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Coal Gasification and Purification of Synthesis gas Subgroup I:

Sahil Aggarwal (Subgroup leader) Mohd. Wasil Mradul Raj Jain Harshit Sinha Tarun Singh Suresh Sharma Kritesh Patel Mohit Meena

Coal Gasification and Reactor Assembly

Process Flow Diagram for coal gasification:

Coal feed preparation ( i) crushing ii) washing iii) drying iv) buffer stock) Coal gasification Removal of solid particulates (fine and coarse solids) Syngas purification (heavy metal removal and acid gas removal) Claus Treatment plant.

Design Parameters [1] Jaw Crusher : Capacity = 150nbsd , n =
360 s

Double Roller Crusher : Capacity = 50LDnd Specifications :

Equipment Model Max feed size Capacity Spindle Speed Dimensions Motor Power Vibrating Feeder [2] ZSW-200 600mm ----------------4953*2200*2331mm 15KW Jaw Crusher [3] PE750*1060 630mm 50-180ton/hr 250rpm 2660*2430*2800 mm 110KW Double Roller Crusher [4] 2PG1008 30mm 40-120ton/hr 70-100rpm 1000*800mm (roll dia) 90KW

References: 1. Coarse Size Reduction of Raw materials, Heidelberg Cement India Limited 2. DSMAC ZSW Series Vibrating Feeder, 3. DSMAC PE Series Jaw Crusher, 4. DSMAC 2PG Series Double Roller Crusher,

Coarse Coal Washing Heavy Media Vessel

Size Feed rate(C) Heavy-Media rate(M) %Ash Content 30-50mm 147ton/hr 441ton/hr (M:C=3:1) [5] 38%

For Average Grain Size 40mm,Vessel Capacity is 40 ton/hr ft weir width = 70% 102.9 ton/hr is the amount in float Weir Width = 102.9/40 = 2.57ft = 0.78m Assuming a retention time of 40 min and L/D = 3 [6] Volume of Vessel = 249.08 m3 L = 13.96m , D = 4.65 m

ton/hr ft weir width

average grain size(mm)

Heavy media vessel capacity [5]

References: 5. Smart Dog Mining, An Introduction to Dense Media Vessels 6. Separator Vessel Selection and Sizing,

Media Recovery Screen

Media Recovered [7] =
500 = 5.68ton/hr DSG1000

D- Average Grain Size = 40mm, SG- Specific Gravity of refuse = 2.2

Design Specifications [8]:

Model Slope Screen 2YK1235 150 Coal Recovered 102.9ton/hr 5.68ton/hr 70% 30%

Washing in Heavy Media Vessel

Screen Area
Handling Capacity Power Dimension

Media recovered 20-150m3/hr %Yield 7.5kW % Ash in Washed Coal 3705*2393*2339mm

References : 7. Smart Dog Mining, Vibrating Screens, 8. DSMAC YK Series Vibrating Screen,

Fine Coal Washing-Heavy Media Cyclone

Size Range Feed Rate of Coal(C) Heavy-Media rate(M) %Ash Content 5-10mm 92.5 ton/hr 277.5 ton/hr (M:C= 3:1) 30%

Dimensions(mm) [9] Cyclone Diameter Feed Inlet Diameter Inlet height Inlet Width Vortex Diameter

High Efficiency 666.93 149.39 162.15 108.1 149.39

High Capacity 403.63 139.91 214.76 71.59 159.52

Input :Density, Feed Rate, Feed Pressure = 100kPa, Cyclone Capacity = 235m3/hr, No. of Cyclones= 1, Cone Angle = 200
Coal Recovered %Yield % Ash in Washed Coal 74ton/hr 80% 25%

Cylinder height
Cone height Spigot Diameter Pressure drop(kPa)

778.77 100.04 350.98

415.86 100.91 356.05

References: 9. Smart Dog Mining, SDM Cyclone Sizing,

Counter-Current Rotary Dryer

Length and Diameter Volume occupied by coal = 0.15*Volume of Dryer [10] Feed rate of coal to dryer = 74ton/hr = 49.33 m3/hr Volume of Coal fed (tres = 20min) = 49.33 m3/3 = 16.44m3 Volume of Dryer = 109.6m3 , 4 *D2*L = 109.6 tres =
1.77L0.5 *F pDn

