The Prophet Jeremiah Monday Night Study Guide

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The Prophet Jeremiah

Monday Night Study


The Prophet Jeremiah (January 20, 2014)

Jeremiah 1: 1-3
What was Hilkiahs role in Jerusalem and what did he discover?
- See 2 Chronicles 34: 9, 14, 15
- Jeremiah was the son of Hilkiah important

The Timing of Gods Word to Jeremiah

- In the 13th year of the reign of Josiah
- Also in the days of Jehoiakim (the son of Josiah)
- Unto the 11th year of Zedekiah (the son of Josiah) unto the carrying away of
Jerusalem captive.

What events transpired during this period?

- When Josiah became king of Judah in/about 641/640 B.C., the international
situation was in flux. To the east the Assyrian Empire was beginning to
disintegrate , the Babylonia Empire had not yet risen to replace it, and Egypt
to the west was still recovering from Assyrian rule. In this power vacuum,
Jerusalem was able to govern itself for the time being without foreign
intervention. (READ: 2 Chronicles 34, 35, 36)

Home Study
- READ Antiquities of the Jews (pages 303-309)

The Prophet Jeremiah (February 10, 2014)

Jeremiah 1: 4-10
What does verse 5 tell us about God pre ordaining the destiny of individuals?
- See Genesis 18: 9-15
- See Genesis 21: 1-12
- See Genesis 25:19-23 (Jacob & Easu)
- See Romans 9:1-21

How does God encourage the young Prophet?

- I will send thee
- I AM with thee to deliver thee (Romans 8:31, Mk. 16:19, Matt. 28:20, Jn.
- I have put My words in thy mouth
- I have this day set thee over the nations and the kingdoms

What would the Prophets task be?

- To root out
- To pull down
- To destroy and to throw down
- To build and to plant

The Prophet Jeremiah (February 10, 2014)

Jeremiah 1: 11-19

Verse #11 13 This is a double witness of the Lords intent to destroy the
See: Deuteronomy 19:5

Verses #14-16 This is the method of Judgment Out of the North, I will
call all the
families of the Kingdoms This was the nation of the
Assyrians, the
nation of Babylon and the nation of Egypt.

See: Deuteronomy 28: 15-68

Verses #17-19 Note that in spite of what the Lord IS GOING TO DO, and
despite the
fact that the people arent going to listen, the prophet is
required to fulfill his calling..

See: Ezekiel 33: 1-20 & Isaiah 58:1 The Watchmans responsibility

See: Matthew 10: 1-15 The Disciples responsibility

See: John 21:15-22

The Prophet Jeremiah (February 17, 2014)

Jeremiah 2: 1-13

Verse #2 Go cry in the ears of Jerusalem Jerusalem is the capital, the center of
government. In this case the prophets message is directed toward the
leaders of the nation.
1) I remember thee (or for thy sake) the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine
espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not
sown. (Note: God remembers the good as well as the evil See Hebrews 6:1-9)
2) The kindness of thy youth See Exodus 15
3) The love of thine espousals See Exodus 19
4) When thou wentest after me in the wilderness See Exodus 19

Verse #3 Israel was holiness unto the LORD and the first-fruits of His increase.

Verse #7 And I brought you into a plentiful country (Read Joshua 23, and see
Judges 2:10)

Verse #8 See Malachi Chapter 2 Oh Priests!

Verse #11 12 (A nation changing gods? changing glory for shame? See Rom.
(Why would the heavens
4 be astonished? Rebellion started in

The Prophet Jeremiah (February 24, 2014)

Jeremiah 2: 11-28

Verse #11 12 (A nation changing gods? changing glory for shame? See Rom.
(Why would the heavens be astonished? Rebellion started in

Verse #13 The fountain of living water See John 4:13-14

Verses #15-18 Gods people were not to make agreements/leagues or covenants

with other
See: Exodus 23:20-32
Joshua 9:1-21
Judges 2:1-13

Verses #19 21: Verse 20 For of old time, I have broken thy yoke and burst thy
bands; and
thou saidest I will not transgress In which book of the
OT can we
find the story of God, delivering His people from
bondage? In what
6 promise not to transgress?
book did Israel

The Prophet Jeremiah (March 10, 2014)

Jeremiah 2: 25-37

Verse #25-30 Note the idol worshipstones, stocks, worshipping the moon, the
stars, the
Sun, these had there origin in the Chaldean Mysteries. These
were propagated by Nimrod, the son of Ham (See Genesis 10: 120), and his
wife Semiramis. The Golden Cup symbolized the mysterious
which were consumed by those who would be initiated into these
The beverages were concocted by mixing wine, honey, water and
flour and
other intoxicating elements which were not revealed. Once
intoxicated by
these elements various depraved rituals were performed.
Semiramis was
worshipped as Rhea, the great Mother of the gods, with such
atrocious rites
as identified her with Venus, the Mother of all impurity, and raised
the very
city where she had reigned to a bad eminence among the nations,
as the
grand seat at once of idolatry
and consecrated prostitution.

