Project: Project #13 PBL Plan #1 "Why Did You Write This"

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Project Overview

Project #13 PBL Plan #1 Why Did You Write This

Project Overview
Duration: 10 days, 40 minutes a day Subject: English Teachers: Amber Harris, Mallory Harris, Tyler Mills, and Sheridan Jones Grade Level: 3rd grade Class size: 24 students with 6 groups of 4

Resources Used
-1 iMac for each group -iCurio -Discovery Ed -Smart Board -Google Slides -Google Drive

Standards Met
-[ELA2013] (2) 15: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. [RI.2.6] -[ELA2013] (3) 15: Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text. [RI.3.6]

Project Description
In this lesson, students will learn the reasons an author writes a selection. They will use iCurio and Discovery Ed to find articles and determine the meaning behind each text. Each student will choose a text, and write a summary of it. The students will then swap texts within the group, and write individual summaries of each. They will then analyze the four summaries to come up with their idea of the purpose of the authors text. Finally, they will present their summaries to the class using google slides on the Smart Board.

Monday, week 1
-Students will look in google drive for project instructions. - Students will then find their articles using iCurio and Discovery Ed.

Tuesday, week 1
-Students start to analyze their articles. -Students write article summary.

Wednesday, week 1
-Students swap articles with group members and analyze collectively.

Thursday, week 1
-Students begin creating project presentation using google slides.

Friday, week 1
-Students finalize presentations

Monday, week 2
- Groups 1 and 2 present presentation to class

Tuesday, week 2
-Groups 3 and 4 present presentation to class

Wednesday, week 2
-Groups 5 and 6 present presentation to class.

Thursday, week 2
-Class discussion of projects

Friday, week 2
-Class receives grades. -Class discussion on how to improve upcoming projects.

Grading Process
-Students will rate each others groups using 15 (1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest) in the following categories:
1. Did students follow directions? 2. Did students work well together? 3. Were students creative? (the average of class categories will be used to determine the overall grade of the individual student)

What Should Be Accomplished?

With this project students should be able to: -effectively use iCurio, Google slides, smart board and Discover Ed. -gain confidence when speaking in front of peers. -analyze and grade their work and the work of their peers.

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