D2*L = 139.62 m3 (i)


tres=20min,p =30,n = 3rpm, = 360,F=2 L/D = 8.47.(ii), L = 21.35m D= 2.52m

Lifting Flights

Heat-Duty of Dryer : Heat for evaporation of moisture + Other Losses Heat duty of dryer = mS*(XA-XB)* , ( = 50%) *10+ mS = 20.55Kg/s , XA = 0.077 , XB =0.0116, = 2260KJ/Kg Heat Duty = 3037.5kW, Actual Heat Duty = 6075kW
References: 10. Arun S. Mujumdar ,Drying: Principles and Practice, Albrights Chemical Engineering Handbook 11. Drying of Raw Materials, Heidelberg Cement India Limited

Air Separation: Ion Transport membrane

Membrane : Perovskite Hollow Fibre Membranes of the Chemical Composition BaZrxCoyFezO3 (BCFZ) Specification :Temperature - 9000C, Outer Diameter = 0.88mm , Wall thickness = 0.175mm,Inner Diameter = 0.705mm,Length = 330mm [20] Calculation for Membrane Area : O2 permeation flux = 7.6 mLmin1cm2 [20] Density of O2 = 1.43g/L, Molecular Weight = 32 O2 permeation flux = 5.66*10-6 mol cm2s-1 Feed rate of O2 = 0.781lbmol/hr = 0.098mol/s Area of membrane = 0.098/5.66*10-6 = 1.73 m2 Cost of Pervoskite membrane = 1000 Total membrane Cost = Rs 1,23,400
References: 20. T.Schiestel, M.Kilgus, S.Peter, K.J.Caspary, H.Wang, J.Caro, Hollow Fibre Perovskite Membranes for Oxygen Separation, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 258

BCFZ Fibre after sintering


= 71330


For constant supply of feed coal for continuous production Protection of coal from environmental variations Uniform mixing and normalization of variations in composition of coal Spare silos are required in case of non-functioning of the working silos

Coal bulk density, b

1550 kg/cum [12]

Internal friction angle

Friction coefficient, Discharge rate

30 [13]
0.58 [14] 69 tonnes/hr

References: 12. Anudhyan Mishra (10505028), Assembly of coal quality of some Indian coals, National Institute of Technology, 2009 13. Dr. J. Y. Ooi, Arching propensity in coal bunkers with non-symmetrical geometries, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Edinburgh, September 2005 14. Physical properties of agricultural materials and food products, friction of solids and flow of granular solids, page 246

Design Parameters
Assuming a max storage capacity for 2 weeks, Total capacity = 69 X 24 X 14 = 23184 tonnes 24000 tonnes / week Silos of capacity up to 5000 tonnes are easily constructed and do not require special support. Choosing the capacity of silo as 4000 tonnes, 6 silos will be required.

Taking L/D=3 [15]

Volume of silo = (4000 X 1000)/1550 = r2L = 3D3/4 D = 10.3 m L = 3D = 30.9 m Coal particle size range = 5mm-10mm Outlet diameter (B)= 10 X (max particle size) [16] Outlet diameter (B)= 10 X 10 mm = 100 mm = 0.1 m
References: 15. Ralph Foiles, Dust explosion venting of silos 16. Karl Jacob, Bin and Hopper Design, The Dow Chemical Company, Solid Processing Lab, March 2000.

Problems: arching, flushing, rat-holing, insufficient flow, inadequate emptying etc. In case of non-functioning condition of working silo, to avoid any effect on the feed rate of coal, spare silos can be utilised. Using 4 silos at a time and keeping other 2 silos spare. Assuming mass flow, and using Johannson Equation,
0.5 [16] = /4 2 ( ) 4 Where, W = discharge rate in kg/s c = angle of hopper from vertical


= 69 X 1000/ (4 X 3600) = 1550 X /4 X (9.8/4.tanc)0.5 X 0.12.5 c = 32.33 For height of hopper, H, tan = [10.3/2 - 0.1/2]/H H=8m A rotary valve will be used for discharging coal from hopper. [16]
References: 16. Karl Jacob, Bin and Hopper Design, The Dow Chemical Company, Solid Processing Lab, March 2000.

Fig 2: Design of silo

Concrete for Silo

Assuming a thickness of wall = 10 inch = 0.254 m [17] Inner diameter, D1 = 10.3 m Outer diameter, D2 = 10.3 + 0.254 = 10.554 m Total volume of concrete for a silo = Vol. of silo wall + Vol. of hopper wall = (r12 r22)L + 1/3.(r12 r22)H 140 m3 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3 [18] Mass of concrete for 6 silos = 2016 tonnes.