The Prophet Jeremiah (March 31, 2014)

Jeremiah 2: 36-37

The party in power determines the foreign policy

Chapter 3: 1-2

The law of Adultery yet the LORD invited them back, again, and again
> The worship of the Gods of other nations; Baal, (promiscuity, mysterious
beverages and initiations into darkness) Molech, (human sacrifice) Asotreth (The
stars, the sun, the moon)

Verse # 3 Because you do this.(worship other gods: the showers have been
withholden, = financial distress, poor economic conditions, lack, etc)

Verse # 4-5 This religious rhetoric a nation that has a form of godliness, but
denies the power thereof. (See Isaiah

Verses # 6 11 - The comparison of the two houses.

1 Kings 11: 114
1 Kings 11: 28-43

The Prophet Jeremiah

(April 14, 2014)

Jeremiah 3:6-11

Israels First Leader Moses the Man of God

Israels Second Leader Joshua the son of Nun
Israels Third Leader The heads of the Twelve Tribes
Israels Fourth Leader Judges (The Book of Judges)
(Samuel as Judge) See 1 Samuel 2:12
(The People of Israel request a King) See 1 Samuel 8: 1-22
Israels First King Saul from the tribe of Benjamin Why? (see Genesis 38)
Israels Second King David from the tribe of Judah
Israels Third King Solomon

The Kingdom Divided

See notes from The Reformation of Israel
pages 10, 11, 12

The Twelve
tribes are
united and
function as
one kingdom

The Prophet Jeremiah

(April 14, 2014)

The Kingdom is Divided

Verses # 6 11 - The comparison of the two houses.
1 Kings 11: 114
1 Kings 11: 28-43
Verse #31 I will give (10) tribes to thee (To Jeroboam)

> Rueben
> Simeon
> Issachar
> Zebulon

> Naphtali
> Asher
> Gad
> Dan

> Ephraim
> Manassas

Verse # 32 But he shall have one tribe for David my servants sake
> Judah
> Benjamin
> Levi (split between the north and south) scattered in Israel
(See Genesis 49)


The Prophet Jeremiah

(April 21, 2014)

Jeremiah 3:12-25
vs. #14 Turn = Repentance (Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand)
vs. #16 When ye be multiplied and increased in the land in those days..Read
Chapter 8 and discuss
vs. # 17 At that time
Isaiah 2: 1-22, 4: 1-6, 9:1-7, 12: 1-6, 14:1-7, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32,
34, 35, 40, 41
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61,
62, 63, 64, 65,
Ezekiel 20: 30-44
Ezekiel 34, 35, 36, 37 40 48 speaks of the reestablishment of the
Hosea 14: 1-9

Obadiah 1: 15-21

Joel 3: 1-21

Micah 4: 1-7



Zechariah 13: 1-9, 14:

The Prophet Jeremiah

(April 28, 2014)

Jeremiah 3:23-25
Jeremiah 4: 1-17
Jeremiah 4:18 Thy way and thy doings have procured these things unto thee
Jer. 4: 20 Suddenly are my tents spoiled Heb # 6597 (pith-ome) from #6621
at an instant, suddenly to open the eyes, as to wink, quickly or
6: 26 The spoiler shall come upon us suddenly
18:22 shall bring a troop suddenly upon them
51:8 Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed
1 Cor. 15: 51-52 In a the twinkling of an eye
Habakkuk 2:7 Shall they not rise up suddenly
Malachi 3:1 The LORD whom you seek, shall suddenly come to His temple
Mark 13: 1 37
Luke 21:35 As a snare it shall come on all of them

The Prophet Jeremiah

(May 12, 2014)

Jeremiah 5: 7-24
Vs. 7 when I had feed them to the full (See: Deut. 32:7-43
Vs. 9 Shall I not visit for these things? (See Genesis 11 & Gen 18, Luke 1) God
visits for
blessing and for judgment..
Vs. 9 Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? This statement
appears (3)
times in this book..Jeremiah 5:9, 5:29, 9:9at the mouth of two or three
shall a matter be establishedDeut. 19:15

Vs. 10 Take away her battlements (battlements tendrils or branches of the vine)
(See: Isaiah 5: 1-7, Jeremiah 2:22, Matthew 21: 33-43, Daniel 2:36-45)


The Prophet Jeremiah

(May 19, 2014)

Jeremiah 5: 11 31
Vs. 13 And the prophets shall become wind.See Amos 8: 1-14, 1 Kings 16: 24-31,
Micah 6:16

Vs. 18 Nevertheless, I will not make a full end

Vs. 19 Wherefore doeth the LORD God all these things? (See Isaiah 59: 1-10)

Vs. 24 -31 - See Malachi 2: 1-10, Isaiah 8: 9-22


The Prophet Jeremiah

(June 2, 2014)

