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unIT ii


The fuel-injection system is the most vital component

in the working of IC engine.

The engine performance, power o/p , economy etc is

greatly dependent on the effectiveness of the fuelinjection system.

Basically the purpose of car uretion ! fuel-injection is

the same i.e. preparation of the com usti le charge. But in case of car uretion fuel is atomi"ed y processes relying on the air speed greater than fuel speed at the fuel no""le , whereas in fuel-injection the fuel speed at the point of delivery is greater than the air speed to atomi"e the fuel.

Diesel Fuel
If you have ever compared diesel fuel and gasoline, you know that they are different.
They certainly smell different. #iesel fuel is heavier and oilier. #iesel fuel evaporates much more slowly than gasoline -- its oiling point is actually higher than the oiling point of water. $ou will often hear diesel fuel referred to as %diesel oil% ecause it is so oily.

#iesel fuel evaporates more slowly ecause it is heavier. It contains more car on atoms in longer chains than gasoline does &gasoline is typically C'()*, while diesel fuel is typically C+,(-*.. It takes less refining to create diesel fuel, which is why it is generally cheaper than gasoline.

#iesel fuel must meet an entirely different set of standards than gasoline. The fuel in a diesel engine is not ignited with a spark, ut is ignited y the heat generated y high compression. /ll diesel fuel must e clean, e a le to flow at low temperatures, and e of the proper cetane rating.
Cleanliness. Low-temperature f lui it!. Cetane num"er.

Diesel Fuel Characteristics

Cetane num er 0easure of relative ease to initiate com ustion
(igher num er1 easier to ignite

2ctane num er for gas1 opposite

(igher num er1 less tendency to ignite

Cetane Number
(igh cetane num er indicates good ignition 3uality &short delay period. 4ow cetane num er indicates poor ignition 3uality &long delay period. 5C engines re3uire a minimum cetane 6 of -7 #I engines re3uire a minimum cetane 6 of ,* Cetane improver additive can improve ignition 3uality and reduce white smoke during start up Cetane num er is ased on the ignition characteristics of two hydrocar ons1

Cetane - short delay period and ignites readily &+**. Alphamethylnaphthalene &/08. - long delay period and poor ignition 3uality &*.

It is the percentage y volume of normal cetane in a lend with /08


Requirements of a diesel in ection s!stem

The functional re3uirements of an injection system are listed elow9

Introduction of the fuel into the com ustion cham er should take place within a precisely defined period of the cycle. The metering of amount of fuel injected per cycle should done very accurately. The 3uantities of fuel metered should vary to meet the changing load ! speed re3uirements. The injection rate should e such that it results desired heat-release pattern. in the

). -. ,. 7.

The injected fuel must e roken into very fine droplets.

:. 5roper spray pattern to ensure rapid mi;ing

of fuel ! air. sharp.

<. Beginning ! end of injection should

=. Timing the injection of the fuel correctly in

cycle so that ma;imum power is o tained, ensuring economy ! clean urning.

'. >niform

distri ution of fuel droplets throughout the com ustion cham er.

For accom"lishin# these requirements the follo$in# functional elements are required in a fuel in ection s!stem%
+. 5>05I8? @4@0@8T1

To move the fuel from the fuel tank to cylinder ! piping etc.
-. 0@T@AI8? @4@0@8TB1 ,.

To measure ! supply the fuel at the rate demanded y load ! speed. 0@T@AI8? C28TA241 To adjust the rate of metering elements for changes in load ! speed of the engine. among the cylinder.

7. #IBTAIB>TI8? @4@0@8TB1 To divide the metered fuel e3ually :. TI0I8? C28TA24B1 <. 0ICI8? @4@0@8T1

To adjust the start ! the stop of injection.

To atomi"es ! distri ute the fuel within the com ustion cham er.