Belt Conveyor
Transport coal from one unit operation to other From one unit operation to other, coal quantity varies. Belt specification varies from one location to other. Surcharge angle for coal = 25 [19] Assuming troughing angle = 20
References: 17. Mostafa H. Mohmaud, Standard Practice for Design and Construction of Concrete Silos and Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials (ACI 313-97), ACI Committee 313, January 1997 18. Density of concrete, The Physics Factbook, Glenn Elert (McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology) 19. Masons engineers (NZ) ltd.

Fig.2: Values of cross section angle for trough and surcharge angle at different belt width. [19]

Table 1: Belt specifications

Capacity (Coal) Tonnes per hour Crusher to heavy 146.83 media separator Heavy media 102.77 separator to roller press Roller press to cyclone Cyclone to dryer Dryer to silo 92.5 Belt Assumed belt width, mm 600 500 Cross section area (CSA), m2 0.031 0.020 Velocity, cm/s 85 92




74 69

450 450

0.016 0.016

83 77

References: 19. Masons engineers (NZ) ltd.

Mass balance (using Aspen Plus): Deliverables: 500 tonnes per day of synthesis gas (H +CO) (tolerance 100 lb/hr
~ 0.2%), CO2/(CO2+CO) mole ratio = 0.3 Constraints: H2/CO ratio = 3 (tolerance 0.1 ~ 3.3 %); Optimisation: Minimal consumption of input resources i.e. mass inflow of Coal + Steam + O2 Determine the composition of product synthesis gas and its physical properties. I made the following assumptions:

1. Process is steady state and isothermal.

2. The ash rejected out of the system contains only carbon and inerts. 3. Carbon conversion achieved is 90% as opposed to 97% as cited in literature [2]. Under these assumptions and constraints, I have used RGibbs reactor in Aspen plus [1] to simulate the fluidised bed reactor.
References: 1. Sheida Saeidi, Josh McElfresh and Joyce Stillman, Final Design for Coal-to-Methanol Process, University of California, La Jolla, California 92037, USA Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering: 2. Lori Allison Simpson, The suitability of coal gasification in Indias energy sector, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 2006:

Simulation results from Aspen Plus:

500 TPD H2 and CO Mole Flow kmol/s C O2 CO CO2 H2 H2O C2H4 C2H6 C3H8 C3H6 H2S COS CH4 S Total Flow kmol/s Total Flow kg/s Total Flow m3/s Temperature K Pressure bar Density kg/m3 COAL 76.7 *10-2 26.2*10-3 0 0 14.2*10-2 70.9*10-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2*10-3 1.01 11.69 4.16 300 8.1 1550 OXYGEN 0 9.84*10-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.84*10-5 3.1*10-3 2.4*10-3 300 8.1 1.3 32 PRODUCT 0 2.17*10-23 16.99*10-2 36.17*10-2 50.97*10-2 54.7*10-2 4.5*10-7 1*10-5 1.9*10-9 7.310-10 2.2*10-3 3.7*10-5 23.55*10-2 2.97*10-15 1.83 35.41 17.41 930 8.1 2.03 19.39 STEAM 0 0 0 0 0 1.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.32 23.72 51.11 445 8.1 4.21 18.02

Composition of coal after washing Ash 30% Moisture 6.82% Carbon 49.18 H 3.06 N2 1.62 Sulphur 0.38 Oxygen 8.94 Total coal required Total ash generated 19 kg/s 5.7 kg/s

Average MW gm/mole NA

Previous Presentation
Points from the previous presentation:Reactor Decision Fluidized Bed Reactor. Feed to the reactor by multiple units of MULTICORE S160 by manufactured by Schenck Process (multiple units to ensure continuity). Reaction time for a single coal particle came out to be 34.6 minutes (revised to account the change in flow rates).

Mean Residence Time

Assuming conversion 97%. Using relation [1] t* = t* came out to be .1558. Using this and 34.6 min as reaction time the MRT came out to be 133 mins.

Bed Height
From the MRT and the area value bed height came out to be approximately 11m.
References: 1. Levenspiel Textbook by Ocatave Lavenspie

Steam Generation
Divided the unit into 2 sub units
Water preheating: Using the sensible heat of syngas and latent heat of water in the out let gas to preheat normal water to a mixture of water and steam at 100 degrees and 1 atm (integration). Basic boiler: Actual Boiling of the preheated mixture to get the steam at 8 atm and 700 degrees(this steam goes to the reactor).

