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NCELL 3G Network Optimization

Clusters Report Summary & KPI Benchmark

2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Contents Overview Activity Process Followed Achievement 3G KPI Benchmark Additional Findings Feature Recommendation
2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Cluster Info

Activity Kathmandu-Cluster-KAT04 & KAT05 Network Audit & Pre Drive BSC Parameter Implementation RNC Parameter Implementation Node B Parameter Implementation Physical Changes Neighbor Optimization Post Drive Test Reporting KPI Benchmark

Before Week-5

Week-5 29-Jan 30-Jan 31-Jan 3-Feb 4-Feb

Week-6 5-Feb 6-Feb


Week-7 Week-8 10-Feb 11-Feb 12-Feb 14-Feb 17-Feb

Activity Completed

2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Project Organization Chart


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Kathmandu 3G Optimization
Network Audit Neighbor Optimization Primary Scrambling Code Check CPU Utilization Check Code Utilization Check CE Utilization Check Power Utilization Check Physical Changes Parametric Optimization BSC Parameter RNC Parameter NodeB Parameter

2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Process Followed Kathmandu 3G Optimization

3G Network - Health Check Neighbor addition / Deletion for Intra / Inter / ITRAT STAGE - 1 STAGE - 2 STAGE - 3

Neighbour Definition check Primary Scrambling Code Check CPU Utilization Check CE Utilization Check Power Utilization Check PH-2 : Neighbor Optimization - Verification based on PRACH Data - Verification based on Neighbor performance report Scrambling Code Check Physical Optimization - Electrical Tilt Change - Antenna Azimuth change Parametric Optimization KPI Benchmark

2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Kathmandu 3G Optimization
CE Analysis

Intra Frequency Neighbours

3G Optimisation

Inter Frequency Neighbours



Uu Pilot Power Antenna Azimuth and Tilt Scrambling Code Conflict Check

2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Kathmandu all 4 cluster Traffic & Data Volume Overview:

Overall Traffic and data volume increased during every phase of optimization week by week. Data Volume increased by 17.4% & CS Traffic increased by 19% (approx) in all 4 Clusters as compared to Week01.

2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Cell Traffic Volume, CS(Erl) KAT04 & KAT05 (24 Hrs)

BSC Parameter Implementation

2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Average DL HSDPA RAB Throughput KAT04 & KAT05 (24 Hrs)
NodeB Parameters Implementation of KAT04 & 124 Cells of KAT05

NodeB Parameters Implementation of remaining cells of KAT05


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Average DL HSDPA RAB Throughput KAT04 & KAT05 (NBH)

NodeB Parameters Implementation of KAT04 & 124 Cells of KAT05

NodeB Parameters Implementation of remaining cells of KAT05


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

HSDPA Payload KAT04 & KAT05 (NBH)

HSDPA Payload KAT04 & KAT05 (24 Hrs)


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Number of Rejected Services, Handover (Times) KAT04 (24 Hrs)

Number of Rejected Services, Handover (Times) KAT05 (24 Hrs)


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Number of Rejected Services, DCH No Code (Times) (24 Hrs)

Number of PS Downgrade due to Code Congestion(Times) - (24 Hrs)


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Cell Traffic Volume, CS(Erl) KAT06 & KAT07 (24 Hrs)
BSC Parameters changed on 19-Jan

In few cells BSC Parameters changed on 29-Jan

Positive impact on Traffic trend after modification in reselection parameters(2G3G) in both clusters on 19th Jan. The improvement shown in graph is of major activity performed, Average improvement from Handover : CL 6 : 8.30 % CL 7 : 8.19 %
2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Average DL HSDPA RAB Throughput KAT06 & KAT07 (24 Hrs)
Neighbors CR implemented on 29-Jan

HSDPA Parameter tuning on 5-Feb

Advanced HSDPA Parameter tuning on 6-Feb

Positive impact in throughput in both clusters after tuning neighbors and HSDPA parameters on 29 th Jan & 56th Feb. The improvement shown in graph is of major activity performed, Average improvement from Handover : CL 6 : 141.14 Kbps CL 7 : 77.77 Kbps
2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Total Data Volume(MB) KAT06 & KAT07 (24 Hrs)

