Design of Earthen Dam

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Submitted by: Sharad Jha 10102055 Rudraksh Rajeev 10102083 Under the guidance of: Prof. Dr. S. K.


They are trapezoidal in shape Earth dams are constructed where the foundation or the underlying material or rocks are weak to support the masonry dam or where the suitable competent rocks are at greater depth. Earthen dams are relatively smaller in height and broad at the base They are mainly built with clay, sand and gravel, hence they are also known as Earth fill dam or Rock fill dam

On the earth, most of the dams constructed so far are earthen dams. Failure of a number of earthen dams is due to faulty design. The design of different components of earthen dam has been narrated in this paper. This will help in better understanding of design of dams and dam failures.


formulation Designing of earthen dam Check against various forms of failures

Dimensions Of Earthen Dam

Length -> Height -> Elevation at crest -> Width (crest) -> Width (base) -> Dam volume -> Spillways -> Spillway type -> 1,951 m 133 m 435.86 m 13.72 m 610 m 35,500,000 m3 6 x radial gates Overflow gate chute

Spillway capacity -> Total capacity -> Active capacity -> Catchment area -> Surface area -> Max. length -> Normal elevation -> Hydraulic head ->

12,375 m3/s 8,570,000,000 m3 7,290,000,000 m3 12,560 km2 260 km2 41.8 km 426.72 m 95.1 m

Soil Data
Particulars Dry Weight Moist Weight Submerged Weight Saturated Weight Angle Of Internal Friction Cohesion Impervious Soil 17.266 kN/m3 19.620 kN/m3 10.448 kN/m3 20.258 kN/m3 20 degrees Pervious Soil 20.405 kN/m3 11.085 kN/m3 20.895 kN/m3 30 degrees Foundation Soil 20.405 kN/m3 11.085 kN/m3 20.895 kN/m3 30 degrees

42.183 kN/m2

Safe against overtopping during occurrence of flood Seepage line must be well within the d/s face u/s and d/s slopes should be stable under critical and adverse condition Foundation shear stresses within safe limits No opportunity of free passage of water from u/s to d/s Safe against piping


and cut off

Casing Internal

drainage system and foundations Side slope and Slope protection Surface drainage Impervious blanket

Hydraulic failures Overtopping Erosion of upstream slope by waves Erosion of d/s slope by wind and rain Erosion of d/s toe Seepage failures Piping through dam and its foundation Conduit leakage Sloughing

Structural failures
sliding of u/s and d/s slopes Flow slides due to spontaneous liquefaction Damage caused by borrowing of animals Damage caused by water soluble materials Damage caused by earthquake

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