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Non-disruptive migration of data from one InServ to another

1. This means no loss of access to the data during migration; there is a performance impact during the process

No modifications to legacy InServ (can be 2.2.4 or 2.3.1)

1. Remember F & T can be upgraded to 3.1.1 and thus be the target as well as a source

Migrate volumes to fat or thin volumes

1. Regardless of what the original being fat or thin

Separately licensed feature


A way to migrate from 3rd party arrays A solution for clustered hosts Able to maintain snapshot trees
1. Snapshots can be migrated, but become base volumes


True peers
1. No modification of legacy array 2. Needs configured up for period of migration


Admits a volume from a remote array and makes it ready for export back to the host Creates a VV of type peer with no_cache policy and the same WWN as the volume on the remote array Volume is entirely backed by the remote array this step does not involve copying any data to the new array admitvv [-domain <domain>] vvname:wwn


Imports an admitted volume Can import to fat or thin VV Places a SCSI3 reservation on the remote VV Switches the entire VV in one pass (remote array has full copy of data until process complete) Can take snapshots at import switchover New task type (import_vv) importvv [-snp_cpg <cpg>] [-snap <snapname>] [-tpvv] <cpg> <vv>

Converged Migration HP 3PAR Peer Motion

Traditional Block Migration
Complex, time-consuming, risky

HP 3PAR Peer Motion

1st Non-Disruptive DIY Migration for Enterprise SAN

Extra tools SLA risk


Downtime Planning


Complex, post-process thinning

Fool-proof Online Non-disruptive Any-to-any 3PAR Thin Built-In

With Peer Motion, you can: load balance at will perform tech refresh seamlessly cost-optimize Asset Lifecycle Management lower tech refresh CAPEX (thin-landing)

= Block Migration Approaches

With Peer Motion, customers can: Load balance at will Perform tech refresh seamlessly Cost-optimize Asset Lifecycle Management Lower tech refresh CAPEX (thinlanding)

Migration Phases
Storage System-to-System Configuration

Primary Path Secondary Path Data Migration Path

Connect Source & Destination Systems via SAN Configure ports on each system Import System configuration Identify Destination System as a host on Source system Make data volumes on Source System visible to Destination System

Destination System-to-Host Configuration

Connect Destination System to host Export peer volume(s) to host Verify I/O active on all volume paths to host Un-zone paths from Host to Source System

Migration Phases (continued)

Migrate Data

Primary Path Secondary Path Data Migration Path

User selects volume QoS (vol type, drive type, RAID, HA) parameters Data migration begins
Data is replicated from Source System to Destination System Zeros are detected and removed before landing on Destination System Host I/O continues via Destination System Source and Destination volumes remain in sync during migration

Data migration completes

Post-migration Clean Up

Remove volume export from Source System Remove identification of Destination System from Source System

DIY Migration with Peer Motion Manager

Connect Storage Systems & Hosts Import System Configuration
Users, Hosts, Virtual Domains, NTP/Syslog information (Automatic)

Select Host for Migration

All volumes from Source System exported to Host are admitted in Peer mode and exported from Destination System to Host (Automatic)

Verify I/O on New Paths, then De-activate Old Paths Import Volumes
Volume data is replicated from Source-toDestination System, Host I/O remains active = Automated

Post Migration Cleanup


= Manual




The delivery of consolidated or distributed volume management through appliances that hierarchically control a set of heterogeneous storage arrays
Pros Broader, heterogenous array support Cons More expensive (dual controller layer) Additional failure domains Lowest common denominator function Likely additional administration

The delivery of distributed volume management across a set of selfgoverning, homogeneous, peer storage arrays
Pros Less expensive Minimized failure domains Simpler administration Cons No heterogeneous array support

Peer Motion Competitive Differentiator

Key Attributes Peer Motion EMC FLM HDS USP Data Migration
No (Disruptive to add)

IBM XIV Data Migration

No (Disruptive to add)

Online data migration Non-disruptive data migration

Migration between systems on different SW versions

Migration between midrange & enterprise systems

Fat-to-Thin conversion No new layers

No (DMX-toVMAX only)

Land Thin Peer-based

? No (Virtualization controller) ?

? No (Temporary virtualization layer) ?

Data migration automation

Peer Motion Mgr

No (Manual)



Peer Motion ideal for non-disruptive data migration for following:

Hosts: Windows, Solaris, or Linux host environments Source Storage: HP 3PAR Systems running InForm OS 2.2.4, 2.3.1, or 3.1.1 Source Storage Volume: Thin or Fat Volume
No existing snapshots Not part of a replication group


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