Jeremiah 6: 1 - 30
Vs. 1 O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves together to flee
Blow the trumpet in Tekoa Tekoa means trumpet clang is located about 6
miles southeast of Jerusalem. People in Tekoa took part in rebuilding the walls of
Jerusalem after the captivity and subsequent return of a small number of people from
Babylon. In this instance Tekoa and Beth-haccerem were utilized by Benjamites to warn
Judah of the impending invasion of the Babylonians.
Vs. 14 Peace Peace - Jeremiah 8:11, Ezekiel 13: 1-10, 1 Thess. 5:3
Vs. 29 The bellows are burned Reprobate Silver men shall call them
Chapter 7: 1 8
Vs. 2 Stand in the gate of the Lords House Compare Chapter 2: 1-2
Chapter 2: 1-2 Proclaim to the leaders (Government)
Chapter 7: 1-2 Proclaim to the religious leaders (Church)


The Prophet Jeremiah

(June 9, 2014)

Jeremiah 7: 8 - 23
Vs. 8 Behold ye trust in lying words that cannot profit
Colossians 3:9
Proverbs 6:17 A proud look and a lying tongue
1 Timothy 4:2
John 8:44

Vs. 10 We are delivered (taken out, to be saved, to be delivered) to do all these

Personal Romans 3: 19-31, Romans 6: 1-18
National Deuteronomy 10: 12 22
Deuteronomy 11: 26 32
Vs. 14 SHILOH See Psalm 78: 52-64
1 Samuel 4: 18-21


The Prophet Jeremiah

(June 23, 2014)

Jeremiah 7: 8 - 23
Vs. 19 Do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?
Vs. 23 Again the reiteration of the importance of obedience

Vs. 27 The importance of a witness Tell them even though they will not hearken
unto thee..

Vs. 31 Which I commanded them not, neither came it to my mind. (Burning)

Jeremiah 8: 1-22
Vs. 7 Know not the judgment of the LORD
Vs. 20 The harvest is past, and we are not saved
Vs. 22 Is there no balm in Gilead?

The Prophet Jeremiah

(June 30, 2014)

Jeremiah 9: 1-26

Vs. 2 A lodging place wayfaring man - Wayfaring (Hebrew a-rab) meaning a

stranger, a sojourner, a wanderer. (See Hebrews 11: 13, 35-40 and 1 Peter 2:11)
Vs. 4 Take heed.of your neighbor, your brother, slanderers. (See 2 Timothy 3: 1
and Romans 1)
Vs. 6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit through deceit, they refuse to know
(See 2 Cor. 4: 1-4)
Vs. 9 Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?
Vs. 12 Who is the wise man, that may understand this? (See Isaiah 8:16)

Vs. 20 teach your daughters wailing


The Prophet Jeremiah

(July 7, 2014)

Jeremiah 10: 5-25

Vs. 6 There is none like unto thee (Isaiah 43: 10-13, Isaiah 45:5 -9, Isaiah 46: 1-11)

Vs. 10 The Lord is the true God (John 14:6 I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE

Vs. 11 -14 See Job 38

Vs. 19 Woe is Me for My hurt (Isaiah 46: 1-5, Matthew 23:37)

Vs. 21 For the pastors are become brutish (Isaiah 8:6, Ezekiel 33:30-33, Ezekiel 34,
Malachi 2: )


The Prophet Jeremiah

(July 21, 2014)

Jeremiah 11: 1-10

Vs. 15 What hath My beloved to do in mine house, seeing she hath wrought lewdness
many? (Matthew 21:13, John 2: 13-17)
Vs. 17 For the Lord of hosts that hath planted thee (Isaiah 5:1-7, Jeremiah 2:21,
Vs. 20 The Lord that triest the reigns and the heart (Psalm 105: 17-22, 1 Peter 1: 1-9,
Jeremiah 17: 9:10)
Jeremiah 12: 1-4
Vs. 1-4 Whereforth doth the way of the wicked prosper (Psalm 73:12, Matt. 13: 24-30)
Vs. 5-12 No man layeth to heart


The Prophet Jeremiah

(July 21, 2014)

Jeremiah 12: 5 8
Vs. 5 If thou hast run with the footman and they have wearies thee, how can thou contend
with the horses ? And if in the land of wilt thou do in the swelling of the
Jeremiahs impatience corrected.if he is frustrated and discouraged with Gods people and Gods
enemies at this point (the footman) how will he handle the impending trials which will bring
increased discouragement?

If He is only confident in God during times of peace, How will his confidence fare in times of great
difficulty i.e., the swelling f the Jordan? The swelling of the Jordan refers to the thickets on the
banks of the Jordan river, which were notorious for possessing Lions and other wild beasts.?
Vs. 5 6

A Prophets foes, they of his own household

In the earlier verses, Jeremiah complained of the treacherous and prosperous nature of the
enemies of Jehovah. In these verses he is told that worse things are in store for him that his own
family would be his fiercest opponent. This was the lot of our Lord, as well.
(See John 7:4-6, Micah 7: 5-6, Mark 13: 9-13)
1. The Word of God is not according to the flesh., and may therefore be expected to excite
hatred and opposition where that asserts itself.
2. The servant of God may often be tried by the failure and defection of his closest friends.

