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Cmo fue el examen?

Facil? As as? Dificil? Fatal? Los resultados el mircoles El plan para hoy:
los mandatos informales
Episodio 5 hablar con tu pareja para el proyecto de Pecha Kucha

v=bjKYc84Lj-0 v=CL8X5zd 26Cc

Information to help you better understand tomorrows class on Informal t commands: v=bjKYc84Lj-0 v=gkJVpZ75aNw v=CbTfVPTc9f0

Los mandatos informales t commands

How to tell someone what to do.
Mandatos afirmativos: I. Affirmative t commands are pretty easy. You simply use the regular THIRD PERSON (l//ellaUd) form of the verb: Yo quiero cantar --> Pues (So), canta! Yo quiero vivir --> Pues, vive! tto/affirmative-tucommands10409315

There are 9 common verbs that have irregular forms

decir --> di hacer --> haz ir --> ve poner --> pon salir --> sal ser --> s tener --> ten venir --> ven ver --> ve

Some of these verbs have compound forms which will also show the irregularity: detener --> detn (to detain, hold back) obtener --> ????

Mandatos negativos: It's a little harder to tell someone not to do something.

Go back to the regular yo form of the verb and add the opposite ending (-ar verbs --> es, -er / -ir verbs --> as)
Mirar --> miro --> no mires Leer --> leo --> no leas Decir --> digo --> no digas Tener --> tengo --> no tengas

pronouns (direct, indirect, reflexive) Youll sometimes see pronouns used with these commands (Look at me! Dont talk to me!)
affirmative pronouns are after and attached, add accent all 1 word

negative no + pronoun(s) + command all separate words


No me hables!

useful commands
No me digas! You're kidding; You don't say.

Pasa After you (or Come in)

Oye Excuse me / Hey! Mira Look... (This is a good one; you can start every sentence you say with "pues, mira..." and you'll seem very intellectual while you're actually stalling for time.) Cllate Shut up! Vete al diablo Go to the devil (There are ruder expression for this, but Im not sure youre ready for them)

All of the eight irregular affirmative commands follow the above pattern in the negative commands. (Note that Object pronouns always are placed before the verb in all negative commands.) Di la verdad! Tell the truth! No digas realmente lo que pas! Don't tell what really happened! Ven ac! Come here! No vengas ac! Don't come over here! Sal del carro! Get out of the car! No salgas del carro! Don't get out of the car! Ten cuidado! Be careful! No tengas cuidado! Don't be careful! Ponlo en la mesa! Put it on the table! No lo pongas en la mesa! Don't put it on the table! Hazlo! Do it! No lo hagas! Don't do it! S simptico! Be nice! No seas tonto! Don't be silly! Vete! Get out of here! (Get lost!) No te vayas! Don't go!

Practicamos con el Sr. Jordan: v=xMo_NUicxEo

Extra episodio 5: Ha nacido una estrella v=xSdwILUfKdA Write down the commands that you hear. (Think of the commands that you might want to tell these people.)

Tarea: Write 5 commands for each of these characters. They should be a mix of affirmative and negative commands. And they should be specific to each individual. Well go over some of these but you will be handing them in. You should also do Worksheet 7.14 in the packet.

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