Water Preheating

Shell and tube type heat exchanger used.

Parameters : U = 150 W/m2K, Tavg = 211.289K, FT = 1 [1] Heat transfer area needed = 71.88 m2.

References: [1] Kern Handbook (used in class)

Water Preheater
Configuration :OD 1.9 schedule 80 tubes in a 39 inch shell(160 schedule), 17/8 inch square pitch [2]. Tube count is 252. Length of tubes = 5.2m. Water inside the tube and syngas on the shell side (for pressure drop reasons). 2.6m baffle spacing.

Pressure Drop :P came out to be 232.27 Pa for steam. So suitable for our case since we need less pressure pressure drop. P came out to be 6.9 bar for syngas(due to the high flow rate in small dia).

We have to convert preheated water to steam. Gasifier inlet have both steam and water so we are using burner for generating steam. Required capacity of boiler Q/t=1*(2-1)+2*(4-3) 65486 kJ/s

Parameter initial and required

Parameter Inlet condition Outlet condition

Mass flow rate of water Mass flow rate of steam Pressure Temperature

6.82kg/s 16.876kg/s 1 bar 373k

25kg/s 8 bar 973k

Burner for boiler

Calculation and specification of burner:
Heat releases up to 13000 kJ/s. High turndown capabilities. 10:1 on 2 oil. 15:1 on natural gas. Nine different styles and three different sizes. Heating surface area using( Q/t=(k*A*T)/x )1.23 m2 Dimension of heating chamber (1.11mx1.11mx1.11m). We have to install five burner . Assumption thickness of wall of container 15cm. Each one has capacity of 13000 KJ/S (MEGAFIRE Industrial Burner). Total required power is 65486 kw. Container is made up of stainless steel.

References: [1] Introduction to Transport Phenomena book appendix. [2] INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Sixth Edition by Je M. Smith H. C. Van Ness M. M. Abbott. [3] Maxon corporation megafire gas/oil burners.

Steam and O2 Inlet

Steam generated from steam generator is inserted into gasifier from bottom section. O2 is supplied through distributor of holes sizes 2-4 mm.

Fig.1. Distributor

Fig.2. Conical plate in annulus section

References: [1] Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 6977. [2] American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2012, 5 (2), 170-183.

Reactor Area:
Area will be total inlet O2 and steam flow rate divided by inlet velocity which we are taking twice of umin. Minimum Fluidization Velocity: The Ergun equation can be used to describe the behaviour of a fluidized bed at the minimum fluidization velocity correctly. At minimum fluidization condition u becomes umin. Assumptions and parameter values:
Inlet pressure
Temperature Assuming spherical particles, so sphericity Assuming bed void fraction at umin is min Average particle diameter(dp) Bed density

8 atm
700 C 1 0.5 0.0075 m 800 kg/m3

References: [1] Powder Technology, 75 (1993) 67-78. [2] Calculation of the viscosity of the gas mixtures by F. J. Krieger RM-649 13 July 1951.

Calculation of Reactor Dimensions

Mixture viscosity
From steam table specific volume of steam at inlet condition

3.5714x10-5 Pas
0.55 m3/kg

Steam+Oxygen Density umin

uin = 2umin Volume flow rate of steam+O2 Reactor area(A) = (volume flow rate)/uin Reactor diameter(D)
References: [1] Energy Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 475488, 1998. [2] Kerns handbook.

1.78 kg/m3 2.79 m/s

5.58 m/s 51.11 m3/s 9.14 m2 3.41 m

Reactor Wall Layout

Ash Removal

Gasification Ash/Coarse Ash is a clinker ash with heterogeneous texture varying from fine material to large irregularly shaped aggregates.
Coal Ash Density = 0.650 gm/cc (Various Sources [1]) This means around 8769 cc of ash 5.7 kg/hr of both fly and settles ash. Why Overdesign so much? We use hopper+ Schedule 40 8 inches pipe

References: [1]

