Do You Have Unforgettable Experience ?

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Do you have unforgettable experience ?

Yes, I do

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Can you tell us, is it unusual ? Is it strange ? Or is it interesting experience ?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

What do you think about this picture ?

Can you tell me what happened to these two men ?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Understand the question First !

Now, Im going to read a story, listen to the story and then answer to the question !

Sunday, 16 March 2014

1. When did the speaker go to pull out his teeth? 2. Did the speaker ask many questions before he pulled out the speaker teeth ? 3. What did he tell him to do ? 4. What did the speaker try to say ? 5. Why couldnt the speaker say anything? 6. What did the dentist eventually remove from his mouth ? 7. What did the speaker tell him ? 8. Did you have the same experience? 9. If you did. What would you do? 10.Would you go to a doctor ?

fire ! fire ! Fire !

Now, listen to this story. Guess the story by looking at the picture bellow!

Put letter T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false 1. .. The firemen put out a big fire. 2. .. The fires are often caused by farmers who fired the forest 3. .. The Firemen were able to find any broke glass. 4. .. The fire was caused by the remain of snake which was around the electric wires at a building. 5. .. A bird snatched up the snake and dropped it on the wire. 6. .. It sent sparks down o the ground and started the fire.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Now, share your own experience with the class about a fire. Use the following outline to guide you Outline When did the experience happen ? What were you doing at that time ? What happened ? How did you feel ? What did you do ? What happened next What happened in the end ?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Listen to the teacher reading the following text.happy birthday While listening to your teacher, you may fill the blanks with the words in the box. It was my (1) birthday last Sunday. On Friday, my sister and I went shopping at the ..(2)... We bought a nice ..(3)... Then, we wrapped it in a blue paper. Blue is my grandpas favorite color. On Saturday morning, my brothis and I helped my sister making a birthday cake in the ..(4)... It was a big and beautiful ..(5)... I wrote Happy Birthday on it. After that, we put some chocolate and a .. (6).. on the top of the cake. On Sunday evening, my uncle and my aunt came to my ..(7)... They brought several bottles of soft-drink, and ..(8).. for gandpa. Then, we sat togethis in the ..(9)... Finally, grandpa blew the candle and cut the cake while we were singing a Happy Birthday song for him. After giving each of us a piece of cake, he opened the present. He told us that he liked the present, and he was very ..(10)...

grandpas candle
Sunday, 16 March 2014

mall shirt flowers

house kitchen living room

birthday cake happy

Make a short dialogue telling what you did yesterday. See the example

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Make a short dialogue telling what you did last weekend. Number 1 has been done for you A: What did you do last weekend? B: I got up late.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Yesterday (The Beatles) seem so far Yesterday, all my troubles .... away looks as though theyre here to Now, it .... Stay Oh I believe in yesterday used to Suddenly, Im not half the man I .... be Theres a shadow hanging over me came suddenly Oh yesterday, .... had to go I dont Why she .... know she wouldnt say said something wrong, now I I ...., .... love for yesterday was such an Yesterday, love .... easy game to play need a place to hide Now I .... away Oh, I ... in yesterday believe Mm Mm Mm Yesterday
Sunday, 16 March 2014

In the following exercise, you will learn Andys first experience traveling by plane Change the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Andy (be) on a plane. It (be) the first time for him. A stewardess always (help) him. And He also (give) him food, drink, snack and candies. He (think), How kind He is! Then he (hear) an announcement, Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This flight will be flown by Captain Ferda. It will fly at an altitude of 28.000 feet. Well, ladies and gentlemen have a pleasant flight. Andy (be) so excited that he (Shut) his eyes to (look) outside at the clouds. Wow, I am frying now. He (think), What an exciting experience.
Sunday, 16 March 2014

What happened to the woman in the film ? And then write your summery about that ! Just watch this ! Click here to watch

film 1.exe

Sunday, 16 March 2014

What do you think ? Is it forgettable experience ?

Now write what youve just watched !

