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Amity School of Business

Amity School of Business III Semester


Module 1: Introduction to Writing Skills Effective writing skills Avoiding common errors Paragraph writing Note taking Writing assignments Module 2: Letter Writing Types Formats Module 3: Memo Agenda and Minutes Notice and Circulars Module 4: Report Writing Purpose and Scope of Report Fundamental principles of Report Writing Project Report Writing Summer Internship Reports

Amity School of Business

Amity School of Business

Module 1: Introduction to Writing Skills Effective writing skills Avoiding common errors Paragraph writing Note taking Writing assignments

Effective writing skills

Effective Writing requires Features of Business Writing: Should be terse, clear and to the point

Amity School of Business

Basic Rules of Effective Writing

1. Getting to the point a. Being Concise b. Paragraphing c. Use of Lists d. Framing Effective Questions 2. Use of NonDiscriminatory Language 3. Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling 4. Tone a. Choosing the Right Tone b. Conversational Tone

Amity School of Business

General Principles of Writing

A. Written messages should be readable .

Amity School of Business

Example 1 As pertaining to the question of whether or not to construct a new storage facility, corporate management will ascertain the appropriateness of such an issue in the near future. Management will decide next week whether to build a new storage facility. B. C. Write to Express not Impress. Use simple words and short sentences.

Amity School of Business

Example 2 As per our conversation, I am enclosing herewith a remittance of $25 for the balance due on my account. (18 words) As we discussed, here is the $25 remaining on my account. (11 words) Here is the $25 remaining on my account. (8 words) D. Use jargon only when necessary.

Example 3 While the new ST7000 provides extensive memory and is extremely user compatible, it lacks the requisite capacity for calculating at a high rate of speed. Our computer system is easy to use and has enough memory, but it is too slow.

Amity School of Business

E. Write with verbs and nouns- use active voice. Example 5 The construction crew repaired the road. Note: The road was repaired by the construction company.

F. Format to improve readability- Use lists, bullets, charts, tables, italics, bolds, headings and subheadings . Keep it short . Put to the reader first.

Amity School of Business

Selection of WordsUse simple words Use familiar words Do not use slang in formal communication. Choose short words. Use technical words with language caution. Use words with right strength and vigor. Use concrete language instead of abstract. Use the active voice (the subject does the action) Select words for precise meaning

Writing Sentences

Amity School of Business

Emphasis on short sentences to increase readability. Too many words and relationships in one sentence may cause misunderstanding. Determining emphasis in sentence design according to logical way of presenting information.

Amity School of Business

Common errors
Redundancies- Repetitive or unnecessary words to express the same meaning. Eg. Basic fundamental, true facts, past history, personal opinion, personal opinion etc.

Clichs- Phrases that are overused and should be avoided. They should be substituted with original expressions. Eg. Last but not the least, thanking you in advance, no problem etc.

Frequently misused wordsEg. Eminent (well known) and imminent (about to happen) Lose and loose, principle and principal etc.

Amity School of Business

A paragraph is often defined as a group of related sentences in which one single, main idea is developed. In a typical paragraph, the first sentence declares the main topic of the paragraph and the rest of the sentences develop or support the main idea. A paragraph is most often a part of a longer composition comprising of several paragraphs. A Good Paragraph has . . . Unity Support Coherence Good Language Variety of Structures

Paragraph Writing

Amity School of Business

A Paragraph is a group of sentences that introduces, presents and develops one main idea about the topic. And it can be divided into three major parts. A. The Topic Sentence B. The Supporting Details C. The Concluding Sentence

Note Making

Amity School of Business

It is a systematic method of writing down quickly, briefly and clearly the important points of a text. It is used to-

Amity School of Business

Note Making involves Reading strategy: Note writing technique Reduction devices Organizing techniques. Methods of sequencing

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