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Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, Third Edition

Chapter 3 Exploring Linux Filesystems

Understand and navigate the Linux directory structure using relative and absolute pathnames Describe the various types of Linux files View filenames and file types Use shell wildcards to specify multiple filenames

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Objectives (continued)
Display the contents of text files and binary files Search text files for regular expressions using grep Use the vi editor to manipulate text files Identify common alternatives to the vi text editor used today

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The Linux Directory Structure

Directory: Used to organize other files into a logical tree structure
Stored in a filesystem of a specific partition in the hard disk

Absolute pathname: Pathname from the root directory to a certain file or directory Root: The top level directory
Referred to using the / character Forms root of a hierarchical tree
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The Linux Directory Structure (continued)

Figure 3-1: The Windows filesystem structure

Figure 3-2: The Linux filesystem structure

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Changing Directories
Home directory: unique to each user
~ metacharacter used to refer to home directory

pwd (print working directory) command: displays current directory in the directory tree cd (change directory) command: change the current directory in the directory tree
Argument specifies the destination directory

Relative pathname: pathname of file or directory relative to current directory

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Changing Directories (continued)

Parent directory: directory one step closer to the root of the tree
Referred to by .. (two dots)

Subdirectory: directory residing within another directory Tab-completion: pressing the Tab key fills in remaining characters of a unique filename or directory name
BASH shell feature Alerts user if there is more than one possible match
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Viewing Files and Directories: File Types

Text files: store information in a readable text format, contain configuration information Binary data files: store information associated with executable programs Executable program files Directory files: serve as placeholders to organize other files

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Viewing Files and Directories: File Types (continued)

Linked files: associated with another file Special device files: represent system devices Named pipes: identify channel that passes information between processes Socket files: allow a process on another computer to write to a local file

Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, 3e

Filename: identifier given to a file
Up to 255 characters Can use alphanumeric characters, dash (-), underscore (_), and dot (.)

Filename extensions: identifiers following a dot (.) at end of filename

Denote file type Most files on Linux do not have filename extensions

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Table 3-1: Common filename extensions

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Listing Files
ls command: List the files in a directory
May pass an argument indicating the directory to be listed
F option: Argument to indicate file types l option: Argument to list long file listings

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Listing Files (continued)

Long listing for each file includes eight components
File type character List of permissions (mode of the file) Hard link count Owner Group owner File size Most recent modification time Filename

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Listing Files (continued)

Alias: shortcut for a command
ll command: Alias for ls -l

File command: displays file type of any file

Argument indicates what file or files to analyze Identifies between different types of executable files Identifies empty files

Hidden files: files not normally displayed to user

Configuration files often hidden Filenames start with a dot (.) ls a command: displays hidden files
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Listing Files (continued)

Table 3-2: Common options to the ls command

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Listing Files (continued)

Table 3-2 (continued): Common options to the ls command

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Wildcard Metacharacters
Wildcard metacharacter: used to simplify commands specifying multiple filenames
Can match the entire filename or portions of filenames Can be used with most Linux filesystem commands

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Wildcard Metacharacters (continued)

Table 3-3: Wildcard metacharacters

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Displaying Content of Text Files

Concatenation: joining text together cat command: displays (concatenates) contents of a text file to the screen
-n option: displays line number and contents

Log files: contain records of past system events

New events appended to end

tac command: displays contents of a text file in reverse order

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Displaying Content of Text Files (Continued)

head command: view first ten lines of a file tail command: view last ten lines of a file For head and tail commands
Line count includes blank lines Can provide numeric option to specify the number of lines to be displayed (e.g., head -2 filename)

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Displaying Content of Text Files (continued)

Large text files can not be viewed using the cat command, because the screen will only fit a portion of the file more command: displays text files page-by-page
Pressing Spacebar displays the next page Pressing Enter displays the next line

less command: same as more command, but can also use cursor to scroll

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Displaying Content of Text Files (continued)

Users can use keyboard shortcuts to interact with shell while in more and less commands.
e.g., pressing h key gets Help screen e.g., pressing q key quits more and less commands

more and less can be used with output of other commands

If output is too large to fit on terminal screen, use | metacharacter and more or less command e.g., ls -l | more