3. It behooves all of entrusted with Divine Truth to ask ourselves what is the ground of our

The Prophet Jeremiah

(July 21, 2014)

Jeremiah 12: 5 8
Vs. 5 If thou hast run with the footman and they have wearies thee, how can thou contend
with the horses ? And if in the land of wilt thou do in the swelling of the
Jeremiahs impatience corrected.if he is frustrated and discouraged with Gods people and Gods
enemies at this point (the footman) how will he handle the impending trials which will bring
increased discouragement?

If He is only confident in God during times of peace, How will his confidence fare in times of great
difficulty i.e., the swelling f the Jordan? The swelling of the Jordan refers to the thickets on the
banks of the Jordan river, which were notorious for possessing Lions and other wild beasts.?
Vs. 5 A Dark Prospect
I. Despair under lesser trouble makes the anticipation of greater trouble a dark prospect.
1. Greater trouble may reasonably be expected. God typically prepares us for the endurance of
trials by
sending them in degrees and reserving the more severe ones until we have been trained to
endurance of milder ones.
2. The possibility of greater trouble is not in itself an alarming fact. Trouble is fearful only to the
that it strikes fear into us. If we are prepared to meet it, we are not terrified by it! God can
give strength
equal to our requirement, and more as is needed for sterner testsMy grace is sufficient
for thee A

The Prophet Jeremiah

(July 21, 2014)

Jeremiah 12: 5 8

II. The Prospect of greater trouble should help us bear the lesser

1. Some of us are too ready to give way at once, but there is much a much greater power of
in all of us than we are ready to acknowledge to ourselves. After the initial load we find that
we are
able to add 10 pounds more to the stack. The very slight of danger may be the stimulus
to courage
by inspiring within us an overcoming spirit.
2. Quite often the real stress and trials are not what we think them to be..Light affliction
and we may
complain and rebel against even the slightest annoyances. Our spirits need to exercised
increasing difficulties that we may grow in endurance and character.
III. Failure before lesser trouble should lead us to seek a better means for enduring the more
1. It is more important that we should be able to bear the greater trouble. This is more
serious matter
and defeat under it involves a more overwhelming disaster. Therefore it is exceedingly
useful to
learn the lesson of our weakness before this has brings us into a more terrible condition of
2. It is also more difficult to endure the severer strain. The strength which is barely sufficient
for the
cares of peaceful household, will utterly fail if a man has to contend alone with the lions of

The Prophet Jeremiah

(July 21, 2014)

Jeremiah 12: 5 8

II. The Prospect of greater trouble should help us bear the lesser

1. Some of us are too ready to give way at once, but there is much a much greater power of
in all of us than we are ready to acknowledge to ourselves. After the initial load we find that
we are
able to add 10 pounds more to the stack. The very slight of danger may be the stimulus
to courage
by inspiring within us an overcoming spirit.
2. Quite often the real stress and trials are not what we think them to be..Light affliction
and we may
complain and rebel against even the slightest annoyances. Our spirits need to exercised
increasing difficulties that we may grow in endurance and character.
III. Failure before lesser trouble should lead us to seek a better means for enduring the more
1. It is more important that we should be able to bear the greater trouble. This is more
serious matter
and defeat under it involves a more overwhelming disaster. Therefore it is exceedingly
useful to
learn the lesson of our weakness before this has brings us into a more terrible condition of
2. It is also more difficult to endure the severer strain. The strength which is barely sufficient
for the
cares of peaceful household, will utterly fail if a man has to contend alone with the lions of

The Prophet Jeremiah

(August 4, 2014)

Jeremiah 12: 7-17

Vs. #7 -9 I have forsaken, I have left mine heritage, I have given the dearly beloved of My soul
It cries out against me: therefore, have I hated it.
All the beasts of the field have come to devour
Vs. # 10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard They have trodden my portion underfoot,
pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.

Vs. 12 No flesh shall have peace (See Isaiah 48:18-22, 52:7)

Vs. 13 They have sown wheat, but they shall reap thorns (See Isaiah 5:2), Haggai 1: 1-11

Vs. 14-17 This is prophetic and speaks to the occupation of the land in the last days


The Prophet Jeremiah

(August 11, 2014)

Jeremiah 13: 1-11

Vs. # 9 I will mar the pride of Judah and Jerusalem.

Vs. # 11 For a people, for a name and for a praise

See Isaiah 29, 40, 43

Vs. # 13 14 The great destruction of Jerusalem foretold See Isaiah 29, Zechariah 14

Vs. #15 22 The punishments thereof..

Vs. # 22 27 When shall it once be?