Implementation date

Added potential 3G-3G missing relations resulting increasing improving trend in data Volume. Implementation date 29Jan, 31Jan, 7Feb & 14Feb. ** Total Data Traffic maintained for complete life cycle of the project, Irrespective of heavy outages.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Number of rejected services, DCH no code(Times)- (24 Hrs)

Advanced HSDPA Parameter tuning on 6-Feb

DCH No code rejection reduced after tuning of Advanced HSDPA parameter on 6-Feb. AIRCOM will continue to perform more activity to increase the code resource and maintain the data traffic growth.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Cell IRAT CS Out HOSR(%)

Implementation date Neighbor tuning

Improving Trend in Cell IRAT_CS out HOSR in CL06 after 3G-3G Neighbor tuning. Implementation date 29Jan,31Jan,7Feb & 14Feb.

Neighbor Tuning is a constant activity, hence AIRCOM will maintain the network quality sanity check for further improvement.
Based on network analysis for further improvement recommendations already shared.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Kathmandu 3G-KPI Bench Mark


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Achievement KPI Benchmark KAT04

Week compared W51 and W08Week CLUSTER_NAMES Average Of RRC Estab Suc Rate(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(CS)(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(PS)(%) Average Of Cell CDR(CS) Average Of Cell CDR(PS) Average Of Cell IRAT CS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Inc HOSR(%) W51 KAT04 98.98 99.83 99.38 0.27 0.74 94.43 81.85 97.85 W52 KAT04 98.99 99.82 99.38 0.26 0.71 94.47 82.13 97.85 W01 KAT04 99.10 99.86 99.63 0.25 0.67 94.25 81.46 97.82 W02 W03 W04 W05 KAT04 99.39 99.91 99.85 0.29 0.42 94.17 83.53 95.80 W06 KAT04 98.95 99.84 98.89 0.29 0.44 94.21 84.35 95.43 W07 W08 Improvement (%) KAT04 32% 112% 126% -33% 27% 4% 19% -113% 16% 56% 127% 56% 10% 20% -8% KAT04 KAT04 KAT04 99.47 99.28 99.37 99.89 100.71 99.91 99.88 99.91 99.86 0.21 0.24 0.29 0.34 0.33 0.45 94.03 93.83 94.02 83.12 83.78 83.44 97.72 96.38 95.66 KAT04 KAT04 99.29 99.31 99.89 100.02 99.52 100.16 0.36 0.36 0.54 0.54 94.92 94.64 84.64 85.23 95.37 95.42

24 Hrs KPI

HSDPA Improved by 202.76 Kbps

99.36 99.51 99.36 0.30 99.95 0.36 99.37 99.51 99.08 0.29 99.95 0.36 99.46 99.69 99.46 0.27 99.96 0.37 99.79 99.88 99.79 0.21 99.97 0.37 100.66 100.10 99.66 0.21 99.97 0.38

Average Of Avg DL HSDPA RAB throput-HSDPA Average Of Call Setup Success rate(CS)(%) Average Of RAB_EST_SUCC_RATE_CS_PSR99_HS Average Of CALL_SETP_SUC_RATE_CS_PSR99_HS Average Of ALL_RRC_CDR Average Of Cell Soft Handover Average Of SHO_OVERHEAD

1306.99 1315.32 1325.11 1455.19 1494.66 1411.55 1477.60 1491.86 1496.30 1509.75 99.71 99.87 99.71 0.25 99.96 0.39 99.76 99.87 99.76 0.25 99.97 0.40 99.44 99.13 98.45 0.23 99.96 0.40 99.71 99.61 99.71 0.27 99.96 0.39 99.72 100.13 99.72 0.27 99.96 0.39

Cell CDR (PS) Improved by 27 %

CSSR (CS) Improved by 56 %

CELL IRAT_CS HOSR Improved by 4 %


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Achievement KPI Benchmark KAT05

