired manpower in desired sector Population movement trend Macro Economic conditions

Company Reputation


Recruitment is a process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job openings.

Recruitment aims at Attracting a large no. of qualified applicants who are ready to take up the job if its offered Offering enough information for unqualified persons to self-select themselves out

Constraints and challenges

Poor image

Unattractive jobs
Limited budgetary support Restrictive policies of government Compensation not matching as per the industry standard Economic Environment

Social Environment

Methods of Recruitment
Direct Method
Methods Internal of Method Recruitment Methods of Recruitment

Indirect Method

Methods of recruitment
Internal Method Promotions and Transfers Job Posting Employee Referrals

Direct Method Campus Recruitment

Indirect Method Advertisement Private Employment Search firms Internet Recruitment

Effectiveness of recruitment process

Cost per hire Time-lapse between recruitment and placement ratio Applicants performance Turnover


To select means to choose.

Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. The basic purpose is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job, from the pool of qualified candidates.
How well an employee is matched to a job is very important because it directly affects the amount and quality of the employees work.

Selection Process
Application / Resume Screening Interview Aptitude Test Group Discussion Selection Interview Reference Checks

Basic Concept of selection test

The quality of an employee selection test is determined by the three main factors: Criterion Validity: A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors) are related to the job performance (criterion). Content Validity: Test that contains fair sample of tasks and skills actually needed for the job. Reliability: The consistency of scores obtained by same person when retested with identical or equivalent test.

Selection testing
Intelligence Test / Aptitude Test Personality Test Confidence, Emotional balance, behavioral pattern, interpersonal skills, motivation level etc. Simulation tests Assessment Centre Interview

Types of interview
Several types of interviews are commonly used depending on the nature and importance of the position to be filled: Non-directive / Unstructured Interview Directive / Structured Interview Situational Interview Behavioural Interview STAR Technique Stress Interview

Panel Interview

Interviewing Mistakes
Not asking right question and hence not getting relevant responses Snap Judgments May allow ratings to be influenced by his own likes and dislikes May have forgotten the interviews content after its conclusion Unduly influenced by person origin, cultural background etc.

Interviewing Mistakes
Halo Affect Positive Horn Affect Negative Candidate order in which you interview also affects how you rate them. Non verbal behaviour Interviewer behaviour Have been under pressure to hire candidates at short notices


Meaning and Objective

Meaning: Induction means the task of introducing the new employees to the organization and is policies, procedures and rules. Objective: Remove fears Creates good impression Acts as a valuable source of information

Information to be provided
Explain about the company Show the department Introduce with the colleagues Introduction with the reporting heads Overview of the Job responsibilities, Seating place and relationship with other job Give the companys manual to the new recruits Company policies, rules and disciplinary procedure Give the details about pay, benefits, holidays, leave, etc. Idea about work culture Future training opportunities Career Path

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