The Prophet Jeremiah

(August 25, 2014)

Jeremiah 14: 13 - 22
Vs. # 13 15 The prophets say.
I sent them not, I commanded them not, Neither did I speak unto them
False Heb. # 8267 (se-qer) a lie, falseness, deception, vanity. (21) X this word is used to
represent lying.
See: 2 Peter 2:2
Vs. # 19 Why hast Thou smitten us? See Isaiah 57:21 There is no peace saith My God to the
We looked for peace, and there is no good; and for the time of healing, and behold a
time of
trouble. Now..why is that? (No repentance) See: 2 Corinthians 7: 8-11

Jeremiah 15: 15-17

Vs. # 15 Remember Me..pass me not. See Job 14: 13-15, Malachi 3:16, Neh. 13: 29-31, Luke
Vs. #17 I sat not in the assembly of the mockers.(Psalm 1, Jude 1:18, 2 Peter 3:3)

Vs. #18 Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be healed? Wilt

The Prophet Jeremiah

(September 15, 2014)

Jeremiah 15: 17 - 18
Vs. #17 I sat not in the assembly of the mockers.(Psalm 1, Jude 1:18, 2 Peter 3:3)
Vs. #18 Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be healed? Wilt
altogether be unto me as a liar, and as waters that fail?
Vs. # 19 21 See 2 Timothy 4:17 for Pauls testimony, and 2 Corinthians 1:8-10
John 16:33 These things have I spoken to you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye
shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world
John 5:20 Remember the word that I said unto you. The servant is not greater than his lord. If
they have
persecuted Me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also.
But all these things will they do unto you for My names sake, because they know not Him
that sent Me (John 15:20).
1 Peter 4:1 For as much then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise
with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh, hath ceased from sin (1 Peter 4:1).
Romans 8:17-18 And if children, then heirs; heir of God and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that
we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this
present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

The Prophet Jeremiah

(September 15, 2014)

Jeremiah 16: 1-21

Vs. # 1-3 A testimony to our day.

There is a time for child-rearing, but this is not it..

Vs. # 4-10 Wherefore has the LORD pronounced all this great evil upon us.
(Isaiah 59: 1-15, Malachi 1: 6-10, 12 -14, 2:17, 3:13-15)
Vs. # 12 (See Genesis 6:5)

Vs. # 13-16 Fishers and Hunters Fish tend to travel in larger schools
Animals travel either alone, or in small herds


The Prophet Jeremiah

(September 22, 2014)

Jeremiah 18: 1- 26
Vs. # 1 2 Arise and go THEN when you get there, I WILL cause you to hear My words
Many of us never arise and a result we do not hear the WORD of the LORD
Vs. # 3 6 The Potter, The Clay
See Jeremiah 31: 1-9, 31-37
Ezekiel 36: 16-38
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Zechariah 8: 9-13
Hebrews 8:8-13
Vs. 5 8 The two types of men and their fate The one is foolish and cursed, the other wise and
> Psalm 1
> Psalm 91
> Cain and Abel
> Jacob and Esau
Vs. 9-10 Searching the heart, trying the reins..See 1 Peter 1: 1-9, 1 Corinthians 3: 11-20

Vs. # 11 An illustration used to show that one who gathers wealth using unjust means, will lose what
he has,
and in the end become a fool. Partridges were thought to steal the eggs of other birds, which
hatching and feeding them, would only lose

The Prophet Jeremiah

(September 29, 2014)

Jeremiah 18: 1- 26
Vs. # 1 2 Arise and go THEN when you get there, I WILL cause you to hear My words
Many of us never arise and a result we do not hear the WORD of the LORD
Vs. # 3 6 The Potter, The Clay
See Jeremiah 31: 1-9, 31-37
Ezekiel 36: 16-38
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Zechariah 8: 9-13
Hebrews 8:8-13
Vs. # 12 Is the matter urgent? Whats the big deal? Is God angry?
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Psalm 55:16-24 Now consider this lest I tear you to pieces..
Deuteronomy 8: 19-20
Vs. # 18 let us not give heed to any of His Words
See Ezekiel 33: 30-33
vs. # 23 Forgive not their iniquity Vengeance is mine, I will repay.


The Prophet Jeremiah

(October 6, 2014)

Jeremiah 19: 1-15

Vs. # 1 3 go forth to the valley of the son of Hinnom (literally go forth to Hell)
- Located near the Eastern gate
- This is where the refuse from the city of Jerusalem was burned.
- Mark 9:42 50

Vs. # 4-5 Innocent Blood, the offering by fire of children unto Baal

Vs. # 6-9 Judgment will be in proportion to the sins committed ..This is the law of Divine justice.
punishment will fit the crime.
Vs. # 10 12 The House of Judah was to be broken beyond repair. All that remained after 70 A.D.
was the House
of David (where-in resided the Throne of the Lord. (See 2 Samuel 7: 10-29, Jeremiah
33: 14-26)
(Isaiah 9: 6-21) (Luke 1: 30-33)

Vs, # 13-15 Defiled as the place of Tophet. i.e, the garbage dump..

The Prophet Jeremiah

(October 13, 2014)

Jeremiah 20: 1-18

Vs. # 1 4 Resistance to the truth especially from the religious crowd.

Vs. # 5 6 The judgment pronounced by God.

