Iu Bus 325 L&M PPT 3

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Leadership & Motivation-3

BUS 325 Leadership and Motivation

Leadership is broader than managerial functions

Managing and leading Manager and leader Management and leadership

Getting things done with and through people Goal attainment, organizing, and monitoring performance Management versus Leadership

Are managers leaders? Leaders manage Managers lead *Yet not synonymous

MANAGERS Plan, coordinate Evaluate and supervise Negotiate, budget Reality check, set time limits, cope with complexity

Bring order and consistency

Planning complement to direction

LEADERS Facilitate interpersonal interaction Charisma Innovate, inspire Vision, communicate it Ability to change things, set direction, look at larger picture, align people, look at competition and do better and different, willing to listen and learn, sensitive to concerns Gains trust, empowers, enable others to reach potential


Administers Maintains Accepts reality Focuses on system & structure Relies on control Has short-range view Asks how and when Has eye on bottom Imitates Accepts status quo Does things right

LEADERS Innovates Pursues originality Develops Investigates it Focuses on people Inspires trust Has a long-range plan Asks what and why Has eye on horizon Challenges it Does the right thing

Leadership Theories
Leadership behavioral process of directing and influencing someone toward a set of goals Power ability to exert influence, that is to change the attitudes or behavior of individuals or groups Nature of Leadership A person can be an effective manager, good planner and a fair, organized administrator, but lack the motivational skills of a leader. Others can be effective manager, skilled at inspiring enthusiasm and devotion, but lack the managerial skills to channel the energy they arouse in others.

Leadership Theories
Trait Approach Behavioral Approach

Leadership Functions Leadership Styles

Contingency (Situational) Approaches

Hersey and Blanchard Fiedler Model


Future of Leadership Theory

Transformational or Charismatic

Trait Theory
Tries to identify what qualities a leader possesses Trait predisposition to act in a certain way

Over time it is a relatively permanent feature of

behavior, thus behavior is relatively consistent and predictable Underlying assumption LEADERS ARE BORN

Two approaches
Compare traits who emerged as leaders with

those who did not emerge Compare traits of effective leaders with ineffective leaders

Behavioral Theory
Trait research was unsuccessful, thus tried to isolate behavior characteristics of effective leaders What effective leaders WERE and what they DID Behavior can be learned, thus if supported we could train people to be leaders and teach leadership Several studies were done to examine leader behavior and focused on two aspects of Leadership behavior

Leadership Functions: task-related activities that must

be performed by leader to perform effectively Leadership Styles: various patterns of behavior favored by leaders during process of directing and influencing


Leadership Styles
Low Structure And High Consideration High Structure And High Consideration


Low Structure And Low Consideration


High Structure And Low Consideration




Initiating Structure


Situational Leadership Theory

Basically cant change our style, thus better to match leader and situation Leader-member relations (good-poor)

Degree of confidence, respect, trust workers have for leader

Task structure (structured-unstructured) Degree to which jobs are procedurized

Position-power (strong-weak) Degree of influence a leader has over promoting, hiring, and disciplinary

Situational Leadership Theory

Hersey & Blanchard (1980s)

Move through Four Phases, correlated to life cycle Varies depending on maturity of followers Desire for achievement (capacity of setting high, attainable goals) Willingness to accept responsibility Task-related ability and experience As maturity levels increase, leader lessens task,

increases relationship Then as maturity proceeds, decrease task and relationship behavior

Future of Leadership Theory

Transformational or Charismatic Leadership

Leaders who, through their personal vision and

energy, inspire followers and have a major impact on their organizations

Seeks change, proactive Innovative, creative

Leaders who determine what followers need to do

to achieve objectives, classify those requirements, and help followers become confident they can reach their objectives

Inspire others to do more than expected Raise level to self-actualization Empower others

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