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Creating a Teaching Philosophy

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

Why do I have to change the way I learn just to fit the way you teach?

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

Quick Thinking Exercise!

In one minute, write as many descriptive terms as you can think of to finish the following statements.

A Teacher is a ___________________ .

A Student is a

___________________ . 3

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

Creating a Teaching Philosophy

Lets Get Started!

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

What is a Philosophy?
Inquiry? Search? Pursuit of Wisdom? Contextual Interpretive Means?

A System of Motivating Concepts or Principles. A Basic Theory or Viewpoint A System of Values by Which One Lives/Acts

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

Why a Personal Teaching Philosophy?

What a teacher believes about both teaching and learning can have a major impact on the classroom environment. Teachers tend to implement classroom practices that reflect their philosophical beliefs.

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

A well-reasoned personal philosophy can provide a basis for appropriate action.

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

Basic Teaching Philosophies

Basic philosophies span the spectrum from:

traditional and conservative to contemporary and liberal

Main types include: Perennialist (emphasis on values) Essentialist (emphasis on knowledge) Progressive (emphasis on experiences) Reconstructionist (emphasis on societal reform) Idiosyncratic (any combination of the above)

Everyone has a personal teaching philosophy!

Reflection, Evaluation, Action

Perennialist Teaching Philosophy

(emphasis on values)

Rooted in realism (teacher-centered: 3 Rs , moral and religious training are the hallmark.) Based upon universal knowledge and cherished values of society. Subjects that have stood the test of time are the basis of the curriculum. Universal ideals are the focus of the curriculum -- goodness, truth, beauty. Students minds are sponges designed to soak up knowledge with teachers as unquestionable authorities.

Essentialist Teaching Philosophy

(emphasis on knowledge)

Education seen as a mastery of essential facts and skills -- English, math, science, history, and foreign language (teachercentered education) Not rooted in the past, but is more concerned with contemporary scene. Like perennialism, rejects art, music, physical education, home making, and vocational ed. Interested in conceptual thought and the principles and theories of subject matter. Teacher is seen as a master -- an authority -- worthy of emulation.

Progressivist Teaching Philosophy

(emphasis on student experiences)

Student-centered educational process. Democracy and education go hand in hand. Learning must include content plus the skills of learning -- problem solving, scientific inquiry, cooperative behaviors, self-regulation -- and memorization is de-emphasized. Curriculum tends to be interdisciplinary. Teaching methods are not based on authority. The teacher is seen as more of a guide than an all-knowing sage.

Reconstructionist Teaching Philosophy

(emphasis on societal reform)

Places more emphasis on society-centered education. Education to be relevant must also include elements of social issues -- pluralism, equality, futurism. Curriculum centers around social, economic, and political issues. Students practice is modeled after society. Teachers are considered prime units of social and political change.

Idiosyncratic Teaching Philosophies

A teacher will rarely cling to a single, identifiable teaching philosophy. Most teachers are somewhat eclectic in the formulation of their teaching philosophies. What is your teaching philosophy?

How is WHAT you do, or HOW you do it, a reflection of WHO you are (As a Scholar? As A Teacher?)?

Teaching is doing(Or is itbeing?) Answering these questions will put you on track to creating a meaningful reflective teaching statement

Reflection, Evaluation, Action


Lets Get Started! (Workshop Exercises)

Begin by considering your answers to some basic questions about how you approach teaching.

Point-by-point Reflection Writing Exercise Sharing Results/Reflections Summarize/Build Justifications for Your Own Ideas

Reflection, Evaluation, Action


How Do You See Yourself As A Teacher-Scholar?

Create Meaningful Reflective Statements about your Teaching, one step at a time Answer Fundamental Questions when Writing Your Philosophy: What? How?

Why? Who? Creating a Written Dialogue with Yourself


Reflection, Evaluation, Action

Answer These Basic Questions To Lay The Foundations for Your Teaching Philosophy

What is good teaching? How do my students best learn? Why is my teaching approach significant? Who am I as a teacher? 18

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Philosophies Change As You Grow Professionally

Teaching Philosophies are Organic What Happens Now? How Can I Use What Ive Created?

In The Classroom? In Job Applications/Interviews? As A Means for Personal Growth?

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Teaching Philosophy Statements

Are these as simple as they look?

I believe in creating an atmosphere in which students can learn.

Steve Yelon

I believe in providing students with skills that they can use to teach themselves.
Kevin M. Johnston

Reflection, Evaluation, Action


Partner Setup Guidelines

Please form your teams...

Now constract your shared Philosophy in Teaching

Reflection, Evaluation, Action


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