Vs. # 7 9 But His Word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with
and I could not stay. (See 1 Corinthians 9:15-17)

Vs. # 10 13 Jeremiah encouraging Himself in the Lord - (See 1 Samuel 30: 1- 6)

Vs. # 14 18 (See Job 3: 1-26)


The Prophet Jeremiah

(October 20, 2014)

Jeremiah 21: 11 - 14
Vs. # 11 14 Execute judgment in the morning and deliver him that is spoiled. (See Isaiah 58: 1-2, 611)
I AM against thee, which say, WHO SHALL COME DOWN AGAINST US, or who shall
enter into our
your doings.

habitations? (The LORD came down..) But I will punish you according to the fruit of
(See Matthew 12: 31-37)

Jeremiah 22: 1-6

Vs. # 1-6 Pleading with Judah Another offer of Mercy See Romans 11:25-36

Vs. # 7 12

Vs. # 13 17 The outward profession and show of godliness, but the heart is not right.

The Prophet Jeremiah

(October 27, 2014)

Jeremiah 23: 1-4

Vs. #1 Woe be unto to the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture (pastors
Heb. [ Ra a ] meaning to be a companion, be a friend, to be a shepherd, to care for flocks, by
extension the word means to rule with a focus on care and concern. To be an attendant of the groom
(of a wedding).
Destroy (Heb. Abad) perish, destroy, annihilate to destroy the heart means to lose courage
(86) times it is
translated perish or perished
Scatter (Heb. Pasas) (to scatter, cause to scatter, break into pieces, crush, smash, be crumbled)
1. What would cause Gods people to be scattered, crushed or broken into pieces?
2. What causes the LORD to turn from His people?
3. What causes the enemy to get up very high, and Gods people to be brought low?
Vs. #2 Against the pastors that feed my flock Ye have scattered them, driven them away, and have
not visited
them. The sheep are scattered, and driven away from the Chief Shepherd as a result of sin.
The people
were not visited with the Word of God. (See Ezekiel 34: 1-14, John 10:1-16)
Vs. #3 4 I will bring them again (See Ezekiel 34: 34
22-31) See Ezekiel 37: 11 - 28

The Prophet Jeremiah

(November 3, 2014)

Jeremiah 23: 13 28
Vs. #13 16 I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria capital of the (House of Israel) and the
prophets of Jerusalem capital of the (House of Judah) A vision of their own heart
Vs. # 17 19 Ye shall have peace but everyone walks in the imagination of his own heart
-The counsel of the Lord
Vs. # 20 In the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly The latter days began after the resurrection of
Christ, so
we have a two-fold application here. First, the rejection of the Messiah by Judah brought an
end to the
House of Judah as prophesied by Jeremiah. (See Jeremiah 19:7-13) This prophesy ties in
perfectly with
Matt. 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13. Second, it points to the latter days of the Christian era, when
the House of
David (The British Throne) and the House of Israel (as identified by the Anglo Saxon nations)
would once
again (after becoming quote un quote Christian nations) fall away from The Faith once
delivered unto the
Vs. #21 23 My People this certainly cant refer to latter day Christians, because Christians have
turned from their evil ways. Note how this closely this word ties into Acts 2: 22 40)

The Prophet Jeremiah

(November 10, 2014)

Jeremiah 23: 13 28
Vs. #36 For you have perverted the Words of The Living God (Perverted (Heb.) ha-pak to overthrow,
over-turn, turn-around, change. Figuratively it is used to express the idea of changing ones mind.
(See: Acts 28: 1-6)
(Romans 1: 18 32)
Jeremiah 24: 1 -10

Matthew 21:12 -21 Evil Figs The money changers, the Priesthood & How soon would the Fig tree
Mark 11: 13, 20, 21 Evil Figs
Luke 13: 1-5, 6-10 Evil Figs A certain man had a fig tree planted in His vineyard
Vineyard: The Vineyard is the House of Israel
Genesis 40:9, 49: 11, Deut. 32:32, Psalm 80:8,14 (Song of Solomon 6: 11, 7:8, 12)
Isaiah 5:2, 16:8, 24:7, 32:12, 34:4, 36;16
Jeremiah 2:21, 6:9, 8:13, 12:10
Ezekiel 15:2, 6, 17:6-8, 19:10
Hosea 10:1, 14:7
Joel 1:7, 12
Nahum 2:2
Haggai 2:19
Zachariah 8:12
(See Revelation 14: 15 -20)

The Prophet Jeremiah

(November 17, 2014)

Jeremiah 25: 1 9
The Reign of Manasseh and Amon

Manasseh See: 2 Kings 21: 1-13 (The prophesy regarding the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah is
Amon See: 2 Kings 21:19 -26
The Reign of Josiah
2 Kings 22: 1 4 Go up to Hilkiah Important to note that Hilkiah was Jeremiahs father (See:
Jeremiah 1:1)
2 Kings 22: 8 I have found the Book of The Law in the House of the LORD
22:11 And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the book of the Law, that he
rent his
22:18 20 Although judgment would not be turned away from the nation, the king would be
because his heart was tender and he humbled himself, and re-established the
law of the Lord
as the law of the land. (REPENT!) See: Luke 19: 1-9, Matthew 3: 1-10, 2 Cor.
7: 7-11
The kings reward: verse # 20 See also Isaiah 57: 1-2

