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Due to co-operation of directed pressure &heat. Heat element facilitates recrystallaization. Stress element not only promotes recrystallisation but also deformed the rocks & produce new structure. The new parallel textures & structures are usually perpendicular to the direction of greater pressure. Deformation is effected due to the interaction of three processes namely, Clastic, Plastic & Blastic

Clastic Deformation: Instrumental in actual fracture, rupture and rolling out of minerals. (ie. Crushing & Granulation)

Plastic Deformation: Under powerful confining pressure, the rocks & minerals are made to stretch & flow by movement along cleavage & gliding planes without fracture. i.e. Fractureless deformation. Perfect cohesion maintained during movement.

Blastic Deformation: Constitutes recrystallization brought about by Rieck's principle. Rieck's principle: Solution takes place at the point of greatest pressure in a crystal with concurrent precipitation at the point of least pressure. i.e. The directed pressure lower the melting points of minerals & increases their solubility. It is, therefore, a potent factor in recrystallization.

Under directed pressure local smelting & solution must takes place. The minute quantity of liquid formed by stress is released from the influence of the same (stress) as stress can only operate on solids. These minute quantity of liquids that are released are resolidify in a form that is stable under these condition. The products of the solution will often be a new mineral. As the process goes on the rock finally attains a mineral composition & structure which the stress cannot modify further.

Directional element in pressure promote mechanical movement of lath shaped or prismatic crystals partly by rotation & partly by plastic flow of deformation, which takes place along cleavage & gliding planes in minerals. Hence minerals are oriented perpendicular to the direction of greatest pressure resulting parallel structures & textures which are so characteristic of metamorphic rocks. Different minerals are differently susceptible to the operation of the above described three deformation.

Under same condition, some are deformed rupturally (clastic) some are elongated by flow (plastic) while others are recrystallization (blastic).

Hence, it is most likely to be happen (probable) that in ordinary dynamothermal metamorphism all the three processes are simultaneously at work, with the ultimate production of completely recrystallized rocks. This is confirmed by the phenomena of snow ball garnet (simultaneous movement & recrystallization of minerals) which shows spirally arranged inclusions of Quartz, biotite indicating that the garnets have been rolled along by differential movement of the matrix of the rock while in active growth.

Parallel arrangement of minerals in the prefered direction forms Foliation due to behavior of rock to Rieck's principle. Foliation is characteristic of Dynamo thermal metamorphism. Different kinds of foliation noticed.

Kinds of foliation
Schistosity Flaky minerals-Biotite, Chlorite, Talc lie as sheets;cleavages parallel to each other; insignificant proportion of white minerals; black&white minerals are not segregated separately. Gneissosity White minerals(Quartzo feldspathic) & Dark minerals equally developed; seperated/segregated in the form of bands; white minerals are granular, dark minerals are foliated;Rocks become more compact. Lineation Parallel arrangement of elongated minerals parallel to the direction of least pressure.

Effects on Argillaceous Rocks

Argillaceous rocks are very much susceptible to Dynamo thermal metamorphism. When intensity is increased, progressive changes are noticed. Clay rock passes through slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss stages orderly. Slate stage Rock is still aphanetic. Foliation place caused by mineral arrangement of chlorite & mica which are in varying proportion along with Quartz. Andalusite, graphite crystallized as clots-able to identify only under microscope. Fossils & bedding planes preserved as residual (relict) structures. Free iron oxides as hematite & ilmenite present .

Phyllite stage

Relatively more recrystallized than slate. Original sedimentary structures are more or less eliminated. Development of coarse chlorite, Seritite & Mica gives silky shean to the rock. Rock attains perfect schistosity. The quantity of mica increased, chlorite & muscovite combine together with Fe oxides to form biotite.

Schist stage
Parent rock completely recrystallized becomes 'mica schist'. Rock contains minerals depends on the chemical composition of parent rock. Depending on temperature, schist may contain index minerals. Index minerals: With increasing temperature the following is the order chlorite,biotite,garnet,staurolite,sillimanite. In advanced stage of metamorphism almandine appears. Garnet formed at the expense of chlorites & it draws Fe from magnetite; contain numerous inclusions. The other chief minerals found with garnet are the same that are noticed in the low grade. The common rock type 'Garnetiferrous mica schist'. Schistose structure is well developed; though often modified by porphyroblastic development minerals like garnet. Foliation increasingly noticeable.