Indirect and Direct In ection

& direct in ection diesel en#ine in ects the fuel directl! into the combustion chamber' (an! desi#ns do not use a #lo$ "lu#'

Indirect and Direct In ection
In an in ire$t in%e$tion

&a reviated IDI. diesel engine, fuel is injected into a small precham er, which is connected to the cylinder y a narrow opening. The initial com ustion takes place in this precham er. This has the effect of slowing the rate of com ustion, which tends to reduce noise.

&n indirect in ection diesel en#ine uses a "rechamber and a #lo$ "lu#'


#iesel injection systems can e divided into two asic types. They are 1

/ir injection system Bolid injection system

+' &ir in ection s!stem

In this method fuel is forced into the cylinder

y means of compressed air to a very high pressure. The rate of fuel admission can e controlled y varying the pressure of air . y a camshaft driven fuel pump. The fuel valve is opened y means of a mechanical linkage operated y the camshaft which controls the timing of injection . The fuel valve is also connected to a high pressure air line fed y a multi stage compressor which supplies air at a pressure of a out :* to <* ar.

The fuel is metered ! pumped to the fuel valve

/#D/8T/?@B9 It provides

etter atomi"ation ! distri ution of fuel. e injected.

(eavy ! viscous fuels, which are cheaper can also #IB/#D/8T/?@B9

This method is not used now a day due to following reasons1

It re3uires a high pressure multi stage compression. / separate mechanical linkage is re3uired to time the

operation of fuel valve.

The fuel valve sealing re3uires considera le skill. #ue to the compression ! the linkage the

ulk of the engine increases . This also results in reduced B.5 due to power loss in operating the compression ! linkage. In case of sticking of the fuel valve , the system ecomes 3uite dangerous due to the presence of high pressure air.

,' Solid in ection s!stem

In this method fuel is injected directly into the com ustion cham er without primary atomi"ation is termed as solid injection. it is also termed as mechanical injection. Bolid injection system can e classified into - types1


injector system. Common rail system. #istri utor system.

+'Unit in ector s!stem:

The unit injector system is one in which the pump ! injector are com ined in one housing. @ach cylinder is provided with one of these unit injectors. Euel is rought up to the injector y a low pressure pump at proper time, a rocker arm actuates the plunger ! thus injects the fuel into the cylinder.

Electronic Unit In ector -EUI.

Aoger Frieger,

,'Commmon rail s!stem:

In common rail system a high pressure

fuel pump delivers fuel to an accumulator, whose pressure is kept constant with the help of a pressure regulating valve.
/ common rail or a pipe starts from the

accumulator ! leads to the different distri uting elements for each cylinder.

Eor each cylinder there is a separate metering !

timing element which is connected to an automatic injector injecting fuel into the cylinder.
In the common rail system the supply pressure of

the fuel is independent of speed ! hence is not affected y the fuel pump.
The amount of fuel entering the cylinder is

regulated y varying the length of the push rod stroke.

/i#h01ressure Common Rail

Common Rail

S"ill Control 3al4e

In ectors

Fuel Return to Tan2 ECU

/i#h01ressure 1um"

5'Distributor s!stem:

In this system the pump which

pressuri"es the fuel also meters ! times it .

The fuel pump after metering the

re3uired amount of fuel supplies it to rotating distri utor at the correct time for supply to each cylinder.

The num er of injection strokes per cycle for

the pump is e3ual to the num er of cylinders.

Bince there is only one metering element , a

uniform distri ution is automatically ensured .

8ot only that , the cost of the fuel injection

system also reduces to a value less than two G third of that for individual pump system.

NO66LE :
8o""le is a part of an injector through

which the fuel is sprayed into the com ustion cham er.

Darious types of no""les used in C I engine are1

BI8?4@ (24@ 82HH4@1


hole no""le are used in open com ustion cham er. /t the center of the no""le ody there is a single hole which is closed y the no""le valve. The si"e of the hole is usually larger than *.)mm. The hole may e drilled centrally or at an angle to the centre line of the no""le. 0ain disadvantages of the Bingle hole no""le are1 Bingle hole no""le has tendency to dri le. The spray angle is very narrow. This does not facilitate good mi;ing unless higher air velocities are provided.

