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Unifying Question: How do I select and test possible options to make decisions?

Gathering a variety of facts, definitions, and details helps me select the most relevant information. Enduring Understandings Different purposes for writing demand different skills. Intentional use of language conveys meaning effectively. Production of writing appropriate to the task and purpose requires processes and tools. The organization and development of writing differ depending on the purpose and task.

Grade 4 * Quarter 3 * Week 1

Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis and research


Before writing, writers gather and evaluate a variety of facts, definitions, and details to select information that best supports their topic. View: A New Twist or Whatll the Weather Be? Evaluate:

What is the topic of this newsletter? How did the author narrow the topic? What are some concepts we are learning about in school that would make interesting topics for a class newsletter?

Note: Good writers ask themselves questions to narrow their topics and make their writing more manageable. Collaborate: How will your group decide on a topic for your newsletter? Note Taking: Use Topic Research to record facts, definitions, and details on the topic of changes in weather using This US Summer Is What Global Warming Looks Like. Answer:

What details did you find to support your topic? How did your group select a topic from possible options for your newsletter?

Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis and research


Group related information and consider possible formats for information W4Q3W1D2

Note: We will be evaluating information to decide what to include in your newsletters. Examples: A New Twist or Whatll the Weather Be? Answer: How are these newsletter formatted or organized? Note: We will be synthesizing information gathered by individuals in the group to include in your newsletters and considering possible text features to include. Model: Highlight possible facts to include in a paragraph for a newsletter by using your completed Topic Research organizer and asking yourself questions like:

What information will be interesting to a reader? Which facts could be grouped into one paragraph? What information do I want to emphasize using text features? How did your group determine how to group chosen information for the newsletter?

Develop topic with facts, definitions, and details


Note: Writers evaluate facts, definitions, and details to select information that explains the topic of their newsletters. Model: Select a group of facts, definitions, or details, paraphrasing the notes and drafting several sentences for a paragraph using the completed Topic Research organizer. Practice: In pairs, select related facts, definitions, or details from your completed Topic Research organizer and rehearse by paraphrasing. Draft: Revisit your completed Topic Research organizer and draft paragraphs that include information the group decided to include in the newsletter. Share: Share and receive feedback on your paragraphs within your groups and make revisions. Answer:

How did you use facts, definitions, and details to develop your ideas? How did you compose and refine possible sentences to include in your paragraphs?

Identify and revise writing for proper use of progressive verb tense

Revisit: Tenses of Verbs resource Example: What's Happening? More Verb Tenses. Notes: We will evaluate your choice of the use of a verb tense while revising sections of your newsletters. Model: Read a page from a couple of recently read texts, identifying where the progressive verb tense was used differently. Note: The use of verb tense is part of authors craft and varies from author to author. Answer: How do we know when we are using verb tenses correctly in our writing? Practice: In pairs, identify places in recently read texts where the progressive verb tense was used similarly or differently. Practice: Revisit your writing to edit for proper use of the progressive verb tense. Answer: How do you identify whether or not the appropriate verb tense was used in writing?

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