Photos & Presentation by Edson Waite

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Photos & presentation by Edson Waite

We are off to Cuzco, the next stop on the way to Machu Picchu

Near the top of the world above the Andes Mountains

A serenade to welcome us at the airport, we saw many such groups

Local vendors ply their trade at our tour busses

Cuzco, another bustling city, just 11,000 feet above sea level

A monument in the Inca tradition

The city is filled with souvenir vendors and shops

This young lady hopes for a merchandise sale

Ah Yes, a buyer, maybe. But alas, no sale. She tried on many before she bought

More and more shops, by the hundreds it would seem! Every 10 feet is another

Pam at the front of our hotel and the fountain

Deborah and Marie from our tour group

This is it, this one goes back to Ohio with us!

Pam sits alongside a native lady

Crowded cars and crowded streets & lots of pollution

Taxis by the hundreds

This young lady watches over the traffic and the tourists

A pair of street vendors showing their wares to the tourists

More VWs here than anyplace I have ever been! Yes, they park in the middle

The Central Square bathed in Golden light

The square is lined with shops, restaurants and cathedrals

Suddenly, there was a parade before us!

Colorful costumes, a religious parade

And one more photo of this parade

At the hotel, more Pan Flute musicians play for us

Tony & Linda pause to reflect on the days events

Todays tour takes us high above Cuzcos central valley

Pam poses with llamas, alpacas and a couple of natives

Daniel and Cara pose for my camera

A young Peruvian girl poses at her loom

The ladies learn all about alpaca wool

Our next stop, the construction at Saqsaywaman

Across the pitch, we see an ancient lava flow

Pam standing beside some of the larger stones of the site

Some old guy, standing by a large wall

Our guide Niko, explaining these formations

A large gate attracts much attention

Some very unique stones were created to build this wall

From the top: Pam, Erin, Barbara 2nd: Ed, Daniel, Marie, Deborah, Cara and Frank 3rd: Wendy, Chloe, Linda, Patricia and Tony

Looking down from Saqsaywaman

Making our way to the busses once more

Last one down is Wendy

All attractions must exit through the souvenir vendors

Pam is such a soft touch for the babies, Awwww!!! For 1 Sole, you may take their picture

Cuzcos own statue of Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer Frank, Erin and Marie

More Inca ruins being restored for posterity

Cuzco lies in the valley below

Frank talking llama, or trying anyway

Our tour director Edwin, awaits our return to the busses

Photos & presentation by Edson Waite, July 2008

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