Gneiss stage: Highest degree of metamorphism 'Biotite gneiss' formed. Layers of mica are intervened by by bands of Quartz & Feldspar. Development of microcline & plagioclase feldspars - characteristic of gneissic stage. Sillimanite, staurolite & garnet also associated. In advanced stage, increasing production of garnet at the expense of other minerals. Coarser texture & more evident foliation. Shearing stress slowly losses its dominant role. Kyanite & Staurolite developed. The influence of higher temperature & decreasing stress is evident from relatively coarse grained & gneissic structure which destruct original textures & structures. Staurolite does not have wide range of stability , hence, gives place to kyanite & garnet. In highest grade, kyanite gives place to sillimanite. Cordierite is produced; the production of cordierite indicates relaxation of shearing stress at the high grade metamorphism. At greater depth Dynamo thermal metamorphism passes into plutonic metamorphism.

Effects of Quartzo Feldspathic Rocks

QFR include - igneous rocks & their porphyrites & lavas sandstone,quattzite & quartz conglomerate. Stubborn () to aleration; may reacj cataclastic metamorphism. while associated argillaceous ,calcareous & basic rocks undergo more or less through metamorphism show perfect () structures. The () derm into finer particles at intial stage may fosslitate subsequent recrystallization when they expressed to action of () solution. Pure Quartz sandstone & Quartzites - show little mineral change & merely recrystallized & converted into quartz schist as schistose quartzites. Dynamo thermal metamorphism of granite yield flaser granite.

Feldspat most resistant - remain as porphytoblastic ; when rest of the rock is caused into granular aggregates - augen or eyed structure produced - structure may pronounced when the original rock in porphyrie- the final product is Quartzo feldspathic gneiss/orthogneiss/granite gneiss. Chatacteristic mineral change during Dynamo thermal metamorphism of Quartzo feldspathic rock is Breaking down of alkalifeldspar with production of white mica & quartz. It is called 'sevilitisation',Begins at early stage of metamorphism. 3ALSI3O8+H20-->HH2AlSi3O12+K2Sio3+5Sio2 Albite may react in similar manner & produce () (soda mica) & sodium silicate. Quartz porphyries ,felsites or rhyolites - may form seritite schist of Dynamo thermal metamorphism. Crystallization of viscous constrained magma undet the influence of directed pressure is called as piezo crystallization . It is noticed when the batholithic manner of granites undergoes Dynamo thermal metamorphism by orogenic movements.

Dynamo thermal metamorphism of basic igneous rocks:(BIR) The dynamo thermal metamorphosed basic igneous rocks are converted into - chlorite schist, Talc schist, Hornblende schist, Amphibolites,Hornblende gneiss. Include - Diorite,gabbrous,dolerites,basalts & ultrabasic rocks. Anorthite unstable under Dynamo thermal metamorphismBreaks into zoisite,epidote&prehnite with the liberation of Albite. At intial stage the products resemble as the psecdomorph of feldspars as microgranular mixture of albite,zoisite,seritite,chlorite,actinolite,garnet. This substance which over thought as 'saussurite' during pre microscopic (). This procees 'saussuritisation'.

Any ferromagnesium minerals at early stage of metamorphism breaks into 'chlorite'. chloritisation is indeed due to () weathering.Pyroxene alters to chlorite & gives also calcite & quartx as by products garnet alters to chlorite. In next stage pyroxene alters directly to hornblende yielding epidote or zoirite & quartz as by products. It is called 'uralitization'. Uralite - secondary hornblende pseudomorphous produced after augite. Diopside may yield tremolite & sodapyroxene to glaucophane. Olivine breaks into tremolite ,anthophyllite,talc Ilmannite alters to leucoxene - a dence minute crystals of sphere.Under more () metamorphism large crystals of sphene is formed from ilmanite & from other titaniferrous minerals. Many of these mineralogical changes takesplace at the on set of pressure before new textures are impured.Rocks thus altered while still retaining their original textures are called as meta gabbro.meta dolerite,meta basalt respectively.

Epidiorite: Doleritic or basaltic rock in which pyroxenes have been uralitized & mineral composition approches that of 'Diorite'. At next stage of metamorphism original textures & structures are broken down, flaser gabbros,gabbro schist etc are formed. Hornblende schist - fnal product of extreme Dynamo thermal metamorphism of basic rocks. Quartz,plagioclase,albite,biotite,epidote zoisite & rutile may occurs an subordinate costituents. Amphibolite: Hornblendeic rock in which foliation gives place to granoblastic texture. Garnet in frequent & abundant accessory - giving rise to garnetiferrous hornblende schist & garnetiferrous amphibolite. Garnet is produced by the reaction between the olivine & the anorthite molecule of plagioclase , leaving albite as by product.

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