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The Efficiency of Solar Energy in Charging Cellphone Batteries

Statement of the Problem

1. How efficient is solar power in charging cellphone batteries? 2. What are the possible reasons to problems that can be encountered when charging the phone using solar energy? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy in charging cellphone batteries than electricity at our homes?

Research Methodology

Research Design
Solar Panel Universal Charger

To cellphone units

Data Gathering Procedure

A series of testing was conducted and the charging time as well as observations were recorded

Data Analysis Procedure

The data gathered were reviewed and analyzed to be able to form conclusions.

Statistical Treatment
Average charging time using solar energy and electricity at home.

Results and Discussion



Charging Time (Hrs)

January 2 2014

Using solar energy 8-10

Using electricity 3-4

January 5 2014

using solar energy 4-7

Using electricity 2-5

January 18 2014

using solar energy 3-5

Using electricity 2-3

Average Charging Time

Trials Average Charging time in Solar Energy (hrs.) 9 Average Charging time in Electricity Difference (hrs.) (hrs.) 3.5 5.5






The researchers proved that the use of solar energy in charging cellular phones is possible and at the same time efficient. Though they have encountered problems the solar panels still work. Good quality solar panels are costly. If you did not buy the best, you will not get the best result. Quality is more important. It Is one of the reasons why the solar panel the researchers use malfunction during the first trial. Solar panels also need maintenance because they are sensitive to dirt, and scratches. Insufficient care for solar panels can reduce the amount of energy that these panels can generate.

Moreover, using solar energy is much safer than using the traditional electricity. It doesnt harm our environment and at the same time it will not put any persons life in trouble. Charging using solar energy might be slower than charging in electricity but imagine the safety it will bring you.

The researchers recommend to the future researchers who have plans of developing this investigatory project to try different gadgets, or even appliances, instead of cellphone batteries in orders to test the efficiency of the solar energy. Inventing alternative gadgets which will be supported solar energy is also encouraged. These invented gadgets which require the use of electricity. It is also recommended to the future researchers to choose the best quality of materials to be used in order to have a more favorable result.

Group 6
Algaba, David Christian Cabeliza, Lea Malaiba, Patrick Deus Mangaban, Jacob Daniel Tambalo, Leinette
IV St. Gregory the Great February 24, 2013

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