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Learning Outcomes
Understand characteristics of construction projects Know how to prepare site reports Know preliminary item Know the meaning contingency

After the class, if you have not learnt the above, please talk to me!

Characteristics of the construction projects

Capital goods

Unique Production process is long and complex Immovable?

Government as the major client Resources move to site Pay before completed Durable Expensive Large/heavy units

Labour intensive

Site Investigation Soil investigation Site investigation Site investigation is the examination of the construction site to examine the effect of proposed site on design and construction

Useful information on site condition are not available on drawings and specifications then site visit is eminent!

Classes / purposes of SI/ SS

For site selection and land acquisition Planning stage Site survey for constructability Pre-tendering Planning/programming for site layout

Components of SS

Site boundaries Shape of the site Features on the site

Detail report Comprehensive report


New construction Refurbishment and maintenance

A construction site report is a document detailing the useful information of a proposed use and/or development. It comprises of information including the names of stakeholders, site access, nature of site, existing buildings, conditions of the ground, disposal of excavated materials and waste, availability of services, site security, availability of labour, information on suppliers, working space etc.

Example of a Pre-tender Site Report

Project Tender No:
Date: Location: Prepared:

Site investigation
Site availability Location Access to site

Local condition
Available of local labour Condition adjacent bldgs. Avail. of subcontractors

Storage area
Services/ location Nature of ground Site clearance Security General requirements Watchman Others

Avail. of suppliers
Avail. of other main contractors Avails. plants& equipments

Special requirements Disaster, i.e. floods

Preliminary items (US: "site overheads) The preliminaries of a bill of quantities are the section that provides a description of the project, the contractor's general obligations, general facilities, and setup and running costs. In a bill of quantities, the preliminary costs are generally divided among initial cots, recurring cost and final costs. Preliminaries are priced on a fixed or time related basis. Preliminary cost can be determined as cost/m2 or in proportion among other elements of the works.

Preliminary items include salaries and wages of site staff; huts, temporary buildings latrines; canteen, mess-rooms, site catering staff, welfares; hut for clerk of works; hut for contractors/ suppliers / subcontractors supervisory staffs; site architect, QS , site engineers and their attendance; plants and equipments, scaffolding, site accommodations and facilities, water electricity, temporary fencing/ hoarding; temporary electricity; health and safety requirement s; temporary security; temporary roads, standing, parking; security lighting; guaranteed week (wet time); training levies; cost time keeper and site clerks; consumable stores; nonmechanical plant (small tools and equipment) redundancy payments; expected in price of labour/ materials; bonus and other supplementary payments; making good damage and defective works; overheads and profits

Contingencies are an arbitrary amount of money that is added to the contract sum by the contractor on the clients instructions to cater for unexpected eventuality.

But it is not part of the contract sum.

Though it often determines as a percentage of the contract sum but should be treated as a separate element. This is different from risk.

Elements of site construction management plan

1] Construction zone 2] Location of: neighbouring buildings (including setbacks);surrounding street network; waterways; site access points; surface water drainage; native vegetation/trees; on site/off site; to be retained and protected; to be removed or lopped 3] Proximity to areas such as: rare or threatened species habitat; soil and geotechnical hazards; any other significant sensitive natural features 4] Easements 5] Existing service locations and protection measures 6] Storage areas for: construction vehicles; construction materials;waste; stockpiles 7] Location of any temporary site offices/lunchrooms (if applicable) 8] Topography/slope of the land 9] Sediment control measures 10] Stormwater drainage measures 11] Staging of works (if applicable) 12] Location of onsite green waste storage (Falls Creek only) 13] Location of onsite vehicle wash down location (Falls Creek only)

Management Enterprise Risk Innovation and Teamwork

Objective of MERIT

to enable young engineers to effectively acquire these additional skills required to progress their careers

Construction company

Consists of stakeholders that must work together for the success of the company

Decision on:
productivity marketing, estimating, Procurement tendering, finance and personnel management

Type of decisions
strategic and tactical /operational

The finalists, along with their Tutor, will have their accommodation and flight fees paid for by the CIOB to attend the Final.
They will receive presentations from leading industrialists with the aim of inspiring their career objectives. The 'Champions' will be awarded the CIOB's prestigious 'CIOB's Global Student Challenge' cup to be known as the Alan Crane Cup which can be displayed in the sponsoring University department and each team member will get a replica.

Each team member of the winning team will join the CIOB's new prestigious leadership development group which will offer mentoring support, advice and contacts throughout their development. A cash prize will also be awarded to the winning team

Registration: October 2013 Round 1: 5 February Round 6: 19 March Trialing November February 5

The FINAL July 2014

For detail!

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