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Traditional education: conventional education/standardized education

Alternative education: non traditional / non conventional /non standardized education

Traditional education: standardized curriculum and teaching in-class education *(curriculum:the group of subjects studied in a school)

What are the differences between traditional education and alternative education?

Alternative education: variety in courses and teaching homeschooling/ online learning etc.

Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori and characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a childs natural psychological, physical, and social development.

Children working on the phonogram moveable alphabet

Some teach art Some focus on science Some concentrate on technology

Alternative high schools have a different curriculum than traditional high schools:


Distance learning/e-learning/online education

1. What does education provide? /What is education for? 2. What would your ideal education be like? 3. What forms of alternative education do you know? 4. What are the alternative education settings available in your country? 5. Are there any similarities between Montessori School and alternative high schools /If yes, what are they? 6. Why do you think parents choose homeschooling? 7. What are the advantages /disadvantages of homeschooling? 8. Do you prefer taking distance learning courses? Explain your idea by giving supports. 9. If you were the Minister Of National Education, what would you like to change in the current system? 10. What do you think of the future of alternative education?

Look for/find Take class Become Grow/expand Skilled/semiskilled/unskilled Take place

Vocabulary exercise: Match the words with the related ones:

online in school/at home/online globally popular/distance learner a job worker

Look for/find a job Take class online Become popular/a distance learner Grow/expand globally Skilled/semi skilled/unskilled worker Take place in school/at home/online

Collocations for this unit:

public education improve ones life standardized tests business leaders emotional/physical/ academic needs multi-aged groups passive/real learning global demand take tests/classes online internet access have right to education education right shortage/lack of skilled people

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