Week compared W51 and W08Week CLUSTER_NAMES Average Of RRC Estab Suc Rate(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(CS)(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(PS)(%) Average Of Cell CDR(CS) Average Of Cell CDR(PS) Average Of Cell IRAT CS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Inc HOSR(%) W51 KAT05 98.82 99.89 99.64 0.27 0.64 91.36 74.96 97.50 99.41 99.71 99.41 0.26 99.96 0.40 W52 KAT05 98.81 99.88 99.63 0.28 0.65 91.39 74.86 97.49 99.41 99.70 99.27 0.27 99.96 0.40 W01 KAT05 96.20 99.48 99.60 0.28 0.59 91.93 74.67 93.52 95.54 99.57 96.51 0.25 99.96 0.40 W02 KAT05 99.22 99.91 99.88 0.22 0.36 92.06 77.06 97.41 99.77 99.89 99.77 0.21 99.97 0.40 W03 KAT05 99.25 100.89 100.63 0.23 0.33 92.00 79.02 96.01 100.80 100.69 100.80 0.22 99.97 0.40 W04 KAT05 99.08 99.89 99.85 0.27 0.43 92.13 79.50 95.10 99.73 99.86 99.73 0.26 99.96 0.40 W05 KAT05 98.98 99.47 99.61 0.31 0.40 92.26 78.68 94.97 98.58 99.57 99.58 0.29 99.96 0.41 W06 KAT05 99.18 99.91 99.73 0.24 0.38 92.02 78.52 95.00 99.78 99.78 99.78 0.21 99.97 0.41 W07 KAT05 99.16 99.90 99.66 0.29 0.42 92.19 79.09 95.21 99.73 99.72 99.73 0.24 99.96 0.41 W08 KAT05 99.16 99.93 100.25 0.29 0.49 93.19 80.22 94.77 99.76 100.17 99.76 0.26 99.91 0.41 Improvement (%) KAT05 29% 36% 169% -7% 23% 21% 21% -109% 15% 59% 159% 59% 0% -125% -3%

HSDPA Improved by 200.77 Kbps

24 Hrs KPI

Average Of Avg DL HSDPA RAB throput-HSDPA Average Of Call Setup Success rate(CS)(%) Average Of RAB_EST_SUCC_RATE_CS_PSR99_HS Average Of ALL_RRC_CDR Average Of Cell Soft Handover Average Of SHO_OVERHEAD

1357.25 1357.63 1372.69 1448.05 1473.06 1407.83 1475.46 1538.75 1564.79 1558.02

RRC Estab Improved by 29 %


CSSR (CS) Improved by 59 %

CELL IRAT_CS HOSR Improved by 21 %


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Achievement KPI Benchmark KAT06

Week compared W51 and W08Week CLUSTER_NAMES Average Of RRC Estab Suc Rate(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(CS)(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(PS)(%) Average Of Cell CDR(CS) Average Of Cell CDR(PS) Average Of Cell IRAT CS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Inc HOSR(%) W51 KAT06 98.98 99.89 99.86 0.25 0.41 91.17 75.17 97.04 W52 KAT06 99.00 99.91 99.87 0.24 0.41 91.03 75.59 97.09 W01 KAT06 99.09 99.91 99.84 0.27 0.36 90.44 75.99 96.49 W02 KAT06 99.25 99.92 99.93 0.23 0.23 91.36 79.31 96.50 W03 KAT06 99.17 100.13 100.06 0.27 0.27 90.92 79.66 94.62 W04 KAT06 95.82 99.66 99.74 0.35 0.33 91.26 80.71 89.09 W05 KAT06 99.05 99.90 99.90 0.27 0.27 91.21 80.43 93.66 W06 KAT06 99.09 99.90 99.91 0.27 0.26 91.63 79.69 92.66 W07 KAT06 93.14 99.87 99.90 0.31 0.26 92.18 81.08 74.35 W08 KAT06 99.21 99.98 100.47 0.29 0.28 91.90 80.20 92.18 Improvement (%) KAT06 23% 82% 436% -16% 32% 8% 20% -164% 10%

HSDPA Improved by 139.79 Kbps

24 Hrs KPI

Average Of Avg DL HSDPA RAB throput-HSDPA

1412.74 1417.10 1416.59 1542.99 1529.45 1482.97 1548.91 1577.45 1548.21 1552.53

Average Of Call Setup Success rate(CS)(%) Average Of RAB_EST_SUCC_RATE_CS_PSR99_HS Average Of CALL_SETP_SUC_RATE_CS_PSR99_HS Average Of ALL_RRC_CDR Average Of Cell Soft Handover Average Of SHO_OVERHEAD

