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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the

full product?

How have you developed your skills and knowledge since you constructed your preliminary task?

Front Cover
I feel Ive developed my skills significantly since the preliminary task. For my front cover, I have learned how to target a specific audience and the factors taken into account; such as a certain genre, people interested in that genre and content which would appeal to them. For my preliminary task my audience was more generic ( ust young college kids!. Ive learned to edit"manipulate the main image to a greater e#tent. In my preliminary front cover, I didnt edit my image at all e#cept from partially cropping it. For my music front cover, I tinted my main image of my model to create a grey colour effect. $rey was my house style, giving it a classic Indie %ock feel. Finally, Ive learned how to &e more creative with my cover lines and masthead. For my preliminary, these were rather plain &ut for my music front cover I put a &ackground on my masthead '(dyssey and so to on my cover lines. )his made my overall production of my front cover look &etter and more appealing.

Contents Page
In hindsight, my preliminary contents page was very ordinary and re*uires improvement. I ensured I made the contents page for my music maga+ine &etter, firstly &y simply adding more to it. I included various features, e.g ',rofile of top -./ and made certain te#t &old"in different colour to make it stand out. I increased the &rightness of my main image, too, to make sure the reader noticed it immediately. I stuck with the same model as my front cover to maintain consistency, for my preliminary contents page I didnt even have an image so that in itself is a development. 0lso, on my music contents page I included two images and accommodated the te#t around it to create a tidy page layout. 0 feature I included was the '1in a pair of shoes/ to further entice the reader into &uying"carrying on reading the maga+ine. 0nother thing I picked up was the importance of social media and how it is a common convention of a music contents page. I put the social media details at the &ottom, highlighted in different font colour, to inform the reader that the maga+ine is active online as well.

Double page spread

I cannot compare two 2,3 designs &ecause I didnt do one for my preliminary task. 3o for my music 2,3, I had to do research on how to plan them and the standard conventions of a 2,3. Firstly, from my research I *uickly found a certain layout is e#pected4 main image on one side, te#t (usually an interview of some sort! on the other side. I made sure I adhered to this and edited my main image of a different model, making the middle &it the lightest and &lurring the &ackground a little. I made sure the image actually related to the conte#t of the interview (talking to the &and mem&er of new al&um '5lectric Fight!. Indeed, interviews with &and mem&ers seems to &e the most popular type of article feature to include in a 2,3. I carefully planned my *uestions, making them suita&le to the interviewee and interesting for the audience to read. I made the *uestions &old to distinguish them from the answers. I learned an appropriate introduction was needed for the interview, giving the reader an idea of what it will &e a&out. 0lso, I promoted the al&um at the end of the article which most maga+ines do, crediting the &and and getting good readership"pu&licity in return.

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