Vs. # 9 11 Nebuchadnezzar MY SERVANT

Vs. # 12 17 I will make all nations to drink.. See 37
Zephaniah 3: 1-8

The Prophet Jeremiah

(November 24, 2014)

Jeremiah 25: 7 - 17

Vs. # 9 11 Nebuchadnezzar MY SERVANT note that God is using Nebuchadnezzar as a tool to

punish Israel;
however, after punishing Israel, He will also punish the nation of Babylon..

Vs. # 11 Seventy years was the length of the punishment after. which Babylon would be punished and
by the Medes/Persian empire. Persian would be the next great empire to rule the earth while
Kingdom of God was in abeyance because of Israels sin.

See Daniel 2: 31-44

Babylon Gold
Medes/Persians Silver (rebuilding the temple under Cyrus (Isaiah 45: 1-14 and Ezra 1:
Greece Brass
Rome Iron and Clay
Stone The Kingdom of God

Vs. # 12 17 I will make all nations to drink.. See 37

Zephaniah 3: 1-8

The Prophet Jeremiah

(December 1, 2014)

Jeremiah 25: 15 - 38
Vs. # 15 27 (Judgment on the nations)
This prophesy of judgment upon the nations has its fulfillment throughout the reign of the Gentile
empires; however, it clearly and distinctly points to the end of the age when all Babylonian systems
(political, economic, and religious) are judged and a new order of righteousness is ushered in; first
among the Israel nations, and subsequently in all other nations of the earth.
Psalm 2, and Psalm 83
Vs. # 30 The LORD will roar from on high and will utter His voice from His Holy habitation; He will
roar mightily
against His fold. (John 10)
It should be understood that judgment begins with the house of God where honor and privilege have
been bestowed. This is primarily national in scope, but can also be applied to the church, which is His
Body based on the order of resurrection.

Isaiah 42: 13 25
Joel 3: 1-16
Amos 1:1-5
Vs. # 33 And at that day the slain of the LORD, shall be from one end of the earth to the other end of
the earth.
Isaiah 34: 1-17
Ezekiel 39: 1-17


The Protocol(s)

1.1. The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic

2.2 The original draft of a diplomatic document, especially of the terms of a treaty
agreed to in
conference and signed by the parties.


agreement, treaty, entente, concordat, conv

ention, deal, pact, contract, compact

Protocol #1
Political freedom is an idea, not a fact.It is necessary to know how to apply this idea when there is need of a
clever bait to gain the support of the people for ones party, if such a party has undertaken to defeat another party
already in power. This task is made easier if the opponent has himself been infected by principles of freedom or
so called liberalism and for the sake of the idea will yield some of his power. Our triumph has been rendered
easier by the fact that in our relations with the men whom we wanted we have always worked upon the most
sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material
needs of man,; and each one of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it
hands over to the will of men the disposition of him who has bought their activities.
Protocol #2
The administration chosen by us from the masses fro their servility will not be persons trained for government,
and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, played by our learned and talented counsellors,
specialists, educated from early childhood to administer world affairs. AS we know, our specialists have been
acquiring the knowledge necessary for governing.
Protocol #4
It is for this reason that we must undermine faith, and eradicate from the minds of the Gentiles the very principles
of God and Soul, and replace these conceptions by mathematical calculations and material desires.
Protocol # 5
To obtain control over public opinion, it is first necessary to confuse it by the expression from various sides of so
many conflicting opinions..this is the first secret. The second secret consists in so increasing and intensifying
the shortcomings of the people in their habits, passions and mode of living that no one will be able to collect
himself in the chaos, and consequently, people will lose all their mutual understanding. This measure will serve
us also in breeding disagreement in all parties, in disintegrating all those collective forces which are still unwilling
to submit to us and in discouraging all personal initiative which can in any way interfere with our undertaking. We
will so wear out and exhaust the Gentiles by all this that they will be compelled to offer us an international
authority, which by its position will enable us to absorb without disturbance all the government forces of the world
and thus form a super government. We must so direct the education of Gentile society that its hands will drop
in the weakness of discouragement, in the face of any undertaking where initiative is needed.