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Displaying the Contents of Binary Files

Typically use program that created the file strings command: searches for and displays text characters in a binary file
Might indicate purpose of binary file

od command: displays contents of file in octal format (numeric base 8 format)

-x option displays contents of the file in hexadecimal format (numeric base 16 format)

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Searching for Text Within Files

Text tools: commands that search for and manipulate text Regular expressions (regexp): text wildcards that ease the search for specific text
Match patterns of text within a text document Used by many text tools and programming languages
Including grep, emacs, C++, PERL, and many more

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Regular Expressions
Different from wildcard metacharacters
Wildcard metacharacters interpreted by shell; regexps interpreted by text tools Wildcard metacharacters match characters in filenames; regexps match characters within text files Wildcard metacharacters have different definitions that regexps More regexps than wildcard metacharacters

Regular expressions are divided into common regexps and extended regexps
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Table 3-4: Regular expressions

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The grep Command

grep (global regular expression print) command: displays lines in a text file that match common regexps egrep command: displays lines in a text file that match extended regexps
Can be written as grep -E

fgrep command: does not interpret any regular expressions

Returns results much faster than egrep Can be written as grep -F
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The grep Command (continued)

grep requires two arguments
Text to search for
Can use regular expressions

Files in which to search

grep is case sensitive

For case-insensitive search, use i option

grep matches patterns of text, ignoring division into words

To search only for occurrences of a word, surround it by space characters
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Editing Text Files: The vi Editor

One of the oldest and most popular text editors for UNIX OSs Vim: Linux equivalent of vi
Standard on most Linux distributions

Advantage is portability, not usability

Used on Unix and Linux

Bi-modal editor (two possible modes):

Command mode: Performs text editing tasks not related to inserting text Insert mode: Inserts text, but nothing else

User environment is customizable

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Editing Text Files: The vi Editor (continued)

Table 3-5: Common keyboard keys used to change to and from insert mode
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Editing Text Files: The vi Editor (continued)

Table 3-6: Key combinations commonly used in command mode

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Editing Text Files: The vi Editor (continued)

Table 3-6 (continued): Key combinations commonly used in command mode

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Editing Text Files: The vi Editor (continued)

Table 3-6 (continued): Key combinations commonly used in command mode

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Editing Text Files: The vi Editor (continued)

Table 3-7: Key combinations commonly used at the command mode : prompt
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Other Common Text Editors

Emacs (Editor MACroS) editor: comparable functionality to vi
Ctrl key combinations to perform special functions Supports LISP (LISt Processing) artificial intelligence programming language

Emacs editor is not easy to use

Must memorize key combination

Emacs can be run in a GUI environment to get a graphical version of the editor
Much easier to use; icons replace key combinations
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Other Common Text Editors (continued)

Table 3-8: Keyboard functions commonly used in the GNU Emacs editor
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Other Common Text Editors (continued)

Figure 3-3: A graphical Emacs session

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Other Common Text Editors (continued)

Nano editor: text editor that uses Ctrl key combinations for performing functions
Based on the pine UNIX editor Ctrl key combinations listed at the bottom of the screen

Very basic and easy-to-use

Used by Linux administrators to modify files when advanced functionality is not needed

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Other Common Text Editors (continued)

gedit editor: a graphical text editor functional in a GUI environment
Does not have advanced functionality like vi and Emacs Easiest editor to use Functionality is analogous to the Windows Wordpad and Notepad editors

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Other Common Text Editors (continued)

Figure 3-4: The gedit text editor

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The Linux filesystem is arranged hierarchically using a series of directories to store files Location of directories and files can be described using absolute or relative pathnames Linux filesystem can contain many types of files
text files, binary data, executable programs, directories, linked files, and special device files

The ls command is used to view filenames

Wide range of options to modify views
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Summary (continued)
Wildcard metacharacters are special keyboard characters
can simplify selection of several files when using common Linux file commands

Text files are the most common file type whose contents can be viewed by several utilities, such as head, tail, cat, tac, more, and less

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Summary (continued)
Regular expression metacharacters can be used to specify certain patterns of text
used with certain programming languages and text tool utilities such as grep

vi (vim) is a powerful, bimodal text editor that is standard on most UNIX and Linux systems

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