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Bows and arrows changed with changing times. Bows were made from wood. The bow brought about a revolution in ancient warfare just like gunpowder for medieval warfare. Since arrow heads were discovered in Africa, the historians have presumed that the bow and arrow were invented there at around 50,000 BC. The bows were quite effective against the enemies that were far from the archer

Roman soldiers were equipped with the gladius and pilum, a javelin with a long iron head. They carried two pilato throw at the enemy. The pila were designed in such a way that they could easily stick into the enemy's shield and would bend instantly due to the impact. This way the enemy, if unharmed, could not throw back the pilum.

Medieval period

Barbarian tribes penetrated in roman territory . Rome was attacked from all directions. Huns an other tribe attacked barbarians and hence Rome. The Huns always fought a battle on horseback. Their favourite weapon was the composite bow. After the defeat of Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire held on. . A brave warrior was often rewarded by allotting land.These land owners became medieval nobles and made their own weapons. According to Historians and Archaeologists, the weapons of the barbarians were far superior to Roman weapons of the 5th century. . The cavalry and infantry both initiated the use of longer two-edged swords. The Franks meanwhile used a variety of weapons. They carried their traditional double edged axe and never carried any missile weapons. They choose not to wear their armour and instead carried more weapons.
. Chinese started to produce gunpowder using saltpepper, sulfur and carbon. They were the first people to systematically use gunpowders as weapons on a wide scale, Arabs reffered potassium nitrate as snow from china.but none of these both considered gun powder as an important weapon.

The Hundred Years' War was a series of small and big wars fought between France and England from 1337 to 1453. the French army annihilated the English, effectively using cannons, handguns and heavy cavalry.[29] .[29] The longbow was made of a simple piece of wood, but its design was fairly sophisticated. LongbowThe English longbow was greatly responsible for making England a major military power in the late medieval period

Medieval period

Barbarian tribes penetrated in roman territory . Rome was attacked from all directions. Huns an other tribe attacked barbarians and hence Rome. The Huns always fought a battle on horseback. Their favourite weapon was the composite bow. After the defeat of Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire held on. . A brave warrior was often rewarded by allotting land.These land owners became medieval nobles and made their own weapons. According to Historians and Archaeologists, the weapons of the barbarians were far superior to Roman weapons of the 5th century. . The cavalry and infantry both initiated the use of longer two-edged swords. The Franks meanwhile used a variety of weapons. They carried their traditional double edged axe and never carried any missile weapons. They choose not to wear their armour and instead carried more weapons.
. Chinese started to produce gunpowder using saltpepper, sulfur and carbon. They were the first people to systematically use gunpowders as weapons on a wide scale, Arabs reffered potassium nitrate as snow from china.but none of these both considered gun powder as an important weapon.

The Hundred Years' War was a series of small and big wars fought between France and England from 1337 to 1453. the French army annihilated the English, effectively using cannons, handguns and heavy cavalry.[29] .[29] The longbow was made of a simple piece of wood, but its design was fairly sophisticated. LongbowThe English longbow was greatly responsible for making England a major military power in the late medieval period

cavalry were the horsemen warriors. The basic objective of a cavalry knight was to charge into enemy lines and create chaos. the old shields and armours were replaced by more sophisticated and advanced shields and armours. Lances were used by the mounted knights for initial charge.Then swords, axes and gunpowder were used for further attack. however buying guns in those days was a costly affair. The cost of one gun was the equivalent of two months pay for a skilled artisan.

China was the first place where cannons were used for laying siege. Metal cannons were manufactured and mounted on the Great Wall of China to protect it from the Mongolian hordes. Monongols learned this technology and after invading China, went on to subdue Japan. The invention of gunpowder weapons revolutionized siege warfareEngineers started to design their walls keeping in mind the danger the walls could have when facing the newly introduced bombards.. the Muthe Mysorean rockets were upgraded versions of Mughal rockets utilized during the Siege of Jinji ghal Army utilized rockets during the Siege of Bidar.

The Islamic world had learnt the Chinese technology . The machine capable of throwing huge stones and piles of rocks was said to have been invented in the Middle East by the Muslim engineers. Akbar was the first to initiate and utilize metal cylinder rockets known as bans particularly against War elephants, during the Battle of Sanbal. short arms may be ranged into five classes: swords and shields, maces, battle-axes, spears, and daggers. Weapons for more distant attack were the bow (kaman) and arrow (tir), the matchlock (banduq or tufanq), and the pistols.

The quality or temper of a blade was its ab (water) or jauhar (lustre). The name of the belt was hamalat.

It was carried on the left arm, or when out of use, slung over the shoulder. They were of steel or hide, generally from 17 to 24 inches in diameter. If of steel, they were often highly ornamented with patterns in gold damascening. If of hide, they bore silver or gold bosses, crescents, or stars. Shields were of sambar deer, buffalo, nilgau, elephant, or rhinoceros hide. Brahmans, who objected to leather, had shields made of forty or fifty folds of silk painted red and ornamented. Chirwah and Tilwah These were the shields carried by the Shamsherbaz, or gladiators, groups of whom always surrounded Akbar on the march. Fencing Shields These were small circular shields of cane or bamboo. . The quaint implement was made from a pair of antelope horns tipped with steel .

Daggers and knives

These were of various shapes and kinds, each with a separate name.

Spears and arrows

The usual generic name used for spears of all kinds was sinan. The cavalry, however, seem to have confined itself to the use of the lance (nezah), and the other kinds were used by foot soldiers and the guards surrounding the emperor's audience hall.


This weapon was the tamanchah. The pistol was in use in India, to some extent at any rate, early in the 18th century. Sherbachah - This musketoon or blunderbuss seems to have been of a still later introduction than the pistol. Probably the weapon came into India with Nadir Shah's army (1738).

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