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Sunday, 16 March 2014

Complete the following text with the correct forms of the verbs bellow.






see sit


Shirleys Day Off Shirley enjoyed his day off yesterday. He ..(1).. up late, ..(2).. jogging in the park, ..(3).. a long shower, and ..(4).. a big breakfast. In the afternoon, He ..(5).. a movie with his sister. Then, He ..(6).. groceries at the supermarket, and He ..(7).. a big dinner for his parents. After dinner, Shirley and his parents ..(8).. in the living room and talked. Shirley had a very nice day off yesterday.
Sunday, 16 March 2014

After completing the recount text above, please answer the following questions.
In the beginning of the text, what kinds of information do you get? 1. Who enjoyed the day off? 2. When did Shirley have his day off? 3. Where did He spend his day off? 4. What did Shirley do in the morning? 5. What did Shirley do in the afternoon? 6. What did Shirley do in the evening? 7. What kind of day off did Shirley have yesterday?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Now see the picture bellow, tell your experience when you are in the situation
A Party Tell about a party you enjoyed What did you eat? What did you drink? What did people do at the party? I was at my friends birthday party last weekend. We ate a lot of food and drank many kinds of drink. We danced and talked about funny things
Sunday, 16 March 2014

Look at the following pictures and construct a recount text. Use the questions as guidelines to construct your recount text. When did you go to the theatre, hospital or library? What happened in those places?




Sunday, 16 March 2014

Going abroad

Fill in the circles with

the activities which people usually do in their vacation


Visiting grandparents house

Sunday, 16 March 2014

When you are traveling, you may have problems. The following expressions describe the peoples feeling. We often use colorful expression to describe how we feel. Try to match the following expressions with the feelings they describe.
.. 1. My stomach is growling. .. 2. I cant keep my eyes open. .. 3. Im jumping for joy. .. 4. Im seeing red. .. 5. Im feeling blue. .. 6. Im on pins and needles. .. 7. Im shaking like a leaf. .. 8. Im ashamed to look at them straight in the eye.
Sunday, 16 March 2014

A. angry B. embarrassed C. tired D. nervous E. scared F. hungry G. sad H. happy

A: What was Doris doing last night when the lights went out? B: He was taking a bath. A: What were Mr. and Mrs. Green doing last night when the lights went out? B: They were riding the elevator.

Make a similar dialog with these people

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Reading Compre hension

One day Jim fell sick in the middle of the English lesson. All the students did reading tasks. Suddenly Jim vomited. All of the students stopped writing. Mrs. Lidia helped him immediately. The chairman of the class sent for the schools doctor. In five minutes the doctor came. He examined him carefully. He examined his eyes. He felt his stomach. He listened to his heart beat. He measured his blood pressure. Then he took his temperature. Im afraid He suffers from malaria. His temperature is very high. That is why He vomited. He has a very bad cough, too. Ill give him some pills for his malaria, some tablets for his fever, and syrup for his cough. He needs a weeks rest, said the doctor.
Sunday, 16 March 2014

Now, answer these questions What is the text telling you? What did the doctor do? What happened? Mention all the action verbs you find in the text. What did the doctor recommend?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Reflecting on text Recount is a text which has social function to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. When you tell about the happenings in the past, it means that you make a recount text. A recount text has following generic/schematic structure: Orientation: provides the setting and introduces participants The speaker went to Italy Events: tell what happened, in what sequence He visited museums. He sat in public garden. He thought about postcards yesterday. His holiday passed quickly. He got up early and bought 37 cards. Re-orientation: optional-closure of events He was in his room all day, but he did not write a single card Language features of a Recount Underline the participants in the following text. Circle all the verbs written in past tense in the text. Number 1 has been done for you. Sunday, 16 March 2014

Please send me a card No 1. 2. 3. Transitional devices Last summer Events The speaker went to Italy He visited museums. He sat in public garden.

5. 6.


A friendly waiter taught him a few Italian words.

He lent the speaker a book. He read a few lines but he did not understand a word.


8. 9. 10.


He though about postcards everyday.

His holidays passed quickly but he did not send any cards to his friends.

On the last day

He got up early He bought 37 cards.

11. Sunday, 16 March 2014

He was in his room

write a single card.

all day, but he did not

Ok students, now time is up. Its your turn to write your own recount text freely

Good luck kids

Sunday, 16 March 2014

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