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Shopping is among the most important contemporary

social activities currently. People frequently visit shopping centers and sprawling malls to indulge themselves. Shoppers love new and novel experiences. In fact, shoppers enjoy unconventional and unique marketing approaches. Business owners using these methods, find it easier to grab the attention of shoppers. It can be difficult to gauge the manner in which shoppers behave because of the high unpredictability quotient. Of late, the behavior of shoppers continues to change even more rapidly. This makes it even harder for business owners to get a grip on their target audience.

In these circumstances, retail traffic intelligence can be a shot in the arm for retail

business owners. A high-quality traffic intelligence system such as the one offered by Prodco International Inc. can help business owners to:
Evaluate the profile and characteristics of shoppers Gain an understanding about the demography of the shoppers

Obtain insights into hitherto unpredictable consumer behavior

Armed with these insights, business owners of retail stores can effectively target the

shoppers at their stores. Thus, they can use enticing promotions, which can strike a resonant chord with their target audience. If a business owner can therefore, devise marketing promotions based on the pre-emptive behavior of shoppers, shoppers will find it hard to remain unaffected.
Although they might not be aware of it, shoppers remain under constant surveillance

from the time they walk into stores. Business owners monitor their footsteps, choices, areas of interest in the store and reactions to discounts very closely. This is primarily because it is crucial to keep a keen eye on the traffic in the store for maximizing business and sales opportunities. The best retail traffic counter provides details of total traffic in the store in traffic reports. These reports could be in either graphic or tabular form, thereby enhancing their level of customization.

People counters in retail businesses help business owners gain

valuable insights about customer behavior and location performance. Business owners can use the data generated to enhance their sales and profits through appropriate planning and implementation of appropriate strategies. Therefore, if business owners install retail people counters, these devices can help count the number of people visiting the store or mall accurately. This can help business owners ensure that their retail stores perform at optimal levels day after day. To express it simply, these devices are electronic systems that utilize readers mounted at entrances for counting the number of people walking into a specific facility or shopping zone.

One of the key performance indicators of a retail store is its

performance levels. Retail counters help business owners calculate the percentage of store visitors that end up purchasing something. Furthermore, business owners use retail traffic counters to measure the traffic count of people entering or leaving a place, as mentioned above. These counters use a wide variety of technology to accomplish this. The main kinds of technology used by people counters are: Synthetic intelligence Computer vision that uses CCTV cameras or, Thermal imaging


People counting devices are an innovative means to

generate information for conducting statistical analyses. These devices can count the number of people who enter and exit a store. However, they also serve a number of other purposes. These include: Intelligence gathering in supermarkets and malls and, Traffic data analysis


People counters at malls provide greater accuracy when

it comes to maintaining a count of the percentage of people who visit a store: Casually, without making any purchases Casually, but end up making a purchase or two Aiming to purchase certain products for sure


Analysis of the data generated by these counters can be very

important to analyze a stores performance. Several business owners will primarily examine their account sales details. However, this device provides accurate data that can yield dividends in: Analyzing Sales Patterns Improving Sales Ascertaining the levels of under or over-staffing in stores Understanding the peak hours of the store, thereby enabling business owners to provide maximum staffing at the time


The only permanent factor in life is change. This adage

has a corresponding impact in the world of retail too. Shopping trends keep changing frequently. This makes it imperative for business owners to innovate in a bid to stay ahead of the competition. Visit Prodco International Inc. to find out more about the changing shopping trends. Devise systematic strategies to counter them. Observe the difference in your sales and profitability.


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