62673 m3/hr


~ 2m/s


Chapter 1B: Syngas Purification and Conditioning

Cyclone Separator

Cyclone Ratio

a/D 0.618


De/D H/D h/D S/D B/D 0.236 0.622 4.236 1.618 0.62 0.382

Figure 1: Ratio analysis of dimensions for cyclone separator

References: [1] Analysis and Optimization of Cyclone Separators Geometry Using RANS and LES Methodologies by Khairy Elsayed Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Engineering Vrije Universiteit Brussel October 2011 Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ir. Chris Lacor [2] Elemental Characterization of Particle Size-Density Separated Coal Fly Ash by Spectrophotometry, Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry, and Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis Kellchl Furuya, * Yoshlhiro Miyajlma, Tohru Chiba, and Tadashl Klkuchl Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo, 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162, Japan

Feed conditions and Cyclone dimensions

Dimension Flow rate G 35.41 kg/sec Diameter Inlet height Inlet width particle density syngas 2.03 kg/m3 Overall height Cylinder height viscosity syngas 0.03 cP Outlet dia Dust outlet dia Symbol Value D A B H H De B 2.08 1.28 0.49 8.81 3.36 1.29 0.79 Unit m m m m m m m

gas density


650 kg/m3

inlet velocity

27.19 m/s

Pressure drop is calculated by the following equation [2]

References: [1] Coulson and Richardsons CHEMICAL ENGINEERING VOLUME 2 FIFTH EDITION Particle Technology and Separation Processes. [2] Alex C. Hoffmann and Louis E.. Steins Gas Cyclones and Swirl Tubes: Principles, Design and Operation

The design of electrostatic precipitator is taken same as used for Hequ Power Plant [1] which is used for ash of same composition as of Indian coal. Some of the specifications are
Number of chambers
Number of fields Channel per chamber Height of plate Length of plate Spacing Efficiency 2 5

15.24 19.725 400mm >99%


Pneumatic Conveying of Ash:

Total ash 45217.5 lb/h

Bottom ash 9043 lb/h

Fly ash 36173 lb/h Pneumatic Conveying of Ash

Conveying pressure is directly proportional to conveying distance Conveying capacity is inversely proportional to conveying distance

Calculation Conveying distance 150meter Minimum conveying velocity of Ash 400fpm (from source) Conveying velocity 480fpm System capacity Material flow rate 236tph Mass flow rate of air 18.3 lb/min Bulk density of fly ash 30lb/cub. ft Solid loading ratio 428 Pipe line is cross section area .545 ft Pressure across 150 meter pipe 186.11 psig

Pressure Pneumatic Conveying System operates on batch/continuous operating concept and can also convey the much coarser particles of bottom ash

Reference Pneumatic Conveying Systems by A.Bhatia Continuing Education and Development, Inc.9 Greyridge Farm Court . Pneumatic Conveying Design Guide Second Edition by David Mills 2004.

Ash Silo
Bottom Ash silo 3 days storage capacity. [1] Bottom ash produced in 3 days = 295.2 tons L/D = 3. [2] Material balance gives the dimension of silo as D = 5.8 m L = 17.4 m Cone opening diameter = 70 mm Assuming mass flow, and using Johannson Equation [1] = 2 4 4 W = discharge rate in kg/s, c = angle of hopper from vertical c = 40.3o m Height of hopper, H 3.4 m


References: [1] Bernard H. Schonbach, Director of engineering Allen-Sherman Hoff company, Operation and Maintenance Guidelines for Silo Unloading Equipment [2] Marietta silos

Fly ash silo

Fly ash produced in 3 days = 1180.8 tons D = 5m L = 15m No. of silos = 4 Using Jenikes equation [1] Dmin = (fc,crit X H()) / ( X g) fc,crit = critical yield stress in N/m2 Dmin = minimum hopper diameter to prevent arching H() = 2.2 for conical hoppers fc,crit = 1152 N/m2 [1] Dmin = 22.7 cm c = 20o H = 6.9 m
[1] S. Behera and S. Das, Characterisation of Bulk Materials Flowability for Design of Hopper using Jenike Shear Cell, Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar - 751013

Fig - Ash silo

Ash disposal
Ash will be disposed from the silo using PD trucks (28 m3 volume) . No. of trucks required = 27 trucks Minimum flow rate of ash = 36.4 tons/hour Ash will be disposed in different areas such as land filling Cement industry etc.

Land fill design approach [1] A 1 mm layer linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) geo membrane will be placed over the entire landfill site as the barrier layer component. A 12-inch layer of sand will be placed over the LLDPE geo membrane.

