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TWO TYPES: (A) External respiration -- Breathing (B) Internal respiration -- Cellular respiration

Definition: -- The mechanical process that maintains a continuous exchange of gases between the respiratory surfaces of an organism and its environment. -- Occurs through the RESPIRATORY STRUCTURES.

Definition: -- The biochemical process in which energy is made available to all living cells. -- Involve the oxidation of organic molecules to release the chemical energy stored within these molecules.
Organic molecules (Glucose, Fats, Proteins)

Chemical Energy

Adenosine Triphosphate ()

TWO TYPES: (A) Aerobic Respiration (B) Anaerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration
Definition: -- The process that breaks down glucose when there is very little or no oxygen.
Anaerobes Human

(eg. Bacteria, yeast)

muscles and plants can sometimes carry out anaerobic respiration.

Anaerobic Respiration in Human Muscles

Prolonged physical exercises Not enough oxygen in the muscles (Oxygen Deficiency), incur OXYGEN DEBT. Muscles undergoes anaerobic respiration -- produce LACTIC ACID High concentration of lactic acid in the muscles muscle cramps and fatigue exhaustion Equation: Glucose C6H12O6

Lactic acid 2C3H6O3 + 2ATP

Anaerobic Respiration in Human Muscles

(A) The fate of lactic acid
After exercises, breathe in more oxygen, lactic acid is oxidised. lactic acid is oxidised in the LIVER. (a) Some lactic acid is oxidised to produce energy. Lactic acid + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy (b) Remaining lactic acid is converted to GLYCOGEN and stored in the muscle cells.


when all the lactic acids are removed -- by increased breathing rate after exercise Definition of OXYGEN DEBT: -- The amount of oxygen needed to remove lactic acid from the muscle cells.


Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast (Fermentation)

Yeast can carry out aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration

Anaerobic respiration is catalysed by ZYMASE Equation: Glucose C6H12O6


ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2ATP

Use of fermentation: 1. Wine and beer making (Ethanol). 2. Bread making -- CO2 makes dough rise.

Demonstrating the process of aerobic respiration

Investigating anaerobic respiration in yeast

The Adaptations of the Respiratory Structures of organisms

1. There are many foldings or branched tubes or air sacs or alveoli -- to give LARGE surface area to volume ratio -- for efficient gases exchange 2. Cells lining the respiratory structures -- are THIN (only ONE-CELLED THICK) -- Allows faster gaseous exchange

3. The surfaces of gaseous exchange are constantly MOIST -- so the gases can dissolve in it.
4. The respiratory structures are supplied by A NETWORK OF BLOOD CAPILLARIES -- allow the gaseous exchange between the blood and the surroundings X!!! INSECTS NO!!!

Surface Area to Volume Ratio


4cm Surface Area(cm2) Volume (cm3) SA/V (cm-1 ) 96 64 1.5 : 1

2cm 192 64 3 : 1

1cm 384 64 6 : 1

Note: 1. The larger the size of an organism, the smaller _____________ the surface area to volume ratio. 2. The smaller the size of an organism, the bigger _____________ the surface area to volume ratio.

WHY the SA/V so important?

1. The

large organism (Complex multicellular organisms) -- has larger volume -- the gases CANNOT diffuse across the body surface FAST enough


large organisms need specialised respiratory structures -- to obtain enough O2 and remove CO2
Insects Tracheoles in Tracheal system Fish Filaments and lamellae in gills Amphibians Humans

Organisms Repiratory structures

Lungs and skin Alveoli in lungs


large organisms also uses -- to increase the rate of gaseous exchange -- to maintain concentration gradient

The respiratory structures and breathing mechanisms

Unicellular organisms (eg. Amoeba sp.) -- No specialised respiratory structures. -- Only the external surface of the body -- eg. Amoeba exchanges gases through plasma membrane

ANS. Because the unicellular organisms are small, they have LARGE surface area to volume ratio Simple diffusion of gases through the plasma membrane is sufficient to keep them alive.

Adaptations of the respiratory surfaces of Unicellular Organisms

1. The LARGE surface area of volume ratio -- ensures efficient gases exchange 2. They live in ponds, lake or river -- their plasma membrane is MOIST -- SO, gases can dissolve and diffuse across the plasma membrane easily 3. The plasma membrane is THIN -- to allow RAPID diffusion of gases.

