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5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) >

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > Objecti e

After this lesson, the students will be able to understand Pilots indicator (IP268) and NAV Indicator (IP-23 ) Pur!ose "ocation #escri!tion

5 of 10 RADAR RADAR Search and $eather Radar (APN-59)> >!OD Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59)

5 of 10

!orei"n Object Da#a"e

Where doe% it co#e fro#&

I$!ro!er Aircraft %aintenance Airfield &onstruction Poor 'ouse(ee!in) Vehicles * +,ui!$ent

5 of 10 RADAR RADAR Weather Radar Radar (APN-59) (AN/APN-59) > Search and $eather >Safet' 5 of 10


-efore . after rectification $ust ins!ect the s/s for an/ 01# witch leads towards short circuitin) or da$a)e to the e,ui!$ents

5 of 10 RADAR RADAR Search >Safet' 5 of 10 Search and and $eather WeatherRadar Radar(APN-59) (AN/APN-59) >

CAUTION Ensure that the DC power supply output does not exceed 27 VDC at any time as to ensure that the displays are not damaged

5 of 10 RADAR RADAR and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) Search * Weather Radar S'% (APN-59) >>Defect

5 of 10

2A2A2 tilt is 3*4 . tilt out b/ 5 67 de)rees8 ran)e (nob 3*4

(a)%e 9*shootin) c*out found antenna and c-62:2 s*no8 376; fault/8

2e$edial Action
Antenna and &-62:2 re!laced with 4*A and indicator ran)e (nob ad<usted8 1!s chec(ed found 4at8

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator
2ecei=es a$!lified =ideo si)nals fro$ the recei=er*trans$itter unit and dis!la/s the$ in a !lan !osition indicator (PPI) t/!e !resentation8

IP-239 (C-130B A/C)


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator
-ocation (-1102 A/(
1n NAV table


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator
Di%tance to the selected

tar)et is indicated

-/ ran)e $ar(s

A/( headin" to the

selected tar)et is indicated

-/ stationar/ a?i$uth

rin) and a rotate able cursor dial

Off %et trac3% to the

-/ reticle stri!

selected tar)et is indicated

2ecei=es headin)

reference si)nals fro$ the antenna


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% RAN67 De5a' contro5
9o set distance before swee! start (in con<unction 2AN@+ #+"AA switch
when ran)e dela/ switch is

off (down)

%ar(er $o=es outward

fro$ center of PPI as control is turned &>

Var/ the dela/ $ar( on

both indicators fro$ 6B to 267 $iles


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator
O0eratin" (ontro5% RAN67 De5a' contro5
>hen ran)e dela/ switch is

set to 1N

3-37 $ile swee!

starts at $ar(er ran)e


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% RAN67 De5a' %$itch
9o a!!l/ ran)e dela/( in con<unction with 2AN@+ #+"AA control)8

Do$n8 #ela/ not a!!lied


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% RAN67 De5a' %$itch ON8
4wee! dela/ed b/ a$ount

set8 &enter of dis!la/ corres!onds to this ran)e8

4wee! len)th set b/

2AN@+ 3-37 control8

3-37*B ran)e is selected 9# la$! is li)hted8

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% RAN67 1-10 contro5
9o set eCtent of short ran)e or dela/ed swee!
At eCtre$e &&> !osition 2adius of PPI is 3


At eCtre$e &> !osition 2adius of PPI is 37


>ith dela/, $ar(er

distance is added

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% !O(9S contro5 9o ad<ust of focus swee!
9race line blurs to either

side of !ro!er control settin)8


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% /N, contro5
9o ad<ust intensit/ of PPI trace for best si)nal =isibilit/ and contrast
PPI dis!la/ chan)es fro$

too dar( to o=er bri)ht ( bloo$in)) to either side of !ro!er control settin)
1!ti$u$ settin), trace <ust

=isible with recei=er )ain at $ini$u$


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% RAN67 :;S contro5
9o ad<ust intensit/ of ran)e $ar(s
At &&> settin) %ar(s are in=isible >ith &> rotation %ar(s a!!ear and )row