99.62 Improved 99.63 99.70 99.81 by 99.78 Cell CDR (PS) 3298.89 % 99.72 99.87 99.88 99.86 99.92 100.08 99.72 99.90
99.62 0.20 99.96 0.36 99.63 0.20 99.96 0.36 99.70 0.22 99.96 0.36 99.81 0.20 99.97 0.37 99.78 0.21 99.97 0.38 98.89 0.26 99.96 0.38 99.72 0.20 99.97 0.39

99.78 99.91 99.78 0.24 99.97 0.39

98.92 99.89 98.92 0.21 99.96 0.39

99.80 100.36 99.80 0.21 99.96 0.40

47% 377% 47% -5% 0% -11%

CSSR (CS) Improved by 47 %

CELL IRAT_CS HOSR Improved by 8 %


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Achievement KPI Benchmark KAT07

Week compared W51 and W08Week CLUSTER_NAMES Average Of RRC Estab Suc Rate(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(CS)(%) Average Of Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(PS)(%) Average Of Cell CDR(CS) Average Of Cell CDR(PS) Average Of Cell IRAT CS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Out HOSR(%) Average Of Cell IRAT PS Inc HOSR(%) W51 KAT07 98.92 99.90 99.87 0.24 0.49 94.18 79.40 95.35 W52 KAT07 99.08 99.94 99.90 0.17 0.45 95.66 83.54 96.95 W01 KAT07 99.02 99.90 99.90 0.22 0.39 94.43 80.78 95.08 W02 KAT07 99.23 99.91 99.90 0.20 0.25 94.49 82.84 95.16 W03 KAT07 99.15 100.14 100.07 0.23 0.28 94.35 82.42 92.50 W04 KAT07 99.08 99.65 99.71 0.24 0.29 94.50 82.95 91.51 W05 KAT07 98.96 99.88 99.85 0.26 0.31 93.99 81.72 91.41 W06 KAT07 98.99 99.89 99.88 0.27 0.30 93.81 80.24 91.30 W07 KAT07 98.95 99.88 99.88 0.28 0.28 93.91 81.58 91.05 W08 KAT07 98.94 99.96 100.41 0.25 0.30 94.11 81.33 91.14 Improvement (%) KAT07 2% 60% 415% -4% 39% -1% 9% -91% 8% 15% 350% 15% 0% 25% -9%

HSDPA Improved by 110.11 Kbps

24 Hrs KPI

Average Of Avg DL HSDPA RAB throput-HSDPA Average Of Call Setup Success rate(CS)(%) Average Of RAB_EST_SUCC_RATE_CS_PSR99_HS Average Of CALL_SETP_SUC_RATE_CS_PSR99_HS Average Of ALL_RRC_CDR Average Of Cell Soft Handover Average Of SHO_OVERHEAD

1353.77 1373.58 1354.43 1432.90 1457.15 1414.53 1447.37 1450.71 1465.36 1463.88 99.66 99.88 99.66 0.21 99.96 0.38 99.65 99.88 99.65 0.18 99.97 0.38 99.66 100.30 99.66 0.20 99.97 0.38

99.60 99.73 99.67 99.76 by 99.7339 99.69 Cell CDR (PS) Improved % 99.60 99.88 99.91 99.90 99.91 100.08 99.69 99.86 99.60 0.20 99.96 0.35 99.73 0.15 99.97 0.43 99.67 0.20 99.96 0.35 99.76 0.17 99.97 0.36 99.73 0.18 99.97 0.36 99.69 0.19 99.96 0.36 99.60 0.19 99.96 0.37

CSSR (CS) Improved by 15 %

RRC Estab Improved by 2 %


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Analysis and Recommendation


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Additional Finding, Correction & Recommendation

PRACH Analysis and Optimization LAC RAC Issue Missing Neighbor addition CE Optimization RAB _CS/PS analysis CS_IRAT analysis Dual Carrier parameter settings


