1 Introduction and Course Overview

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MHR 3200 Managing Individuals in Organizations: Organizational Behavior and Human Resources

Dr. Larry Inks Department of Management and Human Resources Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University

My Background
Course Description Importance of the Material My Commitment to You My Expectations of You Logistics (Grading, etc.)

My Background
BA, Purdue University MA, PhD, The Ohio State University PepsiCo Management Faculty, Wichita State University AlliedSignal/Honeywell Cardinal Health

Organizational Behavior Defined

Organizational Behavior The systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit in organizations . - Systematic study - Multiple levelsindividual, group/team, organization - Varying depthbehaviors, attitudes, values - All different kinds of organizations
Goal is to be able to explain, predict and control/shape human behavior

Contributing Disciplines
Psychology Seeks to measure, explain and change behavior Focuses on the influence of people on one another Studies people in groups, in relation to their fellow human beings Studies societies to learn about human beings and their activities Studies the behavior of individuals and groups within a political environment

Social Psychology



Political Science

Course Topic Areas

Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management

Organizational Culture Individual Differences Motivation Job Satisfaction/ Engagement Team Dynamics Leadership Organization Change

Recruitment Selection and Placement Training and Development Performance Management Human Resource Planning Compensation

But always in the context of an organizations strategic goals

What Is An Organization?
Consciously coordinated social unit Composed of two or more people Functions on a continuous basis to achieve a common goal Characterized by formal roles that define the behavior of its members Examples?

One Real World Example

Why Is This Course Material Important?

People issues (and people) are complex People management/skills are not easy People make or break an organizations success These skills are needed and expected in everyone These skills become increasingly important over time These skills are needed now more than ever

Cultural Phenomenon #2


Cultural Phenomenon #2


Top Derailers That Cause One to Fail*

Insensitivity to others

Poor working relations

Inability to build or lead a team

Inability to change and adapt
* Source: Center for Creative Leadership

My Commitment
Present and discuss relevant theories/frameworks Discuss application and implementation Provide meaningful real world examples Build interest in this important topic area Provide you with learning/ takeaways that will help you be most effective in the future


My Expectations of You
Exhibit an interest in the course material
Attend class consistently and keep up on the reading

Think about applying the materialmake it personal

Ask questions (either in class or outside)

Be courteous and professional (e.g., minimal talking, no cell phones)

When youre here, be here

Academic Integrity and Code of Student Conduct



Something to Remember



Suggestions For You

View this from the perspective of long-term learning
Be introspective

Continually think in terms of applicationin whatever settings you can think of

Keep up on the reading, attend class, and study Contribute your own learning and perspective


Increasing Your Chances of Doing Well

Sit in the front of the room, not the back
Pay attention and stay focused

Do NOT IM, text message, etc.

Participate, ask questions, and apply this to your life

Come to every class

Dont be lulled into Its All Common Sense thinking


Classroom Dynamics


Three exams of 100 points each Non-cumulative Spaced roughly equally throughout the semester Non-essay (multiple choice, matching, etc.)


Provides an opportunity to think about applying course content and make it real
3 times throughout the semester, total of 15 points Done individually and in class (Ill give you the time)


Benefits From Your Taking This Course

Improved understanding of behavior in organizations Greater knowledge of your own self Increased knowledge of how organizations manage their human resources Improved awareness and skills in these soft areas

Greater potential for long-term success in whatever career you pursue



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