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What is infection
Infection is the invasion and multiplication of

microorganisms in the tissues of the host and also produce microorganisms which injures the patient by: 1. competing with the hosts metabolism 2. cellular damage produced by the microbes, or 3. intracellular multiplication.

Types of disease incidence

Sporadic diseases: are disease that occur occasionally

and irregularly with no specific pattern. Epidemic disease: are diseases that occur in a greater number than what is expected in a specific area over a specific time. Pandemic: is an epidemic that affects several countries or continents. Current examples are HIV/AIDS,SARS, abd Influenza AH1n1 Endemic diseases: are present in a population or community at times. They usually involve few people during specific periods.

Why infection occurs?

1. Some bacteria develop resistance to anti-biotics.

2. Some microbes such as influenza viruses have so

many different strains that a single vaccine cannot protect against. 3.Most viruses resist antiviral drugs. 4.New infectious agents occasionally arise. Examples include HIV and coronaviruses. 5.Some microbes localize in areas of the body.(e,g., bones, central nervous system), which makes treatment diffult.

6.Opportuniostic organisms can cause infection in

immuno-compromised patients. 7.Most people have not received immunization. 8.Increased air travel can cause the spread of the virulent organism to a heavily populated area in hours. 9.Biological warfare and bioterrorism using organism such as antrax and plaque is an increasing threat to public health and safety throughout the world. 10.The expanded use of immunosuppressive drugs and invaisve procedures increases the risk of infection.

The nurse and communicable disease

As a member of the health team, the basic function

of a professional nurse is the nursing care of peitents with communicable diseases. However, the nurses responsibilities extend beyond the immediate care of the patient.

He/she must be knowledgeable of the following: 1.The nature of the specific microorganism and its capacity for

survival both within and outside the body; 2.the most effective method of destruction of the specific organism; the organism invades the host and its route of escape from the body; 4.the incubation period, prodromata, and length of communicability; a specific drug alters the clinical signs and infectious course of the diease; 6.the most recent methods and concepts of prophylaxis for communicable diseases; and 7.the rationale and control measures, including isolation techniques.

Nursing Care
The nursing of patients with communicable diseases

involves the following: 1. self protection 2. prevention of the spread of the infectious agent through medical asepsis and concurrent disinfection; 3. Physical care of the patient; 4. emotional support of the patient; and 5. the provision of the spiritual aspect of care.

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