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

KPI improvement based on Propagation Delay

35 Cells showing good improvement in major KPIs after PRACH optimization. Worst Cell+ High TP improved Cells- 13 Cells High TP Cases- 22 Cells

DATETIME 1/30/2014 1/31/2014 2/1/2014 2/2/2014 2/3/2014 UCELL KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A PRE POST KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A Change date 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 RRC Estab Suc Rate(%) 93.74 93.82 92.7 93.58 94.32 93.63 96.67 97 96.7 96.85 96.18 96.62 3.04 Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(CS)(%) 99.7 99.71 99.17 99.51 99.62 99.54 99.93 99.91 99.73 100 100 100 0.39 Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(PS)(%) 99.81 99.82 99.82 99.86 99.75 99.81 99.90 99.98 99.86 99.97 99.9 99.79 0.09 Cell CDR(CS) 0.66 0.83 1.07 1.24 1.09 0.98 0.33 0.21 0.41 0.21 0.35 0.49 0.64 Cell CDR(PS) 0.95 0.93 1.22 1.18 0.92 1.04 0.31 0.26 0.05 0.28 0.7 0.27 0.73

2/5/2014 2/6/2014 2/7/2014 2/8/2014 2/9/2014

2/4/2014 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 2/4/2014


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

LAC issue cases

RAC issue cases


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Summary on LAC-RAC Issue


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Impact on Cell after adding missing neighbor at KAT778A(Example)

DATETIME 2/1/2014 2/2/2014 2/3/2014 2/4/2014 2/5/2014 2/6/2014 2/7/2014 CLUSTER_ NAME KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 PRE POST 2/8/2014 2/9/2014 2/10/2014 2/11/2014 2/12/2014 2/13/2014 2/14/2014 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT06 KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A UCELL KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A KAT778A Cell Traffic Volume, CS(Erl) 34.93 38.83 36.74 34.21 19.13 19.29 23 29.45 17.60 16.77 16.83 15.25 16.31 19.49 18.31 20.24 RRC Estab Suc Rate(%) 92.7 93.58 94.32 91.9 97 96.7 96.85 94.72 96.82 96.18 96.62 96.81 96.79 96.95 97.22 97.17

Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(CS)( %) 99.17 99.51 99.62 99.55 99.91 99.73 100 99.64 99.91 100 100 100 100 99.88 99.88 99.59 Cell RAB Estab Suc Rate(PS)( %) 99.82 99.86 99.75 99.78 99.98 99.86 99.97 99.86 99.91 99.9 99.79 99.94 99.97 99.95 99.9 99.95 Cell CDR(CS) 1.07 1.24 1.09 1.05 0.21 0.41 0.21 0.75 0.30 0.35 0.49 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.14 0.33 Cell CDR(PS) 1.22 1.18 0.92 1.17 0.26 0.05 0.28 0.73 0.31 0.7 0.27 0.17 0.21 0.43 0.17 0.19 Avg DL HSDPA RAB throputHSDPA 1026.13 1016.39 1413.74 1669.01 1328.74 1767.54 1532.08 1393.38 1422.22 1360.7 1707.22 1443.96 1305.19 1405.62 1358.59 1374.29 Call Setup Success rate(CS)(%) 97.3269 98.47 98.6 98.69 99.58 99.55 99.49 98.82 99.41 99.5 99.15 99.5 99.38 99.25 99.59 99.52


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Parameter Trail For CE utilization(KAT875)

CRF Implementation date

NrtMaxUlRateDch:This parameter indicates the maximum bit rate on UL DCH allowed in serving cell for an NRT PS domain RAB. Criteria:-Displaying High>65 ,Low < 50 ,Normal >=50<=65. Taking into account for 24 HRS.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

RAB Analysis-Retainability
Analysis Period: 27Jan to 4Feb data take in consideration for analysis(24 Hrs). Observation: During RAB set up process(CS & PS) major failure happened due to resource crunch(Code, CE) on some of the cells. List identified. Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell, DRBC expiry(Channel Switch)(Times) Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell, DRBC expiry(rate adjust)(Times)
713 6974 1587 587 2985 84152 Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,DRBC expiry(Channel Switch)(Times) 14019 7893 2510 1986 Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,Security mode configuration expiry.(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,RB Release expiry(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,Soft handover expiry(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,Softer handover expiry(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,Ue not involved relocation UMI expiry.(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,Hard handover expiry(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,DRBC expiry(rate adjust)(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,serving cell change.(Times)

