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Distributed Power Systems For Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

The Course

This course introduces IET students to an

important engineering topic thats closely related to their field in real life.


Students learn electric power engineering concepts and develop technical expertise in

this specialized field.

Power Systems
Power systems are responsible for generating

electrical power, transmitting this power and then distributing it to customers at voltage

levels and reliability that are appropriate to

various users.

System Layout
Generation Transmission Distribution Customer Service
Different Technologies

Extra High Voltage Medium and Low voltage

Directions of Research
Power system analysis. Power system planning. Power system control. Power system protection. Power quality. Load management. Distributed generation.

Structure Of The Course

System Protection

System Analysis and Control

Modeling of system Components

Three Phase and Per-unit systems

Course Syllabus

Modeling of Power system components. The Per- unit system.

[1 lecture ]
[3 lectures] [1 lecture ]

Power flow analysis and control.

Short circuit analysis System protection Distributed Generation.

[2 lectures]
[2 lectures] [1 lecture ] [1 lecture ]

Marking Scheme
Quizzes (Best 2 of 3) Tutorial Assignments Reports Mid Term Examination Examination and Lab. Final Total 10 10 15 25 40 100

Schedule of Classes

Lectures: Tuesdays , 3rd slot in H10.

Instructor office hours every Sunday from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Tutorials : Tuesdays , 5th slot in H10 .

1. Electrical Energy Systems, Mohamed El-

Hawary, CRC Press 2000, ISBN 0-84932191-3.


AC Power Systems Handbook, Jerry

Whitaker, CRC Press 1999, ISBN 0-84937414-6.


Journals and Conferences papers.

What is a Power System?
Power system includes all parts of an electric system power sources and customers.

What is the function of the system?

The Function of the system is to generate power , transmit this power and to distribute it to customers at voltage levels and reliability that are appropriate to various users.

Thermal Power Station

Gas Power Station

Hydraulic Power Station

System Components

What are the main component of a power system?

Generation plants
HV Substations

Transmission Lines
Bulk power Substations

Distribution system

Single Line Diagram

Voltage levels

Generation: 1kV-30 kV EHV Transmission: 500kV-765kV HV Transmission: 230kV-345kV Subtransmission system: 69kV-169kV Distribution system: 120V-35kV


Power plants convert the energy stored in the fuel or hydro into electric energy.
The energy is supplied through step-up transformers to the electric network. Power systems are comprised of 3 basic electrical subsystems. Generation subsystem Transmission subsystem Distribution subsystem

High Voltage Network

High-voltage networks, consist of transmission lines, connects the power plants and highvoltage substations in parallel. This network permits load sharing among power plants The typical voltage of the network is between 240 and 700 kV. The high-voltage substations are located near the load centers.

Subtransmission Network

The subtransmission system connects the highvoltage substations to the distribution substations.

The typical voltage of the subtransmission system is between 138 and 69 kV.
In high load density areas, the subtransmission system uses a network configuration that is similar to the high voltage network. In medium and low load density areas, the

loop or radial connection is used.

Distribution Network

The distribution system has two parts, primary and secondary.

The primary distribution system consists of overhead lines or underground cables, which are called feeders. The feeders supply the distribution transformers that step the voltage down to the secondary level.

The secondary distribution system contains overhead lines or underground cables supplying the consumers directly by single- or three-phase power.

One Line Diagram

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