Protocol # 6
We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, colossal reservoirs of wealth, upon which even the big Gentile
properties, will be dependent to such an extent, that they will all fall together with the government credit on the
day following the political catastrophe. The economists here present must carefully weigh the significance of this
combination. We must develop by every means the importance of our super-government, representing it as the
protector and benefactor to all who voluntarily submit to us. The aristocracy of the Gentiles as apolitical force has
passed away. We need not take them into consideration. But, as owners of the land, they are harmful to us in that
they are independent in their source of livelihood. Therefore , at all costs, we must deprive them of their land.
The best means to attain this is to increase taxes and mortgage indebtedness. These measures will keep
landownership in a state of unconditional subordination. Unable to satisfy their needs by small inheritances, the
aristocrats among the Gentiles will burn themselves out rapidly. At the same time it is necessary to encourage
trade and industry vigorously and especially speculation, the function of which is to act as a counterpoise to
industry. Without speculation, industry will cause private capital to increase and tend to improve the condition of
agriculture, by freeing the land from indebtedness for loans by land banks. It is necessary for industry to deplete
the land both of laborers and Capital, and through speculations, transfer all the money of the world into our
hands, thereby throwing the Gentiles into the ranks of the proletariat. The Gentiles will then bow before us to
obtain their right to existence.
We will force up wages, which however will be of no benefit to workers, for we at the same time will cause a rise
in the prices of prime necessities, pretending this is due to decline of agriculture and of cattle raising. We will also
artfully and deeply undermine the sources of production by instilling in workman the ideas of anarchy and
encourage them in the use of alcohol, at the same time taking measures to drive all the intellectual forces of the
Gentiles from the land.
Protocol # 7
We must force the Gentile governments to adopt measures which will promote our broadly conceived plan
already approaching its triumphal goal by bringing to bear the pressure of stimulated public opinion which has in
reality been organized by us with the help of the so called great power of the press. With few exceptions, not
worth considering, it has already fallen into our hands.

Protocol #8
We will surround our government with a world of economists. It is for this reason that the science of economics is
the chief subject of instruction taught by the Jews. We shall be surrounded by a whole galaxy of bankers,
industrialists, capitalists and especially by millionaires. Because actually, everything will be decided by an appeal
to figures.
Protocol #9
In order not to destroy prematurely the Gentile institutions, we have laid our efficient hands upon them, and
reaped the springs of their mechanism. They were formerly in strict and just order but we have replaced them
with a liberal disorganized and arbitrary administration. We have tampered with jurisprudence, the franchise, the
press, the freedom of person, and most important of all, education and culture, the cornerstone of free existence.
We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and
theories patently false to us, but which we have inspired. Above existing laws, without actual change, but by
distorting them through contradictory interpretations, we have created something stupendous in the way of
In reality there are no obstacles before us. Our super-government has such an extra legal status that it may be
called by the energetic and strong word a dictatorship. I can conscientiously say that, at the present time, we are
the lawmakers. We create courts and jurisprudence. We rule with a strong will because we hold in our hands the
remains of a once strong party, now subjugated to us.
Peoples of all opinions and all doctrines are at our service, restorers of monarchy, demagogues, Socialists,
Communists, and other Utopians. We have put them all to work. Everyone from his point of view is undermining
the last remanant of authority, is trying to overthrow all existing order. All the governments have been tormented
by these actions. But we will not give them peace until they recognize our super-government.
Protocol #10
To wear everyone out by dissensions, animosity, feuds, famine, inoculation of diseases, want, until the Gentiles
see no other way of escape except an appeal to our money and our power. When we introduced the poison of
liberalism intot he government organism, its entire political complexion changed.

Protocol #12
We have attained control of the press to the extent that all news is received through several agencies in which it
is centralized from all parts of the world. The agencies will then be to all intents and purposes our own institutions
and will publish only that which we permit. If we have already managed to dominate the mind of Gentile society to
such a point hat almost all see world affairs through the colored lenses of the spectacles which we place before
their eyes, and now if there is not one government with barriers erected against our access to that which by
Gentile stupidity is called state secrets, what then will it be when we are the recognized masters of the world in
the person of our universal ruler.
Protocol #13
To prevent them from really thinking anything out themselves, we shall deflect their attention to amusements,
games, past-times, excitements and peoples palaces. Such interests will distract their minds completely from
questions on which we might be obliged to struggle with them. Becoming less and less accustomed to
independent thinking, people will express themselves in unison with us because we alone offer new lines of
thought of course through persons whom they do not consider as in any way connected with us.
Protocol #14
In countries called advanced, we have created a senseless, filthy and disgusting literature. For a short time after
our entrance into power we shall encourage its existence so that it may show ijn greater relief tge contrast
between it and the written and spoken announcements which will emanate from us.
Protocol #15
Under our influence the execution of the laws of the Gentiles is reduced to a minimum. Respect for the law is
undermined by the liberal interpretation we have introduced into the sphere. The courts decide as we dictate,
even in the most important cases in which are involved fundamental principles or political issues, viewing them in
the light in which we present them to the gentile administration through agents with whom we apparently have
nothing in common, through newspaper opinion and other avenues.

Protocol #17
We have taken good care long ago to discredit the Gentile clergy and thereby to destroy their mission, which at
present might hamper us considerably. Their influence over the people diminishes daily. Freedom of conscience
has been proclaimed everywhere. Consequently, it is only a question of time when the complete crash of the
Christian religion will occur.

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