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Rice is a cereal grain which is considered the most important staple food for a large part of the world's

human population. It is the grain with the second-highest worldwide production, after maize (corn), according to data for 2010. It is mainly grown in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America but centuries of trade and exportation have made it commonplace in many other countries.

Top Producers of Rice are: People's Republic of China India Indonesia Bangladesh Vietnam

China is the world's largest producer of rice, and the crop makes up a little less than half of the country's total grain output. China accounts for 26.% of all world rice production. The rice crop is grown primarily in provinces in the south and contributes about 34 percent to total rice output while rice grown in the north contributes about 7 percent. All rice cultivation is highly labor intensive. Mechanization of rice cultivation is only minimally advanced.

India is one of the world's largest producer of white rice, accounting for 20% of all world rice production. Rice is India's preeminent crop, and is the staple food of the people of the eastern and southern parts of the country. Rice is one of the chief grains of India. India's rice production reached to a record high of 104.32 million tonnes in 2011-2012 crop year(July-June).

Conditions for growing Rice is normally grown as an annual plant, although in tropical areas it can survive as a perennial crop. The rice plant can grow to 1 1.8 m tall, occasionally more depending on the variety and soil fertility. It has long, slender leaves 50100 cm long and 22.5 cm broad. Rice cultivation is well-suited to countries and regions with high rainfall, as it is laborintensive to cultivate and requires ample water. Rice can be grown practically anywhere. It can be grown on a steep hill or mountain.

The top rice exporting countries are : Thailand Vietnam Pakistan India Cambodia The top rice importing countries are : Philippines Nigeria Iran Saudi Arabia Iraq

Video: aces/countriesplaces/tanzania/tanzania_ricefarmer/


Wheat is a cereal grain cultivated worldwide. According to data, wheat was the third most produced cereal crop after maize and rice in 2010. This grain is grown on more land area than any other commercial crop and is the most important staple food for humans. It is sid to have been originated from the Levant region of the Near East and Ethiopian Highlands.

Top Producers of Wheat are : People's Republic of China India Russia USA

In China, wheat is the second most-prevalent grain crop after rice. It is grown in most parts of the country but especially on the North China Plain, the Wei and Fen River valleys on the Loess plateau, and in Jiangsu, Hubei, and Sichuan provinces. Wheat cultivation in India had been dominated by the northern region of India. However, it is being grown in nearly every state of the country today.

Weather that is comfortable for humans is also good for wheat. Wheat needs a lot of water to produce a good crop. It grows best when temperatures are warm, from 21 to 24 C, but not too hot. Wheat also needs a lot of sunshine, especially when the grains are filling. Areas with low humidity are better since many wheat diseases thrive in damp weather.

The top exporters of wheat are: United States Australia Canada Argentina Kazakhstan The top importers of wheat are: Brazil Iran Egypt Japan Russia


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