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3G site XML Creation

XML Creation Tools

Net Act Plan Editor LACE_Datafill 3Gneighbour tool v4_1 3Gneighbour tool v5_1 CIQ Format_WITH_REF_V2 3G_Parameter_Template KISS MACRO

RF DATA Input Requirements

1.Network dumps(2G and 3Gdump) 2G DUMP=Network Dump 3G DUMP=SIRAN Dump 2 RF data(All 3G NBRs Relation & Site details) 3 - SCO

CSV Creation
1.Create a temp folder in C drive. 2. Contains in temp folder are 2Gdump, 3Gdump, 3Gneighbour tool v4_1, 3Gneighbour tool v5_1, AdjG, AdjI, Adjs, Adjw, Huawei 3G Dump, Huawei 2G Dump, Seimens 2G Dump,Site details. Note.. A. ADJG ----- 3G to 2G Neighbors relation B. ADJI -------Inter frequency Neighbors relation. C. ADJS ------- Intra Frequency Neighbors relation (Out going). D. ADJW ----- 2G to 3G Neighbors relation . E. 3Gneighbour tool v5_1 -- Tool use for extracting all above nbrs(New & Expansion sites) F. 3Gneighbour tool v4_1 Tool use for existing sites. 3.Fill in temp folder ADJG,ADJI,ADJS,ADJW and Site details as given in RF data. 4 A. Extract 3Gneighbour tool v5_1 and RUN for New & Expansion sites and collect extracted output e.g. ADJG Total, ADJI Total, ADJS Total, ADJW Final. OR B. Extract 3Gneighbour tool v4_1 and RUN for Existing sites and collect extracted output e.g. ADJG Total, ADJI Total, ADJS Total, ADJW Final.

5. Copy CIQ Format_WITH_REF_V2 sheet and paste in Site XML making folder 6. Fill CIQ Format_WITH_REF_V2 data taken from ADJG Total,ADJI Total,ADJS Total and Site_Creation_Input. Then save it. 7. Open LACE_Datafill_475_RU30 & Enable Macro. A . Go to Add-Ins open LACE RU10 B. Select Import CIQ data and choose CIQ Format_WITH_REF_V2 sheet. C. Select Import Plan data from CIQ to the datafill and choose 3G_Parameter_Template_RU30_4.7.5_STC_V6_CREATE sheet. D.Select Open parameters sheet and update and choose 3G_Parameter_Template_RU30_4.7.5_STC_V6_CREATE sheet . E. Select Export CSV files for Cluster and check 3 option (Export RF Related objects to CSV,By site and Export ADJx Objects to CSV) F. Select Folder to save CSV files. G. Exports CSVs and output are a_ADJG.csv, a_ADJI.csv, a_ADJS.csv, a_WBTS.csv, a_WCEL.csv, a_WCEL_AC.csv, a_WCEL_HC.csv, a_WCEL_LC.csv, a_WCEL_PC.csv, a_WCEL_PS.csv, a_WCEL_SIB.csv, a_WCEL_URAID.csv, a_WLCSE.csv

XML Creation
1. Change MNC 1 to 01 in all nbrs e.g. a_ADJG.csv, a_ADJI.csv, a_ADJS.csv, a_WCEL.csv 2.Fill the list Id 1 in a_WCEL_URAID csv for all cells, 3. Fill the COCOId is 0, HSDPA14MbpsPerUser is 1, HSUPAXUsersEnabled is 24, NBAPCommMode is 0 and name is Site Name in a_WBTS csv. 4. Open Net Act Plan Editor 5. Select Open Database and choose STC empty MDB - incl 3G v5.5. Go to Export & select Export Plan 6. Click on new plan in export plan Choose Plan name ADJG and Export profile choose as STC_profile v1 then click on create 7. Go to Import click on Import plan Choose profile ADJG and Input File is a_ADJG.csv For Data selection tick on compare to actual data for importing changes Select NMS ID is <not relevant> Click on Import then click on View Buffer tick on Clear after import & Click on Accept import

Click on move to export buffer Click on view export buffer Tick on clear after export Select Output File (File Name is ADJG,Save as type is XML Plan(*.xml). 8. Repeat step 6 & step 7 for ADJI ,ADJS and WBTS.

