The Different Factors Why Students Prefer China Phones

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The Different Factors Why

Students Prefer China Phones

Pat Ray M Dagapioso
• There is a growing trend among young
peoples in the Philippines today that is
sure interesting to study about. This year,
not only Nokia, Samsung or Sony Ericsson
has taken large shares of the mobile
phone industry in the Philippines[1].
China Phones, phones manufactured in
the new industrial giant China, had
invaded the mobile phone industry.
• This study then becomes one of the
first academic thrusts of
understanding China Phones and its
marketability and the culture it
creates towards the youth.
II. Statement of the
• What factor contribute most to
shaping the preference of students
buying China Phones?
• Who among the agents of
socialization influences more in
shaping the preference of the
• What features do the students look
for in buying a China Phone.
III. Significance of the
• This study is among the first top
tackle the issue of China Phones and
its relationship to the students, or
the youth in general. This study helps
to open up the understanding that
certain types of culture, or attitudes
influence the preference of certain
III. Significance of the
• Further, this study is also helpful to
gauge the values an individual
accommodates in buying certain
products during such times of crisis.
• Lastly, this study will also serve as a
great help for students, scholars who
undertake the same subject matter as
China Phones and Youth Preference.
IV. Scope and Limitation
• This study focused on finding out the
different factors that result in the
preference of the students in buying
China Phones. The determination of the
factors of why the students prefer China
Phones is done through the dissemination
of simple survey questionnaire to the
respondents. The areas included are
income level, certain factors that
influence the attitudes of students, the
influence of the agents of socialization,
and the features of the phone.
VII. Data Presentation and
How much does your China Phone
P1000–P2000 111
P2000-P3000 111111
P3000-P4000 11
P6000 or more
VII. Data Presentation and
What drives you to buy a China
a. affordability 11111111111
b. features 11111
c. design 111
d. trend

e. brand
VII. Data Presentation and
Who do you think influences you
more in buying a China Phone?
a. parents1111

b. siblings1
c. relatives 111
d. friends 11111111
e. classmates 1
VII. Data Presentation and
What features do you look for in
buying a phone?
a. camera 11111111
b. mp3 11111111
c. games 1
d. touch screen 1111111
e. tv 11111
f. internet 11111111
g. fm radio 11
h. video recording 1111111
i. sound recording 111
VII. Data Presentation and
What would you rather buy?

a. a China Phone with1111111

3mp camera that cost 1

b. an original phone with111

3mp camera that cost
VII. Data Presentation and
Are you satisfied with you
China phone?

a. Yes 1111

b. No 1111111
VIII. Conclusion and
• Most students who had participated the research
had bought heir phones in the range of P1000-
P4000. This price bracket is categorized as
somewhat cheaper in comparison to branded
phones in Smart and Globe kiosks that sells for
P5000 and above.
• Choosing affordability and practicability as
reasons in buying a China phone means that
these students had become more secularized
themselves and shown great respects for
adopting changes brought in by the environment.
VIII. Conclusion and
• Yet, surprisingly, students found it easier to consult
friends and classmates than their own parents in
matters relating to buying China Phones.
• This tells that students are not only thinking about
money and use, but they see their phones as objects of
multi-tasking capability. They want that their phones
hold, internet, camera and musical functions rolled into
• Interestingly, the research found out that these
students showed a little less satisfaction with their
phones. This contradiction has dumbfounded the
researcher to find the reasons why.
VIII. Conclusion and
The End!!!

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