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% Ran"e indicator 5a#0%
9o indicate ran)e of PPI #I4P"AA8
1-10/1 5i"hted8 PPI ran)e

7-3 to 7-37 $iles, with 6- $ile ran)e $ar(s

1-10/5 5i"hted8 PPI ran)e is

fro$ 7-3 to 7-3 $iles with B$ile ran)e $ar(s

50/10 5i"hted8 PPI ran)e is

B7 $iles with 67 D $iles ran)e $ar(s


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% Ran"e indicator 5a#0%
9o indicate ran)e of PPI #I4P"AA
100/40 5i"hted8 PPI ran)e

is 677 $iles, with 27-$iles ran)e $ar(s

4<0/10 5i"hted8 PPI ran)e

is 2:7 $iles, with 37-$ile ran)e $ar(s

,D 5i"hted8 2AN@+

#+"AA switch and is controlled b/ 2AN@+ #+"AA control 1

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Na i"ator.% /ndicator (/P-419)

O0eratin" (ontro5% =D6 :;R contro5
9o control intensit/ of headin) $ar( on PPI8
'eadin) $ar( intensit/ is

increased with &&> rotation of control8

2an)e $ar(s are also


D/A- D/: contro5

9o ad<ust a?i$uth rin) illu$ination8

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Pi5ot.% /ndicator (/P-4>?)

2ecei=es and dis!la/s

infor$ation identical to that dis!la/ed b/ the na=i)ators indicator

#is!la/ reference $a/ be
A*& headin) or sla=ed to

na=i)ators indicator


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Pi5ot.% /ndicator (/P-4>?)

1n instru$ent !anel in &637- A*&




5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Pi5ot.% /ndicator (/P-4>?)

#is!la/ reference can be

selected fro$ 4-2 switch

2eference on E2F !osition
A*& headin)

2eference on E4F !osition

4la=ed to the na=i)ators

indicator !resentation


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > (o#0onent%

Pi5ot.% /ndicator (/P-4>?)

4tationar/ a?i$uth rin) 2otatable cursor dial %o=able reticle stri! Indicator la$!s

4tationar/ a?i$uth rin)

2otatable cursor dial %o=able reticle stri!

1!eratin) controls

1!eratin) controls on

front !anel

Indicator la$!s


5 of 10 RADAR RADAR Weather Radar Radar (APN-59) (AN/APN-59) > Search and $eather >Safet' 5 of 10


-efore . after rectification $ust ins!ect the s/s for an/ 01# witch leads towards short circuitin) or da$a)e to the e,ui!$ents


5 of 10 RADAR RADAR Search >Safet' 5 of 10 Search and and $eather WeatherRadar Radar(APN-59) (AN/APN-59) >

CAUTION Ensure that the DC power supply output does not exceed 27 VDC at any time as to ensure that the displays are not damaged


5 of 10 RADAR RADAR Search > > Search and and $eather WeatherRadar Radar(APN-59) (AN/APN-59)

5 of 10

Pi5ot and NAA indicator (/P-4>? and /P-419) P)r0o%e -ocation De%cri0tion


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > B * A


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > B * A

G8 2an)e dela/ control (nob is used for a b c d 9o a!!l/ ran)e dela/ 9o set distance before swee! start 9o ad<ust of focus swee! 9o ad<ust intensit/ of PPI trace

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > B * A

#istance to the tar)ets are indicated b/ a b c d 2elati=e !osition 2an)e $ar(ers 2an)e dela/ +sti$atin)


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > B * A

"a$!s on IP-268*APN-B indicator to indicate ran)e and ti$e dela/ H a b c d 9wo 0i=e 1ne 4iC


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > B * A

9# "a$!s on IP-268*APN-B indicator, when lit, it indicatesH a b c d %aCi$u$ ran)e is selected #ela/ function is acti=e 9ar)et is be/ond the selected ran)e indicator is fault/


5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > B * A

Identif/ the co$!onents

IP-268 IP-23

5 of 10 RADAR Search and Weather Radar (AN/APN-59) > 7nd


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