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A Call of the Time:


By Mr. Jaymar Elanan Derosahento

Mater Dei College

June 05, 2009

Our story: The good architect

Build a foundation

1. Add character and integrity to pleasing personality. “Our values
impact every aspect of our lives.” Dr. S. Kahn

2. Build TRUST. “The progress of a nation could be measured by the level of trust in that
nation.” Francis Fukuyama

3. Improve your CREATIVITY. “The more you know about any one subject, the more
creative you will become as you expand your knowledge in any area. Zig Ziglar

In life, our foundation stones are the things that will determine to a
very large degree how high we will climb and, more importantly, how
long we will maintain those lofty positions.
Expect the best Our story: Zig and his Mom

 The way we see them affects the way we

treat them, and the way we treat them
affects the way they perform.

“We become how we act.” William James
 “If we make ourselves smile, we actually feel like smiling.” Alfred
 Our moods match our posture, and more
important, people around us tend to feel as
we feel.
 Through the power of expectation, a leader
can develop an adequate, realistic self-image
in personnel that will imbue them with new
capabilities and new talents, and literally
turn failures into successes.
Our story: The boy and the War

Accentuate the positive

 You can take the most outstanding position, or
members, or delegates and manage to find
some fault with them. Or you can take the
average ones and start looking for the good
qualities and you will find them in abundance. It
depends on what you’re looking for.
 Look for what you want, not for what you don’t
 Remember: you find what you look for in life.
Our story: Ronald Reagan Remembers

Care… about them

 People don’t care how much you know until they
know how much you care… about them!
 Anyone can do a job; anyone can do a good job.
But it’s not until there is love in a person’s heart
for a job that the results are something that
others will call great!
 Love is caring. – caring enough to invest your
life to give it your all, to stick it out, to do the best
you possibly can.
Humor will help
Our story: The Irishman
 Humor helps us relate to others and will
help make them want to know us to please
us, and to follow our leadership and
“No matter how brilliant on how technically
capable you are, you won’t be effective as
a leader unless you gain the willing
cooperation of others.”
Our story: The cancelled flight

Respond for a better tomorrow

 It’s a fact that you can’t tailor-make the situations
in life, but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit
those situations before they arise.
 As a leader, when your members act in a rude,
thoughtless, and inconsiderate manner and are
impossible to deal with, please understand you
can still choose to respond or react.
 All of life is a series of choices, and what you
choose to give life today will determine what life
will give you tomorrow.
“Your past is important, but as important as it is,
it is not nearly as important as the way you see
your future.” Dr. Tony Campolo

The way you see your future determines your thinking

today. Your thinking today determines your
performance today, and your performance in the
todays of your life determines your future.

Your success as a leader and in your life is

determined by the choices you make.
Our story: The wise man and the oarsman

I know who I am… and everybody else

Leaders know themselves and know how to
deal effectively with different personality
Every musical instrument and every human
being is different. Each is motivated
differently and the differences can result in
effective performance or incomplete
discord. This does not necessarily mean
that one person is right and the other is
wrong – just that we are different. And that
is good.
Our story: The mud men

Stay humble
“The First, second, and third way to holiness
is humility.” St. Augustine

Always keep in mind – You are not

THE LEADER, but you are ONLY
Our story: The boy and Thomas

Trust them and they will trust you

You can have everything in life you want if
you will just help enough other people get
what they want!
One basic definition of management and
leadership is “getting things done through
Successful leaders and managers
recognize, develop, and use all their
strength by recognizing, developing, and
utilizing the talents of their subordinates.
Our story: Lola Selda and the 2nd floor
It takes time
 There can be no persevering industry without a
deep sense of the value of time.
 In the leadership world, we might not be faced
with the physical danger, nor have a great need
for a burst of physical energy, but we are faced
with different kinds of “opportunities” that are
emotionally and physically draining. So…
1. Take time to grow
2. Take time to be healthy
3. Take time to play
4. Take time to be quiet
5. Take time for those you love
Our story: Ray and the class activity

Awareness is motivation
 If you are to motivate others, you’ve got to
find out their motive, reason, and cause –
and then encourage them to take action.
People are not going to be motivated for
your reasons. They are going to be
motivated for their own reasons.
 The honest realization of our motives (or
those of others) is the first step in
understanding motivation.
Our story: Marcie Lemaree

Negative use of Imagination

“We deplete nature’s resources by using them
up. We deplete our human resources by not
using them at all.”

This tragedy is compounded when those of us in

leadership positions do not utilize our abilities to
properly direct and inspire those in our sphere of
influence to become all they are capable of
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Our story: Mt. Everest and Sir Edmund Hillary

Loyalty is essential
Loyalty, for leaders, is remembering that
while you don’t work twenty-four hours a
day for your organization, you do
represent your company twenty-four hours
a day. Therefore, as a leader, you must be
loyal to yourself, to those whom you live
and work, and to your organization.
The greatest enemy of excellence is good!
Our story: The Cuban man

Eliminate FEAR

Some people would rather complain than

succeed. Try eliminating the complaining
and see if it doesn’t help you move toward
success more quickly.
Our story: The steam boat and Fulton

Accept the penalty

 Whatsoever you write, or paint, or play, or
sing, or build, no one will strive to surpass,
or to slander you, unless your work be
stamped with the seal of genius.
 The leader is assailed because he is a
leader, and the effort to equal him is
merely added proof of that leadership.
Failing to equal or to excel, the follower
seeks to depreciate and to destroy – but
only confirms once more the superiority of
that which he strives to replace.
Our story: The silent Barber

Do not “rush” to judgment

A leader is not a person who can do the
work better than his men; rather, he is a
person who can get his men to do the
work better than he can.”

As leaders, we need to be ever alert to

find and develop whatever talent is
available in our organization.
Our story: Just hit it, Babe Ruth

Extend your vision

 There’s a big difference between a poor
person’s attitude – wishing you had it-
and a wealthy person’s approach believing
you’ll get it!
 To see things differently, you don’t need
willpower, self-confidence, or brain
surgery. You just need the courage to think
the unfamiliar. Your beliefs determine the
quality of life.
Our story: Zig and the VP’s

Recognize, reward
 The greatest humiliation in life is to work
hard on something from which you expect
great appreciation, and then fail to get it.
Edgar Watson Howe
 Everyone likes to be appreciated. What better
way to express your appreciation than to share a
simple, courteous “thank you” when something
pleasant has been said or some simple service
has been rendered.
Build a foundation
Expect the best

Accentuate the positive

Care about… them

Humor will help
Respond – for a better tomorrow
I know who I am… and everybody else
Stay humble
Take one step at a time
It takes time
Awareness is motivation
No to negative Imagination
Loyalty is essential
Eliminate FEAR
Accept the penalty
Do not “rush” to judgment
Extend your vision
Recognize, Reward
Thank you,
and good

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