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HSNO Flammable Classes 3 and 4

Flammable Liquids - Class 3

3.1 Liquids
category A, B, C, & D

3.2 Liquid Desensitised explosive

category A, B, & C

Class 3.1 Flammable Liquids

Class 3.1A - very high hazard
flash point of less than 230C and initial boiling point <350C e.g: ether

Class 3.1B - high hazard

flash point of less than 230C and initial boiling point >350C e.g.: acetone

Class 3.1 Flammable Liquids

Class 3.1C - medium hazard
Flash point greater or equal to 230C, but less than 600C

Class 3.1D - low hazard

Flash point greater than 600C, but less than or equal to 930C

Class 3.2
3.2A - liquid desensitised explosives: high hazard 3.2B - liquid desensitised explosives: medium hazard 3.2C - liquid desensitised explosives: low hazard

Class 3 - Safe handling

Containers of 3.1A shall only be opened or decanted in fume cupboards Bottles of ready to use reagents stored on benches or shelves should not exceed
1 litre for category A substances 2.5 litres for category B substances

The opening and pouring of all flammable liquids should be carried out in a fume cupboard

Class 3 - Safe handling

Open containers for as short a time as possible - not exceeding 10 minutes, with the following max. volumes
1.5L decanted volume of any flammable liquid with a flash point less than or equal to 100C above ambient temperature, or; 5L decanted volume of any flammable liquid with a flash point greater than 100C above ambient temperature

Class 3 - safe handling

Spill - absorb using sand or substance suitable for absorption of the liquid Emergency plans Extinguish any ignition sources - vapour heavier than air and will sink down to lowest level

Class 3 - safe handling

Storage cabinets - no ignition sources, secondary containment No more than 100 litres per cabinet, max. 20 litres per container Secondary containment to hold 50% Refrigerators used to store flammable substances must be spark proof and labelled
external thermostats and light fittings removed

Class 3 - safe handling

Storage of substances category A not to exceed 5 litres e.g.: ether (trackable) 20 litres maximum for all other categories If in laboratory, must be an approved container or storage cabinet. DG Store (certified) for bulk storage

Flammable Vapours
Less than 0.5ml of residual ethanol in a 2.5 L Winchester can produce a saturated air/ethanol vapour mixture. Refilling a 2.5 L Winchester which has held ethanol at 190C will release 2.5 litres of a saturated ethanol vapour/air mixture. This can result in over 42 litres of flammable vapour!

Class 4 - Flammable, Solids

4.1.1 Readily combustible 4.1.2 Self reactive 4.1.3 Solid Desensitised explosive 4.2 Spontaneously combustible 4.3 Dangerous when wet

Class 4 - Flammable Solids

4.1.1A - readily combustible solids and solids that may cause fire through friction medium hazard 4.1.1B - readily combustible solids and solids that may cause fire through friction low hazard

Class 4 - Flammable Solids

4.1.2A - self reactive substances, type A 4.1.2 (B - G) - self-reactive substances 4.1.3A - Solid desensitised explosives: high hazard 4.1.3B - Solid desensitised explosives: medium hazard 4.1.3C - Solid desensitised explosives: low hazard

Picric Acid
Classes 4.1.3A, 6.1B, 6.3B, 6.5B, 8.3A, 9.1D, 9.3B Class 1.1D but controls only apply to large quantities (25 - 50kg +) toxic, explosive, corrosive and ecotoxic

Class 4 - Flammable Solids

4.2A - spontaneously combustible substances:pyrophoric substances:high hazard e.g.: phosphorus (yellow/white, dry or in

4.2B - spontaneously combustible substances: self-heating substances: medium hazard e.g.: potassium hydrosulphite 4.2C - spontaneously combustible substances: self-heating: low hazard

Class 4 - Flammable Solids

4.3A - solids that emit flammable gas when in contact with water: high hazard
Calcium Carbide - emits acetylene gas

4.3B - solids that emit flammable gas when in contact with water: medium hazard 4.3C - solids that emit flammable gas when in contact with water: low hazard

Flammables requiring tracking

3.1A (ether) 3.2A 4.1.2A 4.1.2B 4.1.3A (picric acid) 4.2A 4.3A

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