9. For WCEL Click on new plan in export plan

Choose Plan name WCEL and Export profile choose as STC_profile v1 then click on create Go to Import click on Import plan A .Choose profile Wcel and Input File is a_Wcel.csv For Data selection tick on compare to actual data for importing changes Select NMS ID is <not relevant> Click on Import B Choose profile a_WCEL_AC and Input File is a_WCEL_AC.csv Click on Import C. Choose profile a_WCEL_HC and Input File is a_WCEL_HC.csv Click on Import D. Choose profile a_WCEL_LC and Input File is a_WCEL_LC.csv Click on Import E. Choose profile a_WCEL_PC and Input File is a_WCEL_PC.csv Click on Import F. Choose profile a_WCEL_PS and Input File is a_WCEL_PS.csv Click on Import G. Choose profile a_WCEL_SIB and Input File is a_WCEL_SIB.csv Click on Import H. Choose profile a_WCEL_URAID and Input File is a_WCEL_URAID.csv Click on Import I. Click on View Buffer J. tick on Clear after import & Click on Accept import

K. Click on move to export buffer L.Click on view export buffer & Tick on clear after export M. Select Output File (File Name is ADJG,Save as type is XML Plan(*.xml).

ADJW XML Creation

Fill ADJW.csv Template from ADJW Total sheet and use this ADJW.CSV for XML. Create a ADJW folder on desktop Paste Network (2G) dump in ADJW folder Open Network dump & search t_adjw Just double clk on T_ADJW & delete all numeric value in T_adjw and close network dump Open Net Act Plan Editor Select Open Database and choose network dump.mbd from ADJW folder. Go to Export & select Export Plan Click on new plan in export plan Choose Plan name ADJW and Export profile choose as Default OSS then click on create. Go to import and select profile Default Generic Click on right box of default Generic then open Import Profile In Import profile click on new and just put the ADJW in new import profile then click on OK. GO TO Format in Import Profile & select CSV option Click on right box of Input file name and select ADJW.CSV from Site data Click on right box CSV mapping automatic open a CSV Table mapping In CSV Table mapping click on new

After clicking on New automatic open a add New CSV mapping In name option fill ADJW Click on read parameter name from the CSV file Click on right box of file name and select ADJW.CSV Select ADJW in Default object Class. Click on OK of ADD NEW CSV Table mapping Click on Apply mapping of CSV Table mapping Click on Import of Import profiles . Uncheck of all Import plan and only tick on compare to actual data for importing changes. Select < not relevant> in NMS ID Click on Import then click on View Buffer tick on Clear after import & Click on Accept import. Click on move to export buffer Click on view export buffer & Tick on clear after export Select Output File (File Name is ADJW,Save as type is XML Plan(*.xml).

Creation of IC_ADJS and WLCSE

Process are same as ADJW just change name from ADJW to IC_ADJS & WLCSE used dump is SIRAN(3G) dump and this time find out T_ADJS and delete all numeric value in T_ADJS.

How to make IC_ADJS CSV

Open ADJS Total sheet put filter option in sheet Select blank option of site ID and copy this data in another sheet with header save as IC_ADJS Sheet in xsl. Open SIRAN dump ,find out A_WCEL & save on desktop in excel. Take vlookup in IC_ADJS Sheet in xsl sheet for RncId , WBTSId , LcrId from A_WCEL because these input are not in IC_ADJS Sheet in xsl sheet. Make a folder in A folder by name of IC_ADJS Rename a_adjs.csv as IC_ADJS & put in the IC_ADJS folder. Fill the IC_ADJS.CSV from IC_ADJS excel sheet. Use this IC_ADJS.CSV for IC_ADJS XML Creation.

Delete all data from output folder of Kiss tool

For wcel update, use kiss macro and fill values like RNC and WBTS ID and all CELL IDS and run the macro. After run macro the output xml in Output folder rename this XML as Site ID_WCEL UPDATE


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