Fig - Percent disposal of ash in different areas

A 6-inch layer of topsoil will be placed layer to support a vegetative growth over the entire landfill cover system. Addition of bauxite reduces the pH value and the toxicity and also reduce effectively both the arsenic and boron content. [1]

Wind barrier [1]

Reforestation of disposal site will improve the ecosystem.
Fig Tree distribution for wind barrier

References: [1] Reintegration of coal ash disposal sites and mitigation of pollution in the West Balkan Area Handbook on treatment of coal ash disposal sites FR, BOKU, BTUC

Heavy Metal Removal: Mercury and Trace Elements

Emission laws more stringent than ever. India fetched 2nd rank in global mercury emissions after China [1]. Mercury concentration of Indian coal 0.272 ppm [2] Use of Calgon Type-HGR carbon bed loaded with sulphur Sulfur reacts with Hg to form HgS which is stable Removal of Hg to below detectable levels by using activated carbon bed (less than 0.01 g/Nm3) [3]. Bed discarded after its economic life is over to hazardous chemical disposal site
References: 1. Lesley Sloss, Mercury emissions from India and South East Asia, funded by US Dept. of State, United Nations Environment Programme repor t, October 2012, CCC208 ISBN 978-92-9029-528-0 2. United Nations Environment Programme, A report on hazardous substances and coal combustion in India: 3. Product Bulletin, HGR for mercury removal, Granular Activated Carbon, .

Activated Carbon Bed Design Principles:

Parameters for Ergun equation:
Bulk density of bed Viscosity of syngas (assumed) Sphericity of granular particles (assumed) Porosity of bed U.S. Sieve series No. 4 [1] 593 kg/m3 5*10-5 kg/m.s 1 0.4 4.76mm Minimum fluidisation velocity Diameter of bed Length of bed Amount of carbon granules required Hg removal rate Hg adsorbed on bed

Final design of the activated bed and economic runtime.

0.8 m/s

5.18 m
11.8 m 147.5 tonnes 9.54*10-6 kg/s 5.66 tonnes

U.S. Sieve series No. 10 [1]

Size of particles assumed Density of syngas Residence time (calculated) [2]

4mm 2 kg/m3 15 seconds

Saturation time /Economic life Expected pressure drop

18.8 years
0.675 atm

References: 1. Sigma Aldrich conversion tables, particle size conversion: 2. Nick Korens, Dale R. Simbeck, Donald J. Wilhelm, SFA Pacific, Inc., Engineering and Economic consultants, Process Screening Analysis Of Alternative Gas Treating And Sulfur Removal For Gasification, prepared for US Dept. of Energy.

Acid gas removal: Choice of solvent

Solubility in physical solvents obeys Henrys Law, hence usually occurs at higher pressures *1+ Chemical solvents are more effective for low acid gas partial pressure applications than physical solvents [2]. MDEA has become popular with the natural gas industry MDEA content can be higher as it is less corrosive, reducing circulation rates and hence smaller trays. Effectiveness of MDEA: 4ppm H2S, upto 20% COS while allowing CO2 slip [3]
References: 1. Nick Korens, Dale R. Simbeck, Donald J. Wilhelm, SFA Pacific, Inc., Engineering and Economic consultants, Process Screening Analysis Of Alternative Gas Treating And Sulfur Removal For Gasification, prepared for US Dept. of Energy. 2. U.S. Department of Energy, Gasifipedia, Acid Gas removal. 3. W.I. Echt,Chemical Solvent-based Processes For Acid Gas Removal In Gasification Applications, Union Carbide Corporation, DOW Chemical I ndustry.

Acid gas removal: activated MDEA

To maintain CO2/(CO+CO2) = 0.3, we need to get rid of 80% CO2, i.e. 20% CO2 slip ~ 200,000 ppmv of CO2 in treated gas. Approx. 80% of COS will be removed 4ppmv of COS in treated gas
References: 1. Nick Korens, Dale R. Simbeck, Donald J. Wilhelm, SFA Pacific, Inc., Engineering and Economic consultants, Process Screening Analysis Of Alternative Gas Treating And Sulfur Removal For Gasification, prepared for US Dept. of Energy. 2. R. Scott Alvis, Nathan A. Hatcher & Ralph H. Weiland. CO2 Removal from Syngas Using PiperazineActivated MDEA and Potassium Dimethyl Glycinate, Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.

