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Los Pensamientos

Homework on the corner of your desk

pg 36 “Sistema de contabilidad”

Índice del trabajo/Table of Contents

Pg 37 Agenda española- Semana 1 Tema 1
Pg 38 “Errores que he cometido”/Mistakes I Have
Pg 39 Class Procedures Review

Los Pensamientos
Look at your “Sistema de contabilidad” pg 36 and
which test you mastered the least. Between the Afro
Latino Test and Para Empezartest, which test should
you re take? Based on how much you studied and
which test you are more prepared for, which test
should you take?
Objetivos de hoy
• Demonstrate mastery of
objectives from the Afro Latino Unit
or Para Empezar Unit
• Identify your grade in the class, on
the Country Poster project, and
what work you are missing.
• Explain what happens when you
don’t turn in your work and how to
complete that work on your own.
• Explain the Pensamientos/Warm Up
“Errores que he cometido”
“Mistakes I have made”
Saque una hoja de papel
Write the title

Errores que he cometido/Mistakes I have

Write page 38 in the corner

CHAMP “la lección”

“Errores que he cometido”
 Make 3 columns on your paper

Mistake/my Correction/Maste reason
score on the ry
“Errores que he cometido”
For each section of the rubric you

did not get mastery, fill out each

Mistake/my score Correction/Mastery reason
on the rubric

2 A map is 4 A color map is my maps are not in

included of the included of the color
world or region, but world or region with
country is not the country
labeled highlighted and
labeled clearly,
other countries are
Examen/ Test
1. Put everything under your desk except
for a pencil or pen
2. Write your answers as best you can on
the actual test (leaving answers
blank does lower your grade)
4. When you finish, walk to Ms. Mehl’s
desk and show her your test to get
a multiple choice answer sheet
6. Finish your test by bubbling the
multiple choice answer on the
answer sheet
CHAMP “la evaluación/testing”
Examen/ Test
1. Put everything under your desk except
for a pencil or pen
2. Write your answers as best you can on
the actual test (leaving answers
blank does lower your grade)
4. When you finish, walk to Ms. Mehl’s
desk and show her your test to get
a multiple choice answer sheet
6. Finish your test by bubbling the
multiple choice answer on the
answer sheet
CHAMP “la evaluación/testing”
Cuando termine/ When you
1.Put the following in the labeled places on
the bookshelf:
Test with name on it

Multiple choice answers (not written on)

Bubbled answer sheet

2.Get page 39 “Class Procedures Review,”

and complete it according to the
instructions on the page
3.Complete page 38 “Errores que he
cometido/Mistakes I have made” about
your corrected project
El Cierre/ Closing
Get out your Agenda Española and
intervention card
Preguntas del cierre/Closing

• What assignments do I need to do over to
improve my class grade? (at least one)
• What is one specific way I need to do
that assignment differently to get a
better grade?
Tarea/ Homework
• “Errores que he cometido” page 37
– martes/Tuesday
• “Class Procedures Review” page 39
– jueves/Thursday
• Turn in all late work by Friday
(including projects and Spanish
• Re take Afro Latino or Para Empezar
test (optional)
– jueves/Thursday 3:15-4:30pm

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