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The Way To Be Successful Employee


Company of advertising named Life Magazine Launched in February 2012 Life Magazine is a monthly Asia magazine of Asian

life, food, culture, politics, fashion and humaninterest stories Mission: to provide information about Asian people, how they struggle for life, introduce Asian food, to know Asian culture, the social of politics, people fashion and story of successful young individual.

Employee satisfaction is important to organization. It can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify potential problems area. Introduction to an organization situation is important to new employee. Job satisfaction refers to a positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences.

Leadership program
requires being strategically focused and applying behavioral techniques to build commitment and attain the best work from your subordinates. An understanding of the principles of strategic thinking, direction setting, communications and motivation provides a springboard for developing skills and an effective management style to suit your personality and leadership situations.

Leadership Program
serve as a role model and lead a team of people to achieve results that will ultimately enhance success of the company.

soft-skills Program
Communication is the process of transferring information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communicated information is understood by both sender and receiver. Two types of communication; Verbal and non-verbal. For example, speak clearly, make eye contact and use gesture

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) course.

Having a good ICT skill in would not only help you to enhance your work performance, but also help you to be a good leader. able to perform multitasking of various tasks or projects. For example, it is use to create your presentation, typing and data, editing picture, image or plan, emailing, doing research via internet and etc.

personal management programme

time management technique

and organizing work space. Time is a valuable asset for everyone as managing time wisely could affect ones job performance Focusing on one task should be kept in mind to finish the job early. organize their work space

Personal Management Program

Control stress and anger. Example, confront with work problem, learn to relax, think before you act, talk to others and reduce the demands of yourself. Organize work space; Example, keep file and stationary always in a right place after using.

job orientation programme

you will learn hands-on training from a senior

colleague to take over, to learn more of the scope of job, to organize job, to know all the document files, to know which task should be update by weekly or monthly and also to improve the efficient of work

stress management
Good stress enhances ones productivity and

performances By confronting with work problems, we can learn and handle tasks much easier.

Good workers are not only obeying the regulation but also setting a goal and challenge themselves to reach it. Ten ways to self-improvement; 1. become disciplined towards goal in life 2. grateful whenever we experience something good 3. think positive; positive thinking will bring out the best in you 4. Exercise; diminish stress

5. Get organized; try to plan your day in advance. 6. be happy for others 7. finish what you started; do not leave one thing halfway done 8. do not compete but co-operate 9. treat yourself. Always look after yourself and this will greatly raise your mood 10. always smiling because smile can change the whole day to a bright day

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