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ILD Network Architecture

Videocon Telecommunications Ltd.

Anoop Johari ,VP, Network

Deployment Scenario for ILD Gateway

PUNE ILD Gateway
1. One Huawei make ILD Gateway is already deployed at Pune and is operational. This is connected on TDM media with UK customer Xeotech at present . 2. Xeotech is aggregating other small carriers traffic at UK end and 3. Forwarding aggregate traffic to Pune ILD Gateway over direct TDM link . Individual carriers are distinguished using prefix. 4. It is possible to connect International carriers directly with Pune Gateway. 5. Few more carriers are likely to connect to Pune ILD Gateway directly or using aggregation .

Chennai ILD Gateway

1. One Genband make ILD Gateway is planned for deployment at Chennai . This will be connected with International carriers over IP media. 2. Both direct and aggregate type of carriers can be connected with this ILD MGW.
Anoop JOhari,VP,Network 2

Overflow Traffic
Pune ILD Gateway and Chennai ILD Gateway will be interconnected over BICC /MPLS .The overflow traffic of one ILD gateway will be flowing via this link to other ILD gateway for termination.

Pune ILD Gty1


Anoop JOhari,VP,Network 3

ILD Network Architecture, VTL



X1 X2 X3



Chenn ai ILD Gty_0 2

X4 X5 X6





X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12


Pune ILD Gty 1










X1,X2,X3 etc denote Carriers SBC denotes Session Border controller


NLDO(TDM) Anoop Johar i,VP ,Network 4

Call Scenario International Incoming call at Chennai ILD Gateway

1)International Incoming calls will be SIP/IP calls and landing at SBC .TG nomenclature EEIAAABn. TG nomenclature is explained in subsequent slides. 2) SBC will be interconnected with SS(soft switch) over SIP over . TG nomenclature EESAAABn, where S denotes SBC. 3) MNP dipping shall be done and routing shall be done on LRN basis. 4) Majority calls will be routed to NLD backbone MPLs network over BICC interface to VTL Switches in LSAs. 5) VTL switches after receiving such calls will handover to respective ILD POIS created with UASL operators. 6) Remaining calls will be routes to NLDO at chennai (TCL, Aircel etc.) over ISUP. 7) Overflow calls will be routed to Pune ILD gateway on Inter gateway trunks for further termination based on LRN.
Anoop JOhari,VP,Network 5

Call Scenario International Outgoing call via Chennai ILD Gateway

1) VTL switches will recognise ILD calls generated in its network from the dialled prefix and route it to NLD backbone (BICC) route towards ILD Chennai Gateway. 2) VTL switch may also receive ILD outgoing calls from ILD POIs from UASL/NLD operators. Such calls will also be routed towards Chennai ILD Gateway. 3) Chennai ILD Gateway will also receive overflow outgoing calls from Pune ILD Gateway . 4) ILD outgoing calls may be handed over by other NLDOs as per agreement at Chennai ILD Gateway for routing to international destinations. 5) All outgoing calls as per 1-4 above will be routed to international carriers over SIP/IP as per routing table defined.

Anoop JOhari,VP,Network

Call Scenario International Incoming call at Pune ILD Gateway

1)International Incoming calls will be TDM calls and landing at ILD Gateway Pune. TG nomenclature EEIAAABn. TG nomenclature is explained in subsequent slides. 2) MNP dipping shall be done and routing shall be done on LRN basis. 3) Majority calls will be routed to NLD backbone MPLs network over BICC interface to VTL Switches in LSAs. 4) VTL switches after receiving such calls will handover to respective ILD POIS created with UASL operators. 5) Remaining incoming calls at Pune will be routed to NLDOs at Pune (TCL, Aircel etc.) over ISUP. 6) Overflow calls will be routed to Pune ILD gateway on Inter gateway trunks for further termination based on LRN.

