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Business Opportunities Fair

Why do Business with ADB?

12-13 March 2014

Introducing ADB

Ignatius Santoso, Procurement Director Operations Services and Financial Management Department Asian Development Bank

The Role, Strategy and Operations of the Asian Development Bank ADB Procurement and its Fundamental Principles ADB Business Opportunities

What is ADB?
A regional multilateral development bank
Established in 1966 A partnership of 67 countries 42 client countries 28 offices worldwide

Strategy 2020
Vision: Asia and the Pacific free of poverty.
Inclusive economic growth Environmentally sustainable growth Regional cooperation and integration

Asia has the worlds largest infrastructure gap

Number of People without Access to Infrastructure in the Asia and Pacific Region
Water and Sanitation Electricity Roads Internet
Source: Various reports compiled by ADB

900 million people 800 million people 1.2 billion people 80% of Asia

Asias overall infrastructure scores* is relatively low

OECD East Asia Southeast Asia Middle East and North Africa 4.2 5.4 5.1

3.6 3.5 2.9 2.8 2.3

Latin America and the Caribbean

Central Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Pacific

Source: Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 *1 = extremely underdeveloped to 7= extensive and efficient


Asias financing requirements are large

Asias infrastructure needs, 20102020
Energy (electricity) Transport (roads) Telecommunications 1,056 381 2,341 4,089

Water and sanitation

Airports, ports, and railways 0

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

Source: ADB, 2009. Infrastructure for a Seamless Asia. Manila

Total of $8.3 trillion (20102020) or $750 billion/year


Strategy 2020
ADBs core operations Infrastructure Environment Regional cooperation Finance sector Education Drivers of Change Private sector development and private sector operations Good governance and capacity development Gender equity Knowledge solutions Partnerships

ADB Operations
Main Instruments Loans and Grants Technical Assistance Advice and Knowledge Management Lending Dominantly in public sector to Government ADB assists private enterprises in developing countries through equity investments, guarantees, and loans. AAA credit rating helps mobilize funds for development activities

ADB Operations ($million)

Sovereign and Non sovereign Approvals (in $ million)

16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000
$2,933 $11,768 $3,715

$150 $849


Technical Assistance
Guarantees Grants Equity Investments Loans
$35 $142 $6 $1,425

2000 0 Sovereign


Approvals by Modality (in $ million)

Policy-Based Support, $2,086, 10% Technical and Advisory Support, $434, 2%

Investment Support, $18,503, 88%


Largest Borrowers
2011 India PRC Viet Nam 2012 India PRC Viet Nam 2013 India PRC Pakistan

Uzbekistan Bangladesh

Bangladesh Philippines

Philippines Bangladesh

Portfolio Distribution
2013 Active Portfolio - $65.1 billion by Department
Non-Operations, $0.4, 1% CWRD, $16.2, 25%

SERD, $15.2, 23%

SARD, $20.2, 31%

EARD, 11.2, 17%

PARD, $1.9, 3%


Portfolio Distribution
2013 Active Portfolio by Sector
25 20 $ billion 15 10 5

ANR EDU ENE FIN HSP IAT MUL *Loans, Grants, TA, Guarantee, Equity Investment




Who does ADB work with?

Governments Private sector Non-government organizations Development agencies Community-based organizations Foundations Professional Organizations

Almost all ADB projects rely on Consultants and Contractors

ADB Procurement
ADB Oversight
The Borrower (Executing Agency) is responsible for all procurement of goods and works ADB (under TAs) or Borrower select and recruit Consultants ADB reviews the procurement activities to ensure that the ADB Guidelines are followed

Procurement and Consulting Services Guidelines

Policies and procedures on the selection, contracting and monitoring of suppliers, contractors and consultants
Fundamental Principles Transparency Fairness Economy and Efficiency Promotion of Domestic Industries Source of Goods & Services (Eligibility)

Goods and Works - Contracts Awarded

Loans and Grants (2011 -2013) Average Number of Contracts per year Average Contract Size $100,000-$1 million 2,124 $1-20 million Above $20 million 53





Consulting Services- Contracts Awarded

Contracts per year 2011 -2013 Averages Firms ADB Administrative Budget (Staff Consultants) Indiv. Firms Indiv. Average Contract Value Total Annual Value of Contracts Awarded ($ million) Firms Indiv.



$58,301.59 $21,950



ADB Technical Assistance



$593,794.73 $38,886 $128.66


ADB Loans




ADB Business Opportunities

ADB Business Opportunities

Uncontracted Loan Funds by Country (as of 31 Dec 2013) US$ million Total = $26,015M



PRC 18% IND 14$ VIE 13% PAK 8% BAN 8% PHI 6%



3,772 3,353

2,063 2000 1,036 1000 425 154 0 364 29 0 2 9 391 685 668 230 282 278 7 2,139 1,537 719 467 73 23 8 0 28 19 1,410 675 250 1 61 0 32 44


Locations to consider for Business Development

Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and other Pacific States Afghanistan, Cambodia, Pakistan

So why do Business with ADB?

Join a worthy development mission $26 billion of uncommitted portfolio A broad range of opportunities across Asia, sectors and thematic areas Working with ADB can unlock the door for business in emerging economies ADB is your partner and oversees procurement to ensure fairness and transparency

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