Number of RAB release for PS domain in cell,Uu reconfiguration fail.(Times)

Recommendations: Need to tune DRBC settings. Concerned Parameters are: Both Value modified on 18th Feb,15:16hrs in RNC4.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Cluster4 RAB Establishment success rate & CDR for PS

Parameter modified on 18th Feb 1516 hrs

Improvement in 1600 hrs

Observation( Cluster cells take in consideration for analysis): PS_RAB_Establishment success rate and CDR_PS slightly dipped due to parameter modification in1516hrs. During that hours both KPI got dipped. Its can be happened due to change in parameter modification and existing user behavior. In very next hour(1600 hrs) both KPI showing improving trend as shown in graph especially PS_CDR. Parameter reverted back at 1729hrs.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Cluster5 RAB Establishment success rate & CDR for PS

Parameter modified on 18th Feb 1516 hrs

Improvement in 1600 hrs

Observation( Cluster cells take in consideration for analysis): Same as above.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Analysis Period: 11-Feb to 18-Feb(1500 to 1700hrs). Observation: In trending of number rejected services, Uplink credit limit its clearly visible that there is no negative impact after parameter change in RNC4.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Observation: In trending of number of rejected services DCH downlink TCP limit, its clearly visible during change in parameter rejection increased and in next hour its found OK. Parameter reverted back at 1729hrs.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Observation: In trending of number rejected services, Uplink credit limit its clearly visible that there is no negative impact after parameter change in RNC4.

Conclusion: As per analysis its observed that there is no negative impact as such so we can modify the parameter as requested earlier for RAB_PS Establishment and CDR .


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

CS/PS IRAT Analysis

Analysis Period- 2Feb to 9Feb (24 Hrs) Observation- Max IRAT failure happens due to physical channel failure and No reply cases. Physical Channel Failure is the major cause of IRAT failure and its happened due to might be excessive neighbors or may be issue in 2G cell. In analysis we observed no congestion on 2G cells. No reply cases pegging might be due to poor coverage issue(Major downtime in 2G also). Attempt and failure count in RNC2,4
242434 Number of attempted outgoing CS inter-RAT handovers(Time s) 2 Number of failed outgoing CS interRAT handovers,Configur ation unacceptable(Times ) 12049 Number of failed outgoing CS interRAT handovers,Physical Channel failed(Times) CS_IRAT 2459 Number of failed outgoing CS interRAT handovers,No Reply(Times) 14510 268570 Number of attempted outgoing PS inter-RAT handovers(Time s) 1237 Number of failed outgoing PS interRAT handovers,Configur ation unacceptable(Times ) 31941 Number of failed outgoing PS interRAT handovers,Physical Channel failed(Times) PS_IRAT 3600 Number of failed outgoing PS interRAT handovers,No Reply(Times) 36778

Total Failed in CS

Total Failed in PS


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Following actions need to be performed in steps for IRAT improvement1.Tuning of all RNC/Cells parameters. Parameter audit done. Recommended setting sent for further actions.
CS Voice and CS+PS Inter-RAT CS measure start EC/NoTHD Inter-RAT CS measure stop EC/NoTHD Inter-RAT CS measure start RSCP THD Inter-RAT CS measure stop RSCP THD HSPA Inter-RAT HSPA measure start EC/NoTHD Inter-RAT HSPA measure stop EC/NoTHD Inter-RAT HSPA measure start RSCP THD Inter-RAT HSPA measure stop RSCP THD R99 Inter-RAT R99 measure start EC/NoTHD Inter-RAT R99 measure stop EC/NoTHD Inter-RAT R99 measure start RSCP THD Inter-RAT R99 measure stop RSCP THD Existing Value -14 -10 -108 -103 Existing Value -16 -12 -115 -110 Existing Value -16 -12 -115 -110 Recommendation -15 -13 -107 -104 Recommendation -15 -13 -113 -110 Recommendation -15 -13 -113 -110