0ulti-hole 8o""le1

In order to mi; the fuel properly even with the slow air movement availa le with many open com ustion cham er ,a 0ultihole no""le.

The num er of holes varies from , ! +=

and the si"e from +.7mm to *.-7mm.

/dvantages9 i. ii.

?ives good atomi"ation. #istri ute fuel property even with lower air motion availa le in open com ustion cham er. #ri ling /w injection.

. #isadvantages9
i. ii. iii.

Dery high injection. Close tolerance in manufacture ! hence costly.


0odern diesel injection system use engine sensors, a computer and

solenoid operated fuel injectors to meter ! inject the right amount of fuel into the engine cylinder. These system is called as electronic fuel injection system&@E4. use electrical ! electronic devices to monitor ! control engine operation.
/n electronic control unit &@C>. or computer receives electrical

signals in the form of current or voltage from various sensors. It then uses the stored data to operate the injectors , ignition system ! other engine related devices. /s a result, less un urned fuel leaves the engine as emissions ! the vehicle gives etter mileage.

>nder full load, the @C> will sense a wide open throttle, high

intake manifold pressure,! high inlet air flow. The @C> will then increase the injector pulse width to enrich the mi;ture which will ena le the engine to produce higher power.
>nder low load ! idling conditions, the @C> will shorten the

pulse width y which the injectors are kept in the closed position over a longer period of time. Because of this, air-fuel mi;ture will ecome leaner ! will result in etter fuel economy.
@EI system has a cold start injector too. This is an e;tra injector

that sprays fuel into the center of the engine intake manifold when the engine is cold. It server the same purpose as the car uretor choke. The cold start injector ensures easy engine start up in very cold weather.

Typical sensors used in @EI system are as

@;haust gas &or. o;ygen sensor. @ngine temperature sensor. /ir flow sensor. /ir inlet temperature sensor. Throttle position sensor. 0anifold pressure sensor. Camshaft position sensor. Fnock sensor.

0erits of @EI system1

+. Better atomi"ation ! vapouri"ation will make the engine less

). 0anifold wetting is eliminated due to the fuel

eing injected into or close to cylinder ! need not flow through the manifold. therefore starting will e easier.

-. /tomi"ation of fuel is independent of cracking speed ! ,. #istri ution of fuel

eing independent of vapouri"ation less volatile fuel can e used. height of the engine can e less.

7. 5osition of the injection unit is not so critical ! there y the

#emerit of @EI system1

+. (igh maintenance cost. ). #ifficulty in servicing. -. 5ossi ility of malfunction of some sensors.

In order to cool the engine a cooling

medium is re3uired. This can e either air or a li3uid.

There two types of cooling system for

cooling the I C engine, these are1

Iater or indirect cooling system. /ir cooling system.



In this system mainly water is used and made to

circulate through the jackets provided around the cylinder, cylinder-head, valve ports and seats where it e;tracts most of the heat.
Iater-cooling can

e carried out y any one of the following five methods1

#irect or non-return system Thermosyphon system Eorced circulation cooling system @vaporative cooling system 5ressure cooling system

#IA@CT 2A 828-A@T>A8 B$BT@0

This system is useful for large installations

where plenty of water is availa le. The water from a storage tank is directly supplied through an inlet valve to the engine cooling water jacket. The hot water is not cooled for reuse ut simply discharged.

9' T/ER(OS*1/ON S*STE(

T(@A02B$5(28 B$BT@0


asic principle of thermosyphon can e e;plained with respect to figure. (eat is supplied to the fluid in the tank /. Because of the relatively lower density, the hot fluid travels up, its place eing taken up y comparatively cold fluid from the tank B through the pipe p). The hot fluid flows through the pipe p+ to the tank B where it gets cooled. Thus the fluid circulated through the system in the form of convection currents. Eor engine application, tank / represents the cylinder jackets while tank B represents a radiator and water acts the circulating fluid.