Design specifications for tray tower/absorption column:

Followed procedure given in Mass Transfer Operations, Robert E. Treybal, 3rd Edition, pages 158 - 176

Table of values used to design tray tower

Density of MDEA solvent Density of syngas (1atm, 373K) Vapour flow rate Q (vapour rate) (1atm, 373K) q(liquid rate) do (hole diameter) Pitch (p) Surface tension of liquid f friction factor [17] 1000kg/m3 0.652 kg/m3 1.28 kmol/s 39.2 m3/s 0.168 m3/s 4.5mm 12mm 0.04 N/m 0.0045

Results and dimension specifications for the design of actual tray tower.
W/T Steel Plate thickness Tray spacing (t) VF (flooding velocity) V (Velocity of liquid) (0.8VF) Vow (weeping velocity) Vo (velocity of vapour) 0.7 1.935 mm 1m 5.05 m/s 4.04 m/s 7.49 m/s 44.82 m/s hw (height of weir) how (height of liquid over weir) h3 (downcomer backup) Check on flooding condition T (tower diameter) Distance of weir from centre Expected pressure drop for gas 190 mm 105.6 mm 122.3 mm 417.3 < 500 1.385m 1.3126 m 9600 Pa ~ 9.5%

Calculation of number of stages reqd: Composition of synthesis gas exiting

from the top of the tray tower
500 TPD H2 and CO
Mole Flow kmol/s CO CO2 H2 16.99*10-2 Total Flow kmol/s 7.27*10-2 Total Flow kg/s 50.97*10-2 Total Flow m3/s 98*10-2 12.74 17.41 PRODUCT

Density kg/m3 Average MW gm/mole

23.55*10-2 Temperature K
0.53 13 Pressure atm Density kg/m3

0.92 0.53

The number of stages comes out to be 8. With a tray spacing of 1 metre, the height of the tower comes out to be 8 metres. The expected pressure drop for gas is about 9600 Pa ~ 9.5% of initial gas pressure.
References: 1. R. Scott Alvis, Nathan A. Hatcher & Ralph H. Weiland. CO2 Removal from Syngas Using PiperazineActivated MDEA and Potassium Dimethyl Glycinate, Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.

Design of Buffer Tank for activated MDEA solution and pump:

Figure : Pump arrangement and layout

Density of fluid Volume flow rate Volume of tank (assuming 2 hours buffer) Diameter of tank (assumed) Length of tank (SI units) Head generated 1000 kg/m3 0.168 m3/s 1210 m3 15 m 6.9 m 168 kg/sec 6.94 m Vopt = 12 0.1/0.36 (fps units) Diameter of pipe Reynolds number f friction factor Length of pipe (assume) Hf head due to friction 1.5 m/s 0.38 m 5644 0.036 10 m 0.11 m

Design Specifications for Pump:

Due to limited data in pump-head discharge curve, affinity laws are used to calculate rpm and impeller diameter.
For constant Diameter Assuming efficiency Power required (assumed efficiency of 0.65) P/Q3 = constt. 65% 77.53 hp

Shaft Diameter For constant rpm Head Motor RPM

0.168 m3 /s = 2662.8 US gpm

4 in H/D2 = constt. 6.94 m 700 rpm
1 8

References: [1] Lecture slides . [2] McCabe, Smith handbook.


Thermal reactor 1. Catalytic Reactors 2. Possible Results

2H2S + 3 O2
12.23 kmol/hr

H2S O2

17.57 kmol/hr 8 kmol/hr



5.33 kmol/hr
5.33 kmol/hr -----

2SO2 + 2H2O

Modeled as RGIBBS in Aspen HYSIS. Rule of Thumb: 1/3rd * (weight of Hydrogen Sulphide) = Weight of Oxygen. Temperature : 1000 degrees Celsius Pressure: 1.5 barg. Idea is to provide stoichiometry for next reaction.

References: [1] (2010) Abedini et al. Modeling and Simulation of Condensed Sulphur in catalytic beds of Claus Process: Rapid Estimation, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 14 (2010) 100-114. [2] Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 14 (2010) 110-114.

Physical Design

Catalytic Reactor
It is expected that in this reactor, the remainder of the Hydrogen Sulphide gets transformed into yellow sulphur. Temperatures (about 470-620 K) over an alumina- or titanium dioxidebased catalyst. 2H2S + SO2 -> 3S + 2H2O Hr = -108 kJ moL-1 Clogging: Increase in viscosity of Sulfur around 430 K. The Claus process is equilibrium-limited, adequate residence time has to be provided in order to allow this reaction.

Other gases

References: [1] American Journal of Environmental Sciences 4 (5): 502-511, 2008.

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