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Building the Physical Layer of a Repository

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Identify and describe the objects in the Physical layer of a repository Create the Physical layer of a repository


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Physical Layer
Contains objects representing the physical data sources to which Oracle BI Server submits queries May contain multiple data sources Is typically the first layer built in the repository

Data sources


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Physical Layer Objects

Are objects in the Physical layer, such as connection pools, folders, tables, columns, and keys Expand a database object to display the objects it contains.
Database Connection pool Schema folder Tables Columns



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Database Object
Is the highest-level object in the Physical layer Defines the data source to which Oracle BI Server submits queries

Database object


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Database Object: General Properties

Click the General tab to view and set general properties for a database object.




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Database Object: Features

Click the Features tab to view and set the SQL features that Oracle BI Server uses with this data source.
Enable or disable feature

Default SQL features for this data source


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Connection Pool
Defines how Oracle BI Server connects to a data source Specifies the ODBC or native data source name Allows multiple users to share a pool of data source connections
Connection pool name

Maximum number of connections Data source name Shared logon username and password

Connection pooling enabled


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Schema Folder
Is an optional display folder that contains tables and columns for a physical schema To create a schema folder, right-click a database object and select New Object > Physical Schema.

Schema folder

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Physical Table
Is an object that corresponds to a table in a physical data source Is typically imported from a database or other data source Provides the metadata necessary for Oracle BI Server to access the tables with SQL requests

Physical table

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Physical Table Properties

Double-click a physical table object to view its properties:

Use tabs to create, view, or modify other properties. Name Table type


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Physical Table: Alias

Is a virtual physical table object that points to a physical table object Right-click a physical table and select New Object > Alias. Provide a name for the alias table. The alias table appears with an alias icon in the Physical layer.

Alias name

Source table

Alias synchronization is automatic.

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Physical Table: Select Table Type

Specifies that a physical table object is a SELECT statement

Table Type

Database specific SQL

SELECT statement

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Physical Table: View Deployment

Creates a corresponding database view for metadata views

Select Deploy View(s).

View created in database

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Physical Column
Is an object that corresponds to a column in a physical database


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Key Column
Defines relationships between tables Primary key:
Uniquely identifies a single row of data Consists of a column or set of columns Is identified by a key icon

Foreign key:
Refers to the primary key columns in another table Is composed of a column or set of columns


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Represent the primary keyforeign key relationships between tables in the Physical layer
Join properties Physical Diagram

Double-click to view join properties.

Join expression
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ABC Scenario
Data for ABC resides in the SUPPLIER2 schema in an Oracle relational database, containing tables with: Invoice data Customer data Product data Period data Physical layer

Data source


Import metadata using Administration Tool.

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Implementation Steps
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Import the physical schema. Select tables and columns for import. Import keys and joins. Check the import. Edit connection pool properties. Define physical keys and joins.

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1. Import the Physical Schema

Use the Oracle BI Administration Tool to import the physical schema.
Select connection type.

Select File > Import > from Database.

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2. Select Tables and Columns for Import

Select the tables and columns needed to support the business model.

Filter tables for import.

Select schema, tables, or columns for import.

Select metadata for import.

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3. Import Keys and Joins

Keys, foreign keys, and corresponding joins are imported automatically only if they are already defined in the data source.

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4. Check the Import

Ensure that the correct schema, tables, columns, and keys were imported. Use Update Row Count and View Data features to check the connection.




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5. Edit Connection Pool Properties

After import, check or modify the connection pool properties using the Connection Pool properties dialog box.

Connection pool name Call interface Maximum number of connections Shared logon username and password Data source name

Connection pooling enabled

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6. Define Physical Keys and Joins

The Administration Tool allows you to define physical keys and joins that were not imported automatically. Define keys using the Physical Table properties dialog box. Define joins and keys using the Physical Diagram.

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Defining Keys Using the Table Properties Dialog Box

Open the Physical Table properties dialog box to view or define keys.
Select the Keys tab. Check the appropriate check box to define the key.

Click New.

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Using the Physical Diagram

Use the Physical Diagram to view or define keys and joins.

Click the Physical Diagram icon ... ... or right-click the objects to open the Physical Diagram.

Double-click a link to open the Joins properties dialog box.

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Defining Foreign Key Joins

1. Select New Foreign Key.

2. Select one table in relationship.

5. Select key columns.

3. Select "many table in relationship.

4. The Physical Foreign Key dialog box opens. 6. Join expression: first table selected maintains primary key; second table selected maintains foreign key to first table.

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to: Identify and describe the objects in the Physical layer of a repository Create the Physical layer of a repository

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Practice 2-1 Overview: ABC Business Scenario

This practice covers the ABC business scenario.

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Practice 2-2 Overview: Gathering Information to Build an Initial Business Model

This practice covers the following topics: Gathering and analyzing the business requirements of the ABC company Determining the structure of the initial business model

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Practice 2-3 Overview: Creating a Repository and Importing a Data Source

This practice covers the following topics: Creating a new repository Importing tables into the Physical layer of the repository

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Practice 2-4 Overview: Defining Keys and Joins

This practice covers defining the primary keys, foreign keys, and joins in the Physical layer using the Administration Tool.

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Practice 2-5 Overview: Creating Alias and Select Tables

This practice covers the following topics: Creating an alias table Creating a select table Deploying a view

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