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How Big Should My Water Wings Be?

Building Resilience Workshop V Communities on the Edge Margaret Davidson Acting Director March 13, 2014
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Coastal Vulnerability Around the World

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Coastal Communities: Vital to U.S. Economies

Coastal watershed counties contain 52% of the nation's population -- but account for less than 20% of US land area (excludes AK).

45 % of the U.S. national gross domestic product is contributed by coastal communities Supports more than 51 million jobs Coastal tourism and recreation accounted for $89.2B between 2005-2010
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Billion Dollar Disasters: Fact of Life

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Weather-Related Versus Geophysical Events

Source: Munich RE Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Determining Risk
Consequence (Life, Economic, Political, Habitat, Social)

Probability (Frequency)

Chart courtesy of Western Kentucky University Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Not Waiting for A Disaster to Achieve Better Resilience Today

Digital Coast Resilience Data and Tools Coastal lidar SLR and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer Coastal economic data Electronic navigation charts Tides and water levels
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Most Vulnerable Populations

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Sandy: A Turning Point?

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Sea Level Trend: Eugene Island, LA

Mean Sea Level Trend

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Greenland Ice Melt

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Shrewsbury River, NJ

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Managing Risk: Who Pays?

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Shared Flood Risk Management: Buying Down Risk

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Will Your Business Be Open Tomorrow?

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Adaptation Costs of Climate Change Risks

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Green-Gray Infrastructure

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Multiple Lines of Defense

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

Change is Here: Time to Act is Now

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management | Coastal Services Center

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