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WODP Objectives
Enhance workers organizations and their members capabilities to promote trade unionism, workers empowerment and sound labormanagement relations
entrepreneurial capabilities and setting up

income/generating projects; and

Productive role in national development

WODP Beneficiaries
Trade union centers, labor federations,

national unions, locals/chapters and independent unions

Women workers organizations; and Workers associations

WODP Components
Training Grants
Training Courses like labor and human relations,

leadership, project management, productivity seminar, grievance handling

Skills training for livelihood purposes Training-cum-production

WODP Components
Scholarship Regular Scholarship for Officers and Members in good standing (DO No. 26 series of 1995)
Isabelo delos Reyes Scholarship (IDR) for legitimate & qualified dependents of officers &

members of independent unions, locals/affiliates of labor federations, and other workers association (MC No. 03, Aug. 27, 2002 & WODP Advisory 2003)
Displaced or about to be displaced workers

(Clarificatory Bulletin, 13 May 2002 by Sec. Sto. Tomas)

Filing and Processing of WODP Applications

Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR)

Trade union centers, federations and national unions and workers associations operating in more than one region
Regional Offices Independent unions and locals/chapters Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns (BWSC)

Training Grant
Application Requirements Duly-accomplished application form Duly-accomplished application information

Union/Board Resolution

Program/Training Proposal
Profile of the organization and

President/Project Manager/Training Coordinator

Training Grant
Application Requirements An undertaking to put equity of at least 20%

of the project cost

List of past projects/trainings conducted
Re-entry plan, where appropriate

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) upon


Training Grant
If in existence for more than 3 years, copy

of filed financial statements (FS) or annual status report to DOLE, CDA or SEC for the last 3 years
If in existence for less than 3 years, copy of

latest filed FS or annual status report (DO No. 26 series of 1995)

Trainin g Grant Requiremen ts

Scholarship Grant Other Considerations

Regular Scholarship Scholar must not over 40 yrs old (DO No. 05 series of 1998) The number of scholars from one workers organization shall not exceed 5 at any given time (DO No. 05 series of 1998) Isabelo Delos Reyes (IDR) Scholarship the scholar may change school only once with justifiable reasons (D.O. No. 20-02)

Scholarship Grant Other Considerations

Isabelo Delos Reyes (IDR) Scholarship cessation of union membership of the scholars parent due to closure of establishment and retrenchment shall not stop the scholarship grant (D.O. No. 20-02)
for legitimate & qualified dependents who

were not able to continue their studies due to financial difficulties ( WODP Advisory 2003)

Liquidation Requirements
Training Grant 1. Contract of venue with details 2. Resume of resource speakers

3. Official receipts of all expenses

4. Narrative report prepared by the secretary

and attested to by the president 5. Daily attendance sheet 6. Vouchers/Receipts (payment of honorarium to speakers)

Liquidation Requirements
Scholarship Grants 1. Official Receipts of tuition and

miscellaneous fee
2. Official Receipts of

books/materials/reference purchased or photocopied

3. Grades of scholar (class cards or

Certificate of Grades)

Maraming Salamat Po!

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