Materi English Pronouns

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What is meant by pronouns?

Lets see the following sentences:

Yudi will ask Yanti to be Yudis girlfriend. I want to take Mira to the doctor because Mira is sick. My bird is very pretty, moreover my bird can sing beautifully. When my mother is cutting the onion, my mother cuts my mothers finger. Tuti and Ani will finish Tutis and Anis project next month.

@ Pronouns take place of nouns @ They are used instead of nouns to avoid repetition of nouns.

A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like "he," "which," "none," and "you" to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive. Grammarians classify pronouns into several types, including the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, the relative pronoun, the reflexive pronoun, and the intensive pronoun.

Personal Pronouns
A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing and changes its form to indicate person, number, and gender. Personal pronouns can be classified into: @ Subjective Pronouns @ Objective Pronouns @ Possesive Adjective Pronouns @ Possesive Pronouns @ Reflexive Pronouns

1. Subjective pronouns
I first singular person You second person singular/plural He third person singular(male): Rudi, Anton,etc She third person singular (female) : Santi, Ani, etc It third thing/animal singular : a chair, a cat We first person plural They third person plural

# Subjective pronoun is the pronoun that has function as a subject in a sentence

# Position: - At the beginning of the sentence - Before the verb - Before to be

Examples: 1. She has many secret admirers. 2. I can cook many kinds of food. 3. He is not only handsome but also smart. 4. I dont know that they are the students of Mulawarman University. 5. We will go to the movie next Saturday night.

2. Objective pronouns
I me You you He him She her It it We us They them

# Objective pronoun is the pronoun that has a function as an object in a sentence.

# Position: - after the verb - after the prepositions such as for, to, of, with, from, among, between

Examples: 1. She loves him very much. 2. We are going to buy them delicious food. 3. There is a courage discussion among Tina, Yudi and me. 4. Could you go with her tonight? 5. The lecturer will give us nice comment if we can answer his question.

3. Possessive adjective Pronouns

I my You your He his She her It its We our They their

Possessive adjective pronoun is a pronoun functioned as an adjective in sentences to modify nouns. It refers to the possessor and not to the thing possessed. #Position: before the nouns Examples: 1. Ramon will sell his old house next month. 2. Siti loves her boyfriend very much. 3. My cat catches mice every night for its food.

4. Possessive Pronouns
I You He She It We They mine yours his hers -ours theirs

A possessive pronoun indicates that the pronoun is acting as a marker of possession and defines who owns a particular object or person. It replaces possessive adjective plus noun so it isnt followed by nouns anymore. Examples: 1. Those children are mine. 2. This book is his, and that book is yours. 3. The luxurious cars there are theirs.

5. Reflexive Pronouns
I You He She It We They myself yourself/yourselves himself herself itself ourselves themselves

@ Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object are the same person. @The action of the verb is pointed back to the subject of the sentence. @by + a reflexive pronoun means alone Examples: 1. While I was cutting the onion, I hurt myself. 2. You can see yourself on the mirror. 3. They built their dream house by themselves.

6. Demonstrative Pronouns
A demonstrative pronoun points to and identifies a noun or a pronoun. "This" and "these" refer to things that are nearby either in space or in time, while "that" and "those" refer to things that are farther away in space or time. Examples: 1. Can you help me to bring those chairs here? 2. They will sell this house and then buy another one in downtown. 3. That beautiful girl over there is my niece.

7. Interrogative Pronouns
An interrogative pronoun is used to ask questions. The interrogative pronouns are "who," "whom," "which," whose, and "what"

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who to ask a person as a subject Whom to ask a person as an object What to ask a thing Which used to ask a person or a thing to be exact about one or more people/things from a limited number Whose to ask a about possessive Examples; Who will go with you tomorrow night? Whom does she love? What did she do last night? Which house is yours? Whose bag is this?

8. Relative Pronouns
You can use a relative pronoun to link one phrase or clause to another phrase or clause. The relative pronouns are "who," "whom," "that," , whose and "which."

@ who, whom and whose are used in relative clauses with persons as the antecedent. Who and whom can be replaced by that Examples: 1. I will see the girl who helped my father yesterday. 2. The man whom she loves very much has left her. 3. The boy whose car is very luxurious will go to the USA next month.

@ which is used in relative clauses if the antecedent is a thing. Which also can be replaced by that. Examples: 1. The chairs which/that I bought two days ago are very comfortable. 2. This is the best hotel which/that I know.

9. Indefinite Pronouns An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun referring to an identifiable but not specified person or thing. An indefinite pronoun conveys the idea of all, any, none, or some. The most common indefinite pronouns are "all," "another," "any," "anybody/anyone," "anything," "each," "everybody/everyone," "somebody/someone. "everything," "few," "many," "nobody/no one," "none," "one," "several," "some"

Examples: 1. All students should be in the classroom before the lecture is started. 2. There is nobody in such an enormous house. 3. She cant love anybody anymore. 4. One of my friends was arrested by the police due to the fact that she had used the drugs. 5. Many people become so foolish while they are falling in love.

10. Intensive Pronouns An intensive pronoun is a pronoun used to emphasize its antecedent. Intensive pronouns are identical in form to reflexive pronouns. The highlighted words in the following sentences are intensive pronouns: 1. I myself believe that aliens should abduct my sister. 2. The Prime Minister himself said that he would give lower taxes. 3. They themselves promised to come to the party even though they had a final exam at the same time.

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