2. Excessive 3G-2G neighbors need to be deleted based on their attempt/Success. 3. CIO also can be retuned for further improvement based on cell behavior.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Dual Carrier parameter settings

As per the trending of the dual carrier cells following settings are suggested in network.
Logical Name DlLdBalPwrSwch Previos value 0 Current value 1 No of cells 1 Parameter Description This parameter is a switch indicating whether load balance based on downlink transmitting power is supported or not. This parameter indicates the weight of downlink transmitting power. When evaluating the cell load, several factors such as downlink channellization code, downlink transmitting power, uplink RTWP and HSDPA throughput are taken into account for load balance. This parameter is a load balance switch which indicates whether the RRC load balance function is supported for initial RRC procedure used for accessing. This parameter is a service balance switch which indicates whether the RRC service balance function is supported for initial RRC procedure used for accessing. This parameter is a switch indicating whether load balance based on downlink channellization code resource is supported or not. This parameter indicates the weight of downlink channellization code. When evaluating the cell load, several factors such as downlink channellization code, downlink transmitting power,uplink RTWP and HSDPA throughput are taken into account for load balance. This parameter is a load balance switch which indicates whether the load balance function is supported for RAB assignment procedure.
















2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Feature Recommendation
HSDPA throughput analysis HSUPA2msTTI Enable 64QAM Enable Signaling Radio Bearer


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

HSDPA throughput Feature Recommendation

As a part of network audit it has been observed that few necessary parameters are still not activated in network resulting low throughput even after available resources. Parameters are1. TTI2MSSUPTIND 2. SUPT64QAMIND
HSUPA2MsTTI enable Enable Not Enable Grand Total 64 QAM Enable Enable Not Enable Grand Total P1 49 222 271 P1 79 192 271 P2 21 338 359 P2 105 254 359 P3 19 394 413 P3 80 333 413

** Throughput can be enhanced if both the parameters are Enabled. Priority(P1,P2,P3) given based on high data volume.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

A Signaling Radio Bearer (SRB) is a radio bearer that carries DCCH signaling data. An SRB is used during connection establishment to establish the Radio Access Bearers (RABs) and then also to deliver signaling while on the connection(Fig1). The RNC provides different sets of configuration parameters (including SRB maximum bit rate) for different typical services.

UeRC combinations
featureState (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (DEACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) (ACTIVATED) userLabel Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (0/0) Conv. CS unkn (64/64) + Interact. PS (8/8) Interact. PS (384/HS) Stream. PS (16/128) + Interact. PS (8/8) Interact. PS (128/128) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/HS) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (384/HS) Interact. PS (URA/URA) Stream. PS (128/16) + Interact. PS (8/8) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (128/16) + Interact. PS (8/8) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (16/128) + Interact. PS (8/8) 2* Interact. PS (64/64) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (64/64) Interact. PS (128/64) Interact. PS (384/64) Interact. PS (384/128) Interact. PS (128/384) Interact. PS (384/384) Conv. CS speech (7.95/7.95) Conv. CS speech (5.9/5.9) Conv. CS speech (4.75/4.75) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/128) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (128/64) Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/384) 2* Interact. PS (64/128) Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60), preconfigured Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS (0/0) Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS (64/64)


SRB Settings
SRB Index 1 2 3 Maximum Bit Rate (kbit/s) 3.4 13.6 27.2 Direction UL/DL UL/DL UL/DL




2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

Taking 2 Example of Rab combinations

Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (384/HS) = Speech + request response date at the rate of 384 /HS Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (128/16) + Interact. PS (8/8) = Speech+ Preserve data at rate of 128/16 in time relation + Request response data at the rate of PS(8/8)
Conversational class Traffic class Real Time Real Time Best Effort Best Effort -Destination is not expecting the data within a certain time Streaming class Interactive class Background class

- Preserve time relation - Preserve time relation (variation) between information (variation) between information - Request response pattern entities of the stream entities of the stream Fundamental characteristics - Conversational pattern (stringent and low delay ) -Preserve payload content Example of the application voice streaming video web browsing

-Preserve payload content

telemetry, emails

** Using different Rab combination Smart phone will feel good experience.


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd


2014 AIRCOM International Ltd

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