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No one can step twice in the same river, for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon him

Education was informal, unstructured, and devoid of methods. Children were provided more vocational training and less academics (3Rs) by their parents and in the houses of tribal tutors.

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The tribal tutors were replaced by the Spanish Missionaries. Education:

religion-oriented. for the elite. provided for the establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each town under the responsibility of the municipal government. (Educational Decree 1863)

Establishment of normal school for male teachers under the supervision on the Jesuits. Primary instruction was free and the teaching of Spanish was compulsory. Education during that period was inadequate, suppressed and controlled.


Education should be universal and free all regardless of sex, age, religion, and socio-economic status of the individual. The means of giving people an orientation towards a democratic way of life. Carried out by the civilian teachers of English called Thomasites.


Education was at its nadir, and was used as an instrument for indoctrinating the people to embrace Japanese Ideologies. Educational system under the Japanese military government were articulated in Executive Order No. 2 issued on Feb. 17, 1942, by the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Imperial Army.


The educational philosophy was in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV Section 5 of the 1935 Constitution which provides that:
All educational institutions shall be under the supervision and subject to the regulation by the State. The government shall establish and maintain a complete and adequate system of public education, and shall provide at least free primary instruction and citizenship training to adult citizens. All schools shall aim moral character, and vocational efficiency and to reach the duties of citizenship. Optional religious instruction shall be maintained by law. Universities established by the State shall enjoy academic freedom. The state shall create scholarship in arts, sciences, and letters for especially gifted citizens.


As far as education concerned, the Marcos Constitution of 1973, Article XV Sec. 8 states that: All educational institutions shall be under the supervision and subject to the regulation by the State. The State shall establish and maintain a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development, All institutions shall aim to inculcate love for country, teach the duties of citizenship, and develop moral character, personal discipline and scientific and technological and vocational efficiency. The State shall maintain a system of free public elementary education and in areas where finances permit, establish and maintain at least up to the secondary level. The state shall provide citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-ofschool youth, and create and maintain scholarships for poor and deserving students.


This was an act that provided for the establishment and maintenance of an integrated system of education.

Sec. 2, This act shall apply to and govern both formal and non-formal system in public and private schools in all levels of the entire educational system.
Sec. 3. Declaration of Basic Policy.

CHAPTER 2 Rights Sec. 8. Rights of Parents Sec. 9. Right of Students in School. Sec. 10. Rights of all School Personnel. Sec. 11. Special Rights and/or Privileges of Teaching or Academic Staff Sec. 12. Special Rights of School Administration. Sec. 13. Rights of Schools.

CHAPTER 3 Duties and Obligations Sec. 14. Duties of Parents. Sec. 15. Duties and Responsibilities of Students. Sec. 16. Teacher's Obligations. Sec. 17. School Administrators' Obligations. Sec. 18. Obligations of Academic NonTeaching Personnel.


The Education Act of 1982 has provided measures to maintain quality education. One of them is voluntarily accreditation.

Voluntarily accreditation refers to the recognition of an educational program or, where applicable, of an educational institution as processing certain standards of quality or excellence. Programs or institutions desiring to be accredited generally have to pass through these stages: Applicant status a stage where an institution is officially listed by the accrediting agency as an applicant institution for a maximum period of three years. Candidate status the period where an institution has already completed its preliminary survey and starts preparing for formal survey. This usually lasts until the institutional is granted accreditation status which takes place between one or two years. Member institution this distinction is granted to an institution who satisfies all the requirements for accreditation. This initial accreditation status lasts for three years.

Several Accrediting Agencies

PAASCU - Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, College and Universities ACSC-AA - Association of Christian Schools and Colleges Accrediting Association PACU-COA - Philippine Association of College and Universities-Commission on Accreditation. These existing accrediting agencies comprise the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP),


EDSA People Power Revolution on February 22-23, 1986 1987 Constitution which provided the present philosophy of education in the Philippines as stated in Article XIV, Sec. 3 (2) thus: All educational institution shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral character, and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking broaden scientific and technological knowledge and provide vocational efficiency.


The 1987 Constitution provides in Article XIV, Section 1 that the State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.

ARTICLE XIV (1987 CONSTITUTION) EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ARTS, CULTURE AND SPORTS Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.
Sec. 2 (1) System of education relevant to society. Sec. 2 (2) Free public education Sec. 2 (3) Scholarship program Sec. 2 (4) Non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning Sec. 2 (5) Special education and adult education Sec. 3 (1) Optional religious instruction. Sec. 4 (1) State power over educational institutions. Sec. 4 (2) Ownership and administration of schools Sec. 4 (3) Tax exemptions Sec. 5 (1) Regional and sectoral needs Sec. 5 (2) Academic freedom Sec. 5 (2) Right of every citizen to select a profession. Sec. 5 (2) Right of teachers to professional growth.


President Aquino has declared the period of 1990 1999 as the Decade of Education for All Education for All encompasses four major programs

Institutionalization of Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Universalization of Quality Primary Education (UQPE) Eradication of Illiteracy Continuing Education and Development

(TEMPO, April 26, 2010 issue)


(TEMPO, April 26, 2010 issue) MEETING THE GOALS OF EDUCATION FOR ALL Due to the sustained implementation of education reforms, the Philippines is steadily moving towards the Education for All (EFA) goal by 2015, the deadline set by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The Six EFA goals which Philippines has committed itself include: expanding early childhood care and education; providing free and compulsory education for all; providing learning and life skill to young people and adults; increasing adult literacy by 50 percent; achieving gender equality by 2015; and improving the quality of education.

The Philippines has been making sustained progress in education in the last few years. After a temporary decline, the Philippines has posted modest but consistent gains since 2006. To increase enrolment and retention in school the education department has also strictly implemented the no collection and no mandatory uniform policy

Some of the measures taken to address drop-outs

1. Project Reach which enlists the help of local government units in finding the school children, reaching out to them, and keeping them in school. 2. Other schemes which provide learners with an array of alternative delivery modes of learning for them to complete elementary and high school are:

Drop-Out Reduction Program (DORP) MISOSA or Modified In-School and Off-School Approach and IMPACT or Instructional Management by Parents Community and Teachers.

Another intervention that has improved school retention is the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) as centerpiece of the governments poverty reduction measure. Other programs currently being implemented by the government under its poverty reduction thrusts which have direct impact on health and education are the Food for School and Essential Health Care Package which was recently recognized internationally.


President Ramos stressed that the delivery of quality education to all the people as mandated by the Constitution is the chief means to empower the masses. In another state of the nation address the President emphasized his educational platform, summarized in these statements:

If we are to develop, we must invest in our people . . . The most profitable human investment is in basic education . . . We have to learn to talk of growth not in terms of statistics, but in terms of people . . . And invest in people, for it will take 110 years to eradicate illiteracy, according to the findings of the department of education, if government does it alone.




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