SAUG Effective Reporting 16 9

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SAUG National Summit | Hilton Hotel, Sydney September 2013

Get The Most Out Of Your Reports

Paul Hawking
Victoria University


Best Practice

Accurate Information



Effective Decisions

Corporate Performance

Accepted Metrics

Pain Points
No clear reporting strategy Many companies find that after 2 years that more than 50% of the reports they have created are not used Silo reporting groups emerge to fill gaps increasing cost of information delivery

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to TRUTH not going all the way, and not starting - Buddha

Measuring Success and Value of Reports

Create a formal, continuous process for measuring success and value generated Identify and measure results of each report initiative Establish realistic goals and expectations based on capability / maturity Operational Success
Productivity improvements Process efficiency and effectiveness Key performance indicators

Business Success
Return on investment Economic value add Revenue increases Cost Savings Customer / corporate profits Enables Business Strategy and Completive Advantage

Value Created

User Success Implementation Success

On-time, On-budget User adoption Usage tracking User satisfaction

Overall Success Of Reports

Reporting Process
Ensure repeatable Best Practice Reduce redundant and non actionable reports Strategic alignment of reports
Understand the Business Process

Evaluate Report Impact

Understand Associated Decisions

Determine Report Functionality

Identify Key Information Objects

Understand the Business Process

Evaluate Report Impact

Understand Associated Decisions

Determine Report Functionality

Identify Key Information Objects

Understand the Business Process

Talk to Stakeholders
Subject Matter Experts (SME) Management Users

Observe the Business Process Review existing reports and documents

Understand Associated Decisions

Triggers Decision Latency Decision Workflow Contextual Information

Understand Associated Decisions

Decision Workflow

1. Scan the KPIs

Look for exceptions by scanning multiple reports daily

2. Isolate the Problem

Look through several reports that contain detailed data to determine which specific area needs attention

3. Determine the Root Cause

Conduct OLAP analysis to analyze related dimensions and contextual information to determine root cause of the problem

Identify Key Information Objects

Key Figures/Measures

Business Entities Attributes of Business Entities Hierarchies

Identify Key Information Objects

Key figures




Identify Key Information Objects

Information Modeling

Identify Key Information Objects

Understand Data Sources

Identify Key Information Objects

Identify Extraction rules Identify Transformation rules Identify Business Rules

Source Systems

Determine Report Functionality

Audience Navigation Drill down Visualisation Requirements Medium Templates

Evaluate Report Impact

Response times Usage

What did they access next?

Business impact (business case)

Future Reporting Trends

Collaborative Analysis
Who used the report and what other

reports did they look at

What is influencing the business

Collaborative report design

Where To Start
Report Audit and Analysis 1. What actions occur as a result of the report? 2. If no actions why not? 3. Under what circumstances will an action occur? 4. Do other similar reports exist 5. Modify the report to be actionable

Snakes and ladders

Meta Data Master Data


Data Integration

Data Quality

BI Strategy

Executive Support


Snakes and ladders


Paul Hawking SAP Academic Programs Director College of Business Telephone: +61-3-99194031 Mobile: +61-419301628 Email

Paulhawking #SAPVU #VUBI

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