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William Shakespeare

April 26th 1564April 23th 1616 STRATFORDUPON-AVON

He is consider the most famous writer of his age in English Language (He was poetry,playwright actor,and teacher too). Meanwhile, in Spain, local writers as Miguel de Cervantes,Lope de Vega, Quevedo, Gongora, developed the Golden Century of Spanish Literature)

Shakespeare was born in Stradford- UponAvon, small village in South Warwichshire, England, in 1564. He was third child of a group of 8 brothers and sisters

William Shakespeares birthplace

When he was 18 years he married with Anne Hathaway (26) .who gave him one boy and two daugthers.


He developed the most part of his works between 1589 and 1613. At the same time he took part as an actor in a Theatre Company called The Lords Chamberlein Men, in London.

Finally, in 1613, he retired from theaters and come back to Stratford, where he died at the age of 52. Globe theatre (London) (1599)

As a curiosity, he wrote a curse over his own grave, warning people against trying to remove his bones Every year, in his birthdays aniversary People change the feather pen on his monument ShakespeareMonument

He wrote not only some comedies such as Much ado about Nothing or MidSummer Nights Dream .

But also wrote tragedies, inspired in Ancient Characters, like Julius Cesar, Titus Andronicus, Coriolanus, and others.. Blood, traitors and vengeance appears behind every corner.

He was very radical, very tough.

In his personal life, he wasnt an angel He didnt pay bills, instead he had properties and money, he tried to registry a short work exactly as Don quijote of Cervantes, called Cardenio. He had to scape from Stratford to London acussed for hunting deers from another owners place, who was a judge exactly He was a man of his time.

His work (I)

Comedies All's Well That Ends Well As You Like It The Comedy of Errors Love's Labour's Lost Measure for Measure The Merchant of Venice * The Merry Wives of Windsor A Midsummer Night's Dream Much Ado About Nothing Pericles, Prince of Tyre * The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest * Twelfth Night The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Two Noble Kinsmen * The Winter's Tale Hisories

King John Richard II Henry IV, Part 1 Henry IV, Part 2 Henry V Henry VI, Part 1 Henry VI, Part 2 Henry VI, Part 3 Richard III Henry VIII

His work (II)

Poems Shakespeare's sonnets Venus and Adonis The Rape of Lucrece The Passionate Pilgrim The Phoenix and the Turtle A Lover's Complaint Lost works Love's Labour's Won The History of Cardenio

In the XX Century, Shakespeare is one of the most useful resources for some film directors, like Kenneth Branagh, Akira Kurosawa, Mel Gibson, and others

Ran, inspired in King Lear..

Throne of Blood, inspired in Hamlet..

He was an inspiration for another people, including any theatre Company with his name besides.

W. Shakespeare usually said In this world, women and men are actors, who means that the result of our behaviours involves the relationships with other people., and their consequences Every action starts a reaction, sometimes good, sometimes worse.

The audience wanted to see people who fell in passions, without any sense of selfcontrol, and Shakespeare gave them whatever they want, sometimes with a message underlines, a lesson against the abuse of power over other people for diferent reasons (economic, political, religious.) He showed people the oportunity to let their day-to-day, for a moment, watching how people could be able to make or to say to satisfied their darkness desires. Thats means freedom to choose to be or not to be?, to make mistakes ,to fall in love Romeo, where are you, Romeo?, to follow your own instincts

To scream, to cry, to show emotions to the edge (rage, lust, envy,everyone of the seven sins..)

Thats the main reason that convert him in someone atractive to follow, either reading works, coming to theatres or watching films based on his works.

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