HR Scorecard

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HR Scorecard Implementation

HR Scorecard Not The Flavor Of The Month

Why HR Scorecard?
HR Scorecard allows the organization to measure HRs impact to the bottom-line

HR Scorecard demonstrates in clear terms the alignment between HR and organizations strategy

HR Scorecard, a tool which marries business units processes with HR process

(Becker, Huselid, & Ulrich, 2001)

Use of Best Practice Implementation and Sustainability Model

Leading The Change
Establish a Change Champion from HR and the Business Unit to lead the Process

Marketing The HR Scorecard

Communicate the impact and reason for the HR scorecard
Illustrate the impact of the HR scorecard

Mobilizing The Community

Educate and involve key stakeholders

Monitoring Progress Sustaining the Establish systems Change

to monitor progress within HR Use company and business units communication Establish baselines channels to update project progress for measuring
progress of scorecard impact Integrate HR Scorecard into new Company initiatives

Host discussion forums for business units for feedback and input

(Becker et al., 2001)

(Employee Buy-In)
Provide an compelling emotional connection to gain employee support Discover the positive connection which motivates employees to change their behavior Introduce disruption to employees current perfect scenario to cause change in behavior Use the employee influencers to lead change

(Kotter, 2005)

HR Scorecard requires more than being a good initiative to be successful. The implementation is key. The best practice implementation model gives HR a tool to measure the success of the Scorecard and make the necessary adjustments for success (Becker et al., 2001) Employees are the key to the sustainability of the Scorecard. Getting their buy in is crucial for them to change their behavior. If they are converted to Scorecard believers, they will not revert to their old behaviors. This step cannot be missed to ensure longevity of the scorecard (Kotter, 2005).

Becker, B. E., Huselid, M. A., & Ulrich, D. (2001). The HR Scorecard, Linking people, strategy, and performance (1st ed.). Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press. Kotter, J. P. (2005, December). Change leadership. Leadership Excellence, 22(12), 3-4. Retrieved from

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