E2AC@# CIAC>4/TI28 C224I8? B$BT@0

In Eorced cooling system a pump is used to cause positive circulation of water in the water jacket. usually the pump is elt driven from the engine.

The water or coolant is circulated through

jackets around the parts of the engine to e cooled and kept in motion y a centrifugal pump which is driven y the engine.
The water is passed through the radiator

where it is cooled radiator y a fan .

y air drawn through the

/ thermostat is used to control the water

temperature re3uired for cooling. This system mainly consists of four components, vi"., a radiator, fan, water pump and a thermostat.

@D/52A/TID@ C224I8? B$BT@0

This system is used in stationary engines.

In this , engine will e cooled ecause of the evaporation of the water in the cylinder jackets into steam.

This method of cooling utili"es the high latent

heat of vapori"ation of water y allowing it to evaporate in the cylinder jackets.

The cooling circuit is such that coolant is

always li3uid ut the steam formed is flashed off in the separate vessel. The makeup water so formed is sent ack for cooling.
This system is used for cooling of many types

of industrial engines

5A@BB>A@ C224I8? B$BT@0

In pressure cooling system moderate

pressures, say upto ) ar, are commonly used.

/s shown in the figure a cap is fitted on the radiator with two-

valves, a safety valve which is loaded and a vacuum valve.

Ihen the coolant is cold

y a compression spring

oth the valves are shut, ut as the engine warms up the coolant temperature rises until it reaches a certain value corresponding to the desired pressure then the safety valve opens9 ut if the coolant temperature falls during the engine operation the valve will close again until the temperature again rises to the e3uivalent pressure value. vacuum egins to form in the cooling system, ut when the internal pressure falls elow atmospheric the vacuum valve is opened y the higher outside pressure and the cooling system then attains atmospheric pressure.

Ihen the engine is switched off and the coolant cools down


/ir cooling is usually used for small engines

and for engines whose application gives e;treme importance to weight such as aircraft engines. 2ther area for air-cooled engines are industrial and agricultural engines where there can e a strong o jection to use of water as coolant.

air cooling the cylinder head heat transfer area is increased y fining ! air is passed over these fins to affect cooling.

Two types of fins used to cover the cylinder. The length of fins ! the spacing

/w them is 3uite important

for efficient cooling .

4arger inter-spacing

/w the fins offers larger area for cooling air ut the heating of the air is less, so more cooling air is re3uired. /w the fins results in smaller flow area for cooling air ! hence air is heated more ! input to the cooling air is less. distance /w two fins is 3uite small the laminar layer of the opposite area come in contact with each other ! the efficiency of the fins is reduced very much. Therefore ,a spacing less than ).7mm is not used.

Bmaller interspacing

(owever, the pressure drop re3uired for flow is more. If the

The height of the fins controls the distance

/w the two cylinders and hence, the si"e of the engine. >sually the fin height varies from +7 to )7mm.


The function of the radiator is to reject coolant heat to the outside air.& y conduction ! forced convection ! not y radiation. The cooling effect in a radiator is achieved y dispersing the heated coolant into fine stream through the radiator core so that relatively small 3uantities of coolant are rought in contact with large metal surface areas which in turn are cooled y a stream of air. It should e noted that it is easier o transfer heat from water to the metal surfaces than from metal surface to air.

The radiator consists of an upper tank &header tank. at the top ! a collector tank at the ottom of the radiator core.

Two types of radiators in common use are 1

#own-flow type ! cross flow type.

In down-flow type ,water flow from top to ottom , ut in cross flow type the hot coolant is supplied to top of the supply tank, it flows across the radiator and is taken out from the ottom of the collector tank. / separate header tank is usually provide at the upper end of the collector tank to prevent aeration.


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