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(A challenge for life) Rain Forest America is the proud owner of Bosque Vida Verde - Green Life Forest

t - , a property of more than 11,500 acres of prime virgin rain forest situated in the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. Plans are being developed to create a protected area that will be saved from ecological disaster, but that, at the same time, will promote integrated projects using a sustainable approach to development. The local population will be able to participate in the protection and utilization of the natural resources of the same area. We will keep all interested parties informed of initial plans which are now in the drawing board.

Farm Location

The Green Life Park is located on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, 10 miles south from Bluefields (Central America)

Green Life Park

Bluefields Office

The vision of our professionally integrated group is to promote programs through which land owners, indigenous groups, responsible investors, scientists, educators and government agencies can join efforts to save earth for the continuous destruction of irresponsible exploitation.


In our vision we are prepared to prove that responsible earth management is more economically beneficial to the individual land owner and humanity than present practices.

Aerial Views

Conservation. We will work to help protect the world's remaining tropical rainforests, including protecting all of the existing rainforest on our farms. We will plant as many tropical trees, sustainable produce as much tropical hardwood, and personally protect as much tropical rainforest as is consistent with maintaining profitability and quality. As part of our effort, we will maintain our tree farms as private biological reserves. And in addition to the trees we plant for harvest, will also plant trees that will not be harvested, to protect steep hillsides and the rivers and streams, and provide additional food and shelter for the birds and animals.

Education. We will work to help slow tropical deforestation through education. On a global level, we will continue to communicate the importance of protecting the world's remaining rainforests, and that profit and the environment can coexist in harmony. We will continue to communicate to the citizens and businesses of consuming nations the importance of utilizing only those tropical woods that come from sustainable sources and not from the destruction of rainforests. At the local level, we will continue to work to teach the children and their families the importance of protecting the local flora and fauna and to love, respect and value both the forest and its trees.

Sharing. We will share this opportunity as widely as possible while continuing to maintain quality and profitability. By planting and growing tropical hardwood trees by contract for our tree owners, many more people may profit from this opportunity and enjoy the beauty of the farms. And, together we can plant many more trees, produce much more tropical hardwood, and protect much more rainforest than if we limited our efforts to our own resources.

Community. In addition to focusing on profit for our tree owners and ourselves, we will always strive to be a benefit to all with whom we come into contact, especially our tree owners and our workers, and to help all of our neighboring communities, their schools and their churches. Continuity. We are committed to having our business continue, independent of our existence. We are organized as a corporation for profit, and share our knowledge, beliefs, values, authority and responsibility with our employees with the objective that they may continue on without us.

Trip to the Land

Inside the Land

Animals of the Rainforest

Animals of the Rainforests

An incredible number of animals live in rainforests. Millions of insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals call them home. Insects are the most numerous animals in rainforests. Tropical rainforests have a greater diversity of plants and animals than temperate rainforests or any other biome. In temperate rainforests, most of the animals are ground dwellers and there are fewer animals living in the forest canopy.

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