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BT Track - 2 Recruitment Techniques Group 4 URANAS

Uma Nath Tripathi (2013SMN6762) Rajat Jain (2013SMN6949) Akshat Mehta (2013SMN6750) Nitin Mohan (2013SMN6790) Anuj Gulati (2013SMN6960) Shalabh Aggarwal (2013SMN6962)

We will review following recruitment techniques, with some case studies -

Depth Interview Thomas Profiling Graphology

Recruiting Right People

General Selection..

Case Study: EICE Recruitment Process

Initial Recruitment Process (2010)
No formal recruitment process. Random interview techniques. No formal HR department. Most selections based on internal reference / ex colleagues

Current Recruitment Process (2013)

Multiple External Consultants. 4 level interview / written test process defined. Still no formal HR, but HR activities more structured. Most selection from Market.

What to look in candidate??

Current Selection Process

Manpower Planning

Prepare JD

Inter nal

Advertise Internally

Screening Applications Received

Four Level Interview

Release Offer

Recruitment Method
Screening Applications Received

Exte rnal

Through Consultants

Three Level Interview

Release Offer

Show your skills

At a Glance

Recruiting Yield : Data of Last 1 years

CV Received (From All Sources) Shortlisted for 1st Round (Objective Test) Shortlisted for 2nd Round (Written Test on computer making a program Shortlisted for 3rd Round (Technical / HR round) Job Offers Joined

109 75 43

14 12 11

Depth Interview
DESCRIPTION: Structured verbal interactions with a candidate to gauge his suitability for the job and the firm ORIGIN: Conceptualized by Arthur Anderson in 1992 METHOD OF APPLICATION: Five employees from different levels hold segmented 45-minutes interview with the candidate
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

HR Screens the Biodata Interviewer Staff Consultant (6 months 2yrs with the firm) Interviewer Senior Consultant (3 4 yrs with the firm) Interviewer Jr or Dr Manager (5 8 yrs with the firm) Business Head or Partner (12 yrs with the firm)


Allows optimum utilisation of time by interviews Eliminates bias and prejudices Match Job Specs to Candidate Evaluate behavioural qualities Introduces company and applicant


Structured and Lengthy Slow process candidates may dislike Collective Discrimination may creep into the process May create stereotypes rather than leaders Errors of judgement may distort decisions

Thomas Profiling
Often we find that businesses hire for skills and fire for behaviours. On the other hand, it is recommended that they hire for behaviour and train for the skills.

Thomas PPA is used for recruiting, Identifying people for promotion, and Managing performance

Thomas Personal Profile Analysis

Thomas Personal Profile Analysis

Profile graphs


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The 16 personality types of the Myers The MBTI technique Briggs Type Indicator instrument are identifies and describes 16 listed here distinctive personality types that result from the interactions among the preferences:

Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) Sensing (S) or Intuition (N) Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).


Belbin Team Inventory

Team leaders and team development practitioners often use the Belbin model to help create more balanced teams
Shaper Action Oriented Roles Implementer Completer Finisher Challenges the team to improve. Puts ideas into action. Ensures thorough, timely completion. Acts as a chairperson. Encourages cooperation. Explores outside opportunities. Presents new ideas and approaches. Analyzes the options. Provides specialized skills.

Coordinator Team Worker

People Oriented Roles

Resource Investigator

Plant Thought Oriented Roles Monitor-Evaluator Specialist


Helps draw up a comprehensive behavioral profile Personal Profile questions easy to administer Computer based software provide accurate analysis Warns management of recruit's weaknesses Can be successfully utilized for career development.

Psychological testing can be unreliable. Job requirement specs may be subjective. Results are open to interpretation rather than conclusive. Doesn't account for recruits intellect or exposure. Should never be used as stand alone technique.

Graphology Technique
DESCRIPTION: An analysis of a job-seekers handwriting to identify personality traits and a suitable profession ORIGIN: First used by French priest Jean-Hippolyte Michon, Circa 1830

METHOD OF APPLICATION: Invite handwritten application from candidate. Filter out cultural biases. Conclude analysis and identify job-fits USER COMPANIES: Many US companies
Critics: Compared to interviews, tests, simulations graphology ranked the lowest for its validity/quantitative assessment

Measures the match between personality and Job Suggests Jobs that suit the candidate best Reveals characteristics that other tests cant Gauges personality without candidates awareness Insights can be validated by other measurements.

Skepticism about accuracy of findings persists. Lack of scientific basis discourages the use of this method. Depends entirely on analysts interpretation Generalizes without considering candidates background Can be misleading if not validated by other tests.

Case Study- On Google

Google, the world's only corporate Recruiting Machine"

Strategy "Disruptive Recruiting"

Develop the world's first "recruiting culture. The World's Largest Recruiting Budget Google recruitment has a ratio of 1 recruiter for every 14 employees (14:1)

A centralized operations model Recruiting is done by recruiting professionals The recruiting model has been broken up into very distinct roles. These activities, carried out in a highly choreographed manner by teams tied to divisions and business units, include: Recruiting research analysts Candidate developers (sourcers) Process coordinators Candidate screeners Specialized recruiters for college Specialized recruiters for technical and leadership executive search Specialized international recruiters to be located in Asia and Europe Recruiting program managers Recruiting project managers

Recruitment tools of Google

Wow Recruiting Tools Ad Words as a recruiting tool Contests as recruiting tools Brain teasers as recruiting tools Friends of Google. Standard Recruiting Tools Employee referral College recruiting Professional networking Recruiter training

Hiring process
Job search Applying at Googles job portal Phone interview Onsite interview Hire by committee

A person who can solve this puzzles is a person of interest to Google. The location of the answer: 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249 7757247093699959574966967627724076630 3535475945713821785251664274274663919 3200305992181741359662904357290033429 5260595630738132328627943490763233829 8807531952510190115738341879307021540


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