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Quiz Show

S.Yashwanth and Anirudh Kulkarni XD

The questions are open to everybody. The questions will be from and out of the text. The person who answers her his question will !et full marks. Some questions will be true and false. Some will be mat"h the followin!. Some will be #$%s. And& some will be one word or senten"e answers. Some questions will also be asked from the ninth standard text. Yes& and no "heatin!'

The reaction between hydrogen and oxygen is an exothermic one.

T)*+ or ,A-S+.

Nitrous Oxide makes us laugh.

T)*+ or ,A-S+.

What is the name of the reaction in which there is an exchange of ions between the reactants?

Double displacement reaction

What is the name of the product formed when zinc is heated in an evacuated vessel?

Liquid Zinc

What is the symbol of latinum?


What happens when you expose zinc to steam?

It reacts with the water in it to form zinc oxide and hydrogen

What is the valency of carbon and what is so special about it?

!our It can "oin with other carbon atoms and form long chains of polymers

What is a molecule?
# combination of atoms of an element or elements that is capable of stable and independent existence

What is a mole and what is its value?

# unit of measurement

What is &'ua (egia?

# A"id $ %
#ixture of $opper sulphate& ,errous sulphate& -ead $hloride& Sodium 0ydride and water used as a "olorant

A mixture of 0ydro!en "hloride and nitri" a"id used to dissolve noble metals.

D /ase & All of the above

What is the gas that makes us laugh?

# 2itrous 1xide $ 2itro!en 1xide % 2itri" 1xide D 1xy!en & All of the above

What is the balanced e'uation of )e * +#O )e%O, * +#?

# 2one of the Above

$ ,e 4 061 ,e315 4 06 % 6,e 4 8061 6,e315 4 806 D 3,e 4 5061 ,e315 4 706 & 3,e 4 5061 ,e315 4 506

What is the valency of )luorine?

# 9 $ 6 % 3 D 5 & 2one of the above

What is the valency of phosphorus?

# 6&9 $ 3&5 % 6&8 D 3&8

& 2one of these

What is the symbol of -old?

# Au $ A! % Ar D :t & 2one of these

.atch the valencies of the elements/

;old :latinum Aluminum Sulphur 2itro!en 3 3 < < 6

The valency of -old is ".

T)*+ or ,A-S+.

What happens in a cell connected to a bulb or something?

%hemical reactions rip apart electrons from atoms and produces a current

Where do li'uid nitrogen0 li'uid argon and li'uid oxygen separate out according to their boiling points?

!ractional Distillation %olumn

Which state of matter is easily compressible?


Which mythical ape1being is also known as sas'uatch? 2&s stated in the 3nstructions1 from and O4T O) T+5 T56T7


+atin! onions and !arli" helps your hair !row.

T)*+ or ,A-S+.

What is the transition from solid to li'uid form of a substance called?


What is the technical term for sneezing?


28ack to text7 What is the technical term for naming an element?


8alance the e'uation/ 9u * O# 9uO

)%u * +) )%u+

What is the technical term for rusting of iron?


What happens if we breathe in NO#?

,e laugh

Which acid is formed when concentrated +#:O, reacts with Na9l?


Which acid is present in curd?

Lactic #cid

Why do some milk vendors add calcium carbonate to milk?

.o pre/ent the formation of lactic acid0 thereby pre/enting it from curdling

What was the reason 9oncorde was discontinued?

Its supersonic speeds were causing noise pollution

Which type of reaction is )e#O% * #&l &l#O% * #)e?

Displacement 1eaction

What is the formula for :laked ;ime?


What is the formula for methane?


What is the most abundant compound in the earth<s crust?

Silicon Di5oxide Si+)

What is the most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere?


Which substance is the most abundant organic compound on earth?


Which 9hevrolet car was used to portray 8umblebee in the movie Transformers?

%he/rolet %amaro

What were the two compounds of sulphur that were the result of the decomposition of )errous :ulphate?

S+) and S+6

Why is the amount of gas collected in one of the test tubes during the electrolysis of water in activity $.= double of the amount collected in the other?

$ecause -ydrogen and +xygen are in the ratio of )78

What happens when you mix a base and an acid?

-eat0 a salt0 and water are formed99 neutralization

8alance the following e'uation/ NaO+ * >n Na#>nO# * +#

)(a+- * Zn (a)Zn+) * -)

What was the name of the scientist who discovered the eriodic Table?

Dmitri :endelee/

Name all the noble gases.

#rgon0 helium0 neon0 ;rypton0 radon0 xenon

.han; you <D

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