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The 2 Years On


By Matt Goodman

How Did it Happen?

On April 12th 2010 the Labour Government that had been in power from 1996 had started to lose its power in the commons and was under pressure from all other parties called a general election.

The election was held on May 6th. The result of the election was a hung parliament this meant that no one party had achieved the majority required to have power in the commons. UK General Election Result 2010
Conservative Labour Lib Dem Others

The conservatives had to join up with one of either Labour of the Lib Dems. The Lib Dems were chosen and the coalition government was born.

What was Next for the

Just days after May 6th both Nick Clegg and David Cameron emerged together to take the first press conference as coalition leaders. Since then the coalition has made cuts to help bring the economy back from the brink and as of last quarter the economy had risen. The coalition and infect all of the house of commons agreed to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. With 3,800 troops set to leave in 2013. Also in past 2 years the coalition many the Lib Dems pushed forward the idea of an AV voting scheme where you vote for a person not a party to run your country.

Division within
In Britain we have three major parties (Labour, Conservatives and the Lib Dems). All three have very Different political ideas; Labour want what is best for the working class, while the Conservatives want what is best fro the upper and middle class. However the Lib Dems would say that their ideas land with all three classes. This is why When we had a hung parliament in 2010 the Conservatives wen t with the Lib Dems rather than Labour. This partnership has not been without trouble as many Lib Dem and Conservative back benches feel that both parties are not following the agreements made when they decided to create the Coalition. Even the public can see that the Lib Dems are not getting the power that they thought they might get as the Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has been given the name as tea boy.


within Government

The publics view on the the coalition is of a Government that is not sure of its identity among other government across Europe many think that the Cameron Ministry is week.

This has been shown across the last 2 years in many occasions for example, when many of Europe's top countries were talking about how to save the euro David Cameron was not even involved in the major speaking.
Even though Brittan doesnt use the Euro you would of thought that we would have been involved in the negotiating on how to fix it.

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