Anoop JOhari,VP,Network

Call Scenario International Outgoing call via Pune ILD Gateway

1) VTL switches will recognise ILD calls generated in its network from the dialled prefix and route it to NLD backbone (BICC) route towards ILD Pune Gateway. As per routing table defined. 2) VTL switch may also receive ILD outgoing calls from ILD POIs from UASL/NLD operators. Such calls will also be routed towards Pune ILD Gateway as per routing table. 3) Pune ILD Gateway will also receive overflow outgoing calls from Chennai ILD Gateway . 4) ILD outgoing calls may be handed over by other NLDOs as per agreement at Pune ILD Gateway for routing to international destinations. 5) All outgoing calls as per 1-4 above will be routed to international carriers over TDM / SIP/IP as per routing table defined.

Anoop JOhari,VP,Network

Hubbing Traffic
It may be required at later date to use ILD Gateway as Transit Hub. In this scenario incoming ILD calls from other countries may be routed to another country after call analysis at the ILD gateway. TG nomenclature will be same i.e. EEIAAABn As used for Internaional TGs except that for both incoming and outgoing leg different EEI Tgs will be used for picking the traffic.
Anoop JOhari,VP,Network 9

Prefix for Distinguishing Carriers

Separate prefix shall be added to uniquely identifying carrier in aggregate traffic case as well as direct carrier connectivity.

Anoop JOhari,VP,Network


ILD Gateway Identification

The TG nomenclature shall be used to define TGs with Pune Gateway or with Chenai Gateway. for Pune Gateway International TG may be EEIVPABn while for Chennai Gateway International TG may be EEIVCABn Where VP stands for Videocon Pune and VC stands for Videocon Chennai.

Anoop JOhari,VP,Network


ILD Traffic Architecture

Types of Carriers

I. Aggregating Carriers at UK,USA PoPs

1. International Carriers can be aggregated at UK or USA PoP and aggregate traffic of all such carriers can be brought to India at either Pune ILD Gateway or Chennai ILD Gateway. ILD Gateway should be able to distinguish each carriers traffic using prefix or as per agreement. 2. ILD traffic can be incoming as well as outgoing as per agreement. II. Independent Careers

1. Carriers can have direct ILD Link connectivity with Chennai PoP or Pune PoP for ILD traffic transactions. 2. In this case direct transmission link carrying ILD traffic shall be set up. 3. ILD Traffic can be incoming as well as outgoing as per agreement.

Anoop Johari,VP,Network


ILD TG Architecture
ILD TG = EXXXXXXX 1st 3 Digits of ILD TG EEI EEN EEU ENU EUU 1st Letter =E 2nd Letter of TG E= N= U= 3rd letter I=ILD Switch overseas N=NLD Switch in India/NLD Backbone U= UASL Switch in India

ILD TG between ILDO-ILDO ILD TG Between ILD switch and NLDO ILD TG Between ILD Switch and UASLO Direct without NLDO ILD TG Between ILD Switch and VTL UASLO over NLD Backbone ILD TG Between UASLO(VTL) and UASLO (Other Opr) Denotes ILD TG

Denotes ILD Switch in India Denotes NLD Switch in India or NLD Backbone or NLDO UASL Switch in India/UASLO Switch

Anoop Johari,VP,Network

ILD TG between ILDO (Videocon ) and ILDO (TCL)

Format : EEIAAABn AA= ILDO1 denotes Videocon Pune ILD Gty or Chennai ILD Gateway AB=ILDO2 denotes Xeotech ,UK or TCL,USA n= If 0-9 can be Trunk grp no/MSS no. n=I means TDM Media N=I means IP media Ex1 : ILD TG Between Videocon Chennai switch and TCL USA switch can be

EEIVCTUI Where VC may represent Videocon Chennai switch TU may represent TCL USA Switch I means IP media
Ex 2 : ILD TG Between Videocon Chennai switch and TCL USA switch can be EEIVPXUT where VP may represent Videocon Pune switch XU may represent Xeotech UK switch T means TDM media

Anoop Johari,VP,Network


NLD TG for ILD Traffic Between ILD Switch and UASLO(VTL) Switch Over NLD Back Bone

Format : ENUAABB1 This is same as defined earlier

ENU= ILD TG over NLD Backbone with LSA AA=ILD Switch BB= VTL LSA

Anoop Johari,VP,Network


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