The Respiratory Structure of Small Multicellular Organisms

Small multicellular organisms -- eg. Nematodes () - roundworms -- eg. Flatworms () liver fluke NO specialised respiratory structures. Their bodies are flat / tubular / thin -- for efficient gaseous exchange

The respiratory structure and breathing mechanism of INSECTS

Insects have TRACHEAL SYSTEM . Circulatosy system is NOT involved in transporting gases.


(Chitin Rings)

The structural adaptations of tracheoles for gaseous exchange

1. Many tracheoles -- provides large surface area -- for diffusion of gases. 2. The tips of tracheoles -- (a) are thin and permeable -- for efficient gases exchange -- (b) are filled with fluid -- gases can dissolve in it and then diffuse

The breathing mechanism of insects

Inhalation Exhalation




Abdominal muscles Relax

Air pressure

Drawn in

Forced out


The respiratory structures of FISH (FISH LEONG???)

gill arch

Gill filaments and lamellae

Countercurrent exchange mechanism

The Structural Adaptations of gills for gaseous exchange

1. Many filaments and lamellae -- provide LARGE surface area -- for EFFICIENT gaseous exchange 2. The mambrane of the gill filaments is THIN -- for RAPID diffusion of gases

3. The filaments are supplied with BLOOD CAPILLARIES -- for EFFICIENT gaseous exchange
4. The gill filaments are MOIST -- because surrounded by water -- allow gases to DISSOLVE in them
The efficiency of gaseous exchange further -- by COUNTERCURRENT EXCHANGE MECHANISM VENTILATION


The Breathing Mechanism of fish



Buccal cavity

Buccal cavity

Operculum Opercular cavity



The Respiratory Structures of Amphibians (eg. Frog)

The structural adaptation of the respiratory structure of amphibians (eg. Frog skin and lungs)
(A) Skin (B) Lungs 1. when the frog is inactive, 1. Numerous inner partitions use skin for gaseous exchange. present in the lungs 2. The skin is THIN, -- to INCREASE the surface PERMEABLE area for gaseous exchange -- for RAPID and 2. The membranes of the lungs EFFICIENT are THIN and MOIST gaseous exchange -- allow RAPID and 3. The skin is MOIST EFFICIENT -- because mucus secreted by gaseous exchange glands 3. The lungs are supplied with a 4. There is a NETWORK OF NETWORK OF BLOOD BLOOD CAPILLARIES CAPILLARIES -- to transport gases to all the -- to transport gases to all body cells the body cells

The Breathing Mechanism of Frog

The Respiratory Structures of Humans

The Structural Adaptations of the Alveoli for Gaseous Exchange

1. Numerous Alveoli -- provide LARGE surface area for gaseous exchange
2. The wall of the alveolus -- is very THIN (ONE-CELL THICK) -- allows RAPID and EASY diffusion of gases 3. The INNER surface of alveolus is MOIST -- allow gases to DISSOLVE in it 4. The alveoli are covered with a NETWORK OF BLOOD CAPILLARIES -- provide a LARGE surface area to volume ratio -- for RAPID diffusion of gases -- for TRANSPORT of gases

The Breathing Mechanism of Humans

The Breathing Mechanism of Humans

Inhalation Exhalation

Internal intercostal muscles RELAX, External intercostal muscles RELAX, External intercostal muscles Internal intercostal muscles CONTRACT CONTRACT The rib cage move UPWARDS and OUTWARDS Diaphragm muscles CONTRACT, Diaphragm lowers and FLATTENED Volume of the thoracic cavity INCREASES, Pressure of the thoracic cavity DECREASES. Air is FORCED INTO the lungs. The rib cage move DOWNWARDS and INWARDS Diaphragm muscles RELAX, Diaphragm curves UPWARDS Volume of the thoracic cavity DECREASES, Pressure of the thoracic cavity INCREASES. Air is FORCED OUT of the lungs

A model of human lungs to study the breathing mechanism in humans

A model of the rib